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2007 Issues

Fall/Winter 2007 (V17#2)   

Feature Articles:

Update on Children and Nature

The Camp Experience: An ACA Perspective on Developmental Outcomes for Youth
By Deborah Bialeschki, Karla A. Henderson, Penny A. James

Pleasurable Cures for Nature Deficit Disorder
By Martin Ogle

Outdoor Education and the Development of Civic Responsibility
By Judith A. Boss

Review - Fermenting Revolution By Christopher Mark O’Brien
Reviewed by Charles Yaple

Review - Jayber Crow By Wendell Berry
Reviewed by Charles Yaple

Review - Into the Wild By Jon Krakauer
Reviewed by Michael A. Anderson

Review - Merle’s Door: Lessons from a Freethinking Dog By Ted Kerasote
Reviewed by Charles Yaple

Review - Noah’s Children: Restoring the Ecology of Childhood By Sara Stein
Reviewed by Josh Bochniak

Spring/Summer 2007 (V17#1)

Feature Articles:

Update on Children and Nature The Conservation Fund

Invoking the Spirit: Engaging Religion and Spirituality in the Quest for a Sustainable World by Gary Gardner

Biblical Wilderness Theology: Spiritual Roots for Environmental Education by Gregory E. Hitzhusen

A Proposed Model for Enhanced Spiritual Connectedness by Dottie Shuman

Ganönyo:k - An Iroquois Prayer of Thanksgiving

Buddhism and the Environment: To Live in Harmony with Nature is a Crucial Buddhist Practice by Rijumati

Review - The Creation by Edward O. Wilson, reviewed by Karl Johnson

Review - Evening Thoughts by Thomas Berry, reviewed by Charles Yaple

Review - A Greener Faith by Roger S. Gottlieb, reviewed by Joshua Bochniak

Review - Nature and the Human Spirit by Driver, Dustin, Baltic, Elsner, and Peterson, reviewed by Dr. Curtis Schatz

Practitioner’s Corner: Nature-Spirit Connection: The Missing Link by Joel Light