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A message on Veterans Day

A message on Veterans Day


Dear campus community, 
I want to take a moment to reflect on the meaning of Veterans Day. 
Nov. 11, 1918, marked the end of hostilities of World War I. For decades, Nov. 11 was celebrated across the country as Armistice Day, with Americans being tasked through a congressional proclamation to use the day to "perpetuate peace through goodwill and mutual understanding between nations."   
Sadly, peace and the spirit of Armistice Day would not last. Millions of Americans would go on to serve in the Armed Forces in World War II and the Korean War. To maintain the significance of Nov. 11 and honor those who had served, the holiday was renamed Veterans Day in 1954. 
Our veterans embody the greatest values of what it means to be an American. Patriotism. Honor. Personal sacrifice for the common good.  
To our veterans, thank you. Veterans are our classmates, our coworkers, our neighbors, and our loved ones. I ask that you please take some time today to recognize the veterans in your life who have worked so hard to protect our most important freedoms.  
All the best, 
Erik J. Bitterbaum 