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A message on the Colorado shooting

A message on the Colorado shooting


To the SUNY Cortland Community, 
I am reaching out to all members of our community in the wake of Saturday's shooting at a Colorado LGBTQ night club that killed five people and injured 25 others on the eve of the national Transgender Day of Remembrance. Although the investigation has not yet determined the suspect's motive, it is yet another incident in a long history of violence against members of the LGBTQ community.  
I do want to reaffirm SUNY Cortland supports students of all gender identities and expressions to learn and live without fear or disrespect. We are committed to maintaining a safe campus for all people, regardless of difference, and to opposing bias and violence in all its forms.  
Please join me today at our previously scheduled candlelight vigil marking SUNY Cortland's Transgender Day of Remembrance. It will be at 4:30 p.m. on the steps of Corey Union. As a community, we will symbolically oppose the darkness of hate and bigotry with our light. 
All the best, 
Erik J. Bitterbaum