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Temporary COVID-19 Academic Policy Changes Announced

Temporary COVID-19 Academic Policy Changes Announced


The adjustments described in the following message are applicable to the Spring 2020 semester only:

To the SUNY Cortland community,

This is an unprecedented semester for the SUNY Cortland community. Along with the challenge of transitioning to distance learning, we understand that the COVID-19 crisis has impacted people’s lives in numerous and heartbreaking ways.

Given the many ways that students and faculty are impacted, and with significant changes in course delivery, certain academic policies are being temporarily amended for the semester. Be sure to contact your advisor, instructor or offices on campus whenever you have questions or need guidance or support. Your academic, personal and social well-being remains our greatest priority.

Although we are not together on our campus, we are still together as a community. And we are Red Dragon Strong.

Erik J. Bitterbaum, President

Mark J. Prus, Provost and Vice-President for Academic Affairs

The following adjustments were endorsed by the Faculty Senate on March 31, 2020.

Financial Aid and Billing

The policies discussed below address academic issues and may have financial aid implications. Students should consult with their Financial Aid advisor before making decisions. Questions about billing should be directed to Student Accounts.

Undergraduate Student Grading Options

For the Spring 2020 semester only, the following will apply to all undergraduate student grading:

  1. Students will be given the opportunity to retain their original grading mode for each class.
  1. Students will also have the option to request the grading in a course be converted to an option of Pass (P)/ No Credit (NC) where student would earn one of the following for a course:


  1. Pass will be granted if the student receives a D-or higher in the course.
  2. Pass credits will apply toward a degree.
  3. Pass grades do not calculate in the semester or cumulative GPA.
  4. We cannot guarantee that a Pass graded courses will transfer to another college or university.

No Credit

  1. No credit grade indicates that no credit has been earned for that class.
  2. No credit does not compute in the semester or cumulative GPA.


  • All undergraduate courses including major, elective and general education
  • Grade mode will be changed on a course-by-course basis
  • There is no limit to the number of courses a student may request to convert

Advising on Grade Mode Changes

  • Students must consult with their faculty advisor before requesting any change.
  • Students may not elect to use the P/NC option in courses where a non-letter grade mode is not allowed due to accreditation rules or professional certification/licensure requirements.
  • Actual letter grades may be needed for graduate school, medical school, professional programs, other post-baccalaureate purposes and to meet scholarship eligibility requirements.
  • Students should be aware of the potential impact on GPA when making any decisions on grade mode.
  • Students receiving financial aid should consult with their Financial Aid advisor.

Course retakes

  • Typically course retakes need to have the same grade mode that was used when the course was initially taken.
  • If a student elects to take a P/NC in a course, it will be allowed to stand as the retake this semester.


  • Students may submit requests to change the grading mode to P/NC beginning on April 6, 2020.
  • The deadline to submit a request for conversion of course grades is 4 p.m. on May 29, 2020
  • Requests submitted after May 15, 2020 for graduating seniors may extend the degree conferral process.
  • Beyond the deadline, students with exceptional circumstances will be able to appeal for a grade mode change.


  1. Students will submit P/NC grade requests using an online form starting April 6, 2020. Students must identify their advisor on the form.
  1. The advisor will be notified after the submission. Advisors will be asked to respond within 5 business days only if they do not approve. No action is required for approval.
  1. Courses will be graded as normal by faculty, based on the initial grading mode of the student. The timeline for faculty submission of grades has not changed. Students electing to pursue a course P/NC will have a grade conversion applied once grading concludes. Students with a standard letter grade will be unchanged. If a student elects to pursue P/NC after the grade is submitted, the SRRS will manually adjust it.

Prerequisite Coursework

Courses graded with a P in Spring 2020 will be considered acceptable at SUNY Cortland for all course prerequisites in subsequent terms, including prerequisites with minimum grade standards.

Academic Suspension and Dismissal

There will be no academic suspension or dismissals based on the Spring 2020 semester. All decisions will defer to after the completion of the Fall 2020 semester.

Dean’s List and President’s List

The Dean’s List and President’s List qualifications and process are under consideration at this time.

Graduate Student Grading

There is no change in policy for graduate course grading.

Advisement and Registration

Registration for Fall 2020 and Summer 2020

Refer to the Registration Calendar for updated registration information.

Advisement and Registration Pins

Advisement can occur via video chat, phone or email. Registration pins should be given to the student only after discussion about academic progress and planned courses occurs with the advisor. Refer to Advisement and Transition for resources on advising remotely.

Overrides and Special Permission for registration

1.Departments must still respond regarding flags (retake major, etc.) and special permissions

  1. SRRS can be the backup but needs to have communication from the departments.

2.Departments need to be sure that their website and contact information are up to date, for example the department email address, Administrative Assistant email and Chair.

3.Faculty emails should also be current so for example, students can easily contact their advisors.

Final Exams

The final exam week has been changed to an additional week of instruction. Final exams may be given during that last instructional week. Exams will be allowed to occur during the prior week. (Unlike the typical semester, when we do not allow exams during the week preceding finals week.) It is anticipated that for many courses, as they change format, exams may be asynchronous and not tied to a single specific day. Synchronous finals will use the standard 50- or 75-minute format and students may have more than two exams on a single day.

Withdrawals, Incompletes, Substitutions and Change of Major

Withdrawal from Course

Course Withdrawal deadline has been extended to May 15, 2020 using the online process.

Withdrawal from College or Leave of Absences

Withdrawal from College and Leave of Absence deadlines have been extended to May 15, 2020.


Incompletes may be given to individual students using the standard process. All Incompletes due this term will have the option to extend to the end of next term with no needed approvals/paperwork.

Course Substitution

Policies remain the same and an online form is available.

Raquette Lake Courses

At this time, we are suspending any courses involving trips to Raquette Lake through the end of May 2020. Curricular decisions will be made by individual programs and communicated by departments to students.

Academic Integrity

Class Meeting Times

If a course is being taught synchronously, the instructor must use the established class time in the course schedule to avoid conflicts for students’ schedules.

Academic Integrity

The academic integrity policy will continue as written in the College Handbook. A third person (faculty) is required for the discussion between the instructor and the student.

1.The function of the third person continues to be as an observer or impartial witness.

2.This can be accomplished via a video conference or conference call.

  1. If the instructor is experiencing difficulty facilitating arrangements, the instructor can reach out to SRRS or the appropriate Associate Dean.

Transfer Credit

Permission to Transfer

Requests to take coursework at another institution will follow the same Permission to Transfer Guidelines. This process will now be online.

Incoming Transfer Credit Evaluation

SUNY Cortland will consider the conditions of Spring 2020 in evaluation of incoming college credit and will accept non-letter grade (Pass or Satisfactory) coursework for credit as well as meeting requirements of the curriculum.

Please Note

Unless noted above all policies referenced in the College Handbook and College Catalog apply. Please note that situations change rapidly and we receive continual guidance from SUNY Administration, New York State Department of Education. These policies may be amended as needed and any changes will be communicated to the entire campus and posted on SUNY Cortland’s COVID-19 page.

Mark J. Prus, Provost and Vice-President for Academic Affairs

Erik J. Bitterbaum, President