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COVID-19 safety and testing policies remain in place

COVID-19 safety and testing policies remain in place


The following message was sent to students Thursday by Vice President for Student Affairs Greg Sharer. Testing and safety requirements (face covering, social distancing, etc.) apply to faculty and staff as well:

Dear students, 

We are nearing the finish line. Classes end next week and Commencement is celebrated the week after that.

SUNY Cortland wants all of you to complete the semester successfully. To do that, you should keep these things in mind:

  • Weekly COVID-19 testing is required until you leave Cortland, even if you have received a vaccination. If you did not test on Monday or Tuesday, please register today for testing on Friday. Please use the link on the COVID tab in myRedDragon to access the signup form.  
  • SUNY’s uniform compliance policy remains in place through the end of the semester. This provides strict and inflexible consequences — including potential suspension or dismissal — for attending large parties or violating other COVID-19 guidelines.
  • Although New York state is gradually opening up, all students must continue to wear face coverings, avoid groups larger than 10, stay six feet distant from others and wash their hands frequently.
  • Be respectful of residents who live in the neighborhoods surrounding campus and work in the businesses you frequent. It has been a difficult year for them as well.
  • All students who have been using SUNY Cortland facilities this semester — both campus residents and off-campus students in Cortland — must provide a negative COVID-19 test before they leave for home. Detailed instructions are available online

It has been an incredibly challenging year for everyone, and we commend your perseverance. Please be safe, stay healthy and finish strong.

Gregory Sharer

Vice President for Student Affairs