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Onondaga Community College

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Credit Equivalencies - Onondaga Community College

State University of New York College at Cortland


NOTE: Please refer to the current Cortland course catalog for information regarding major requirements.

1XX, 2XX, 3XX or XXX – Cortland does not have an equivalent, but student will receive elective credit.




Course Title (OCC)

SUNY Cortland

Alcohol and Substance Abuse

ASA 150 3 Alcohol and Substance Abuse Counseling GEN 1XX
ASA 159 3 Chemical Dependencies GEN 1XX
ASA 164 3 Alcohol/Substance Abuse Internship and Seminar I GEN 1XX
ASA 226 3 Group Skills for Alcohol and Substance Abuse Counseling GEN 2XX
ASA 227 3 Overview Addiction Services GEN 2XX
ASA 229 3 Addiction & Family Systems GEN 2XX
ASA 263 3 Alcohol/Substance Abuse Internship and Seminar II GEN 2XX
ASA 268 3 Clinical Skills for Alcohol and Substance Abuse Counselors GEN 2XX
ASA 269 3 Individual Counseling Skills for Chemical Dependency Counselors GEN 2XX
ASA 270 3 Counselor Spirituality and Wellness GEN 2XX
ASA 271 3 Cultural Competence and Special Populations GEN 2XX


ANT 151 3 Physical Anthropology ANT 104
ANT 152 3 Cultural Anthropology ANT 102
ANT 154 3 World Archaeology ANT 103
ANT 155 3 Language and Culture ANT 251, COM 211 or ENG 201
ANT 175 3 World Cultures ANT 201
ANT 201 3 Anthropology of Marriage and the Family ANT 2XX or LAS 2XX
ANT 203 3 Magic, Witch and Religion ANT 2XX

Architectural Technology

ARH 101 2 Design and the Built Environment GEN 1XX 
ARH 110 4 Foundation Studio ATS 102
ARH 111 4 Design Studio II ATS 113
ARH 120 3 Drafting Studio I: Wood Frame ATS 1XX
ARH 121 3 Drafting Studio II: Masonry ATS 1XX
ARH 140 3 Wood Frame Construction GEN 1XX
ARH 142 2 Commercial Construction I GEN 1XX
ARH 143 2 Commercial Construction II GEN 1XX
ARH 144 3 Introduction to Sustainable Construction GEN 1XX
ARH 170 3 Technology: Design and Production GEN 1XX
ARH 215 4 Design Studio III LAS 2XX
ARH 216 4 Design Studio IV LAS 2XX
ARH 222 4 Drafting Studio III: Steel Frame GEN 2XX
ARH 223 4 Drafting Studio IV: Team Approach GEN 2XX
ARH 230 3 History of Western Architecture and Interiors I ATH 2XX
ARH 231 3 History of Western Architecture and Interiors II ATH 2XX
ARH 241 3 Mechanical and Electrical Systems: Intro GEN 2XX
ARH 242 3 Environmental Control Systems I GEN 2XX
ARH 243 3 Environmental Control Systems II GEN 2XX
ARH 244 3 Residential Energy Performance GEN 2XX
ARH 245 3 Solar Design in the Built Environment GEN 2XX 
ARH 250 3 Principles of Structures GEN 2XX
ARH 256 3 Graphic Communications  LAS 2XX
ARH 261 3 Office Practice GEN 2XX
ARH 262 3 Building Codes GEN 2XX
ARH 263 3 Green Building Rating System GEN 2XX
ARH 266 1 Independent Project GEN 2XX
ARH 270 1 Digital Portfolio for Architecture and Interior Design GEN 2XX
ARH 272 3 Architectural CAD II CAP 2XX
ARH 291 1 Internship in Architecture GEN 2XX 


ART 101 Drawing I ATS 101
ART 102 3 Drawing II ATS 201
ART 103 3 Design I ATS 102
ART 104 Design II ATS 202
ART 105 History of Art I ATH 121
ART 106 History of Art II ATH 122
ART 109 Principles of Drawing ATS 101
ART 111 Life Drawing Studio ATS 101
ART 112 The Practice of Visual Aesthetics ATS 1XX 
ART 114 3 History of Visual Culture ATH 1XX
ART 115 3 3D Design ATS 113
ART 123 Digital Design for the Non-Designer ATS 1XX
ART 142 Introduction to Computer Graphics ATS 240
ART 152 Color and Concept Development ATS 1XX
ART 201 Advanced Drawing and Painting I ATS 2XX
ART 202 Advanced Drawing and Painting II ATS 201
ART 203 Typography & Layout ATS 241
ART 204 Intermediate Computer Graphics ATS 2XX
ART 205 Figure Drawing I ATS 314
ART 206 Figure Drawing II ATS 315
ART 211 Introduction to Ceramic Sculpture ATS 106
ART 212 Ceramics Sculpture II ATS 206
ART 213 Painting I ATS 103
ART 214 Painting II ATS 203
ART 218 Art in Animation ATS 2XX
ART 219 Ceramics I ATS 104
ART 220 Ceramics II ATS 204
ART 221 Modern Art and Its Backgrounds ATH 357
ART 224 3 Design for Multimedia ATS 2XX
ART 225 Watercolor ATS 2XX
ART 226 Ceramic Processes I ATS 104
ART 227 Ceramic Processes II ATS 204
ART 240 Advanced Graphic Design ATS 2XX
ART 244 Visual Design for the WEB ATS 2XX
ART 253 Italian Renaissance Art ATH 340 
ART 290 3 History of Photography ATH 2XX
ART 291 ART: Cooperative Education CPV 400
ART 292 Introduction to Haudenosaunee ATS 1XX

Atmospheric and Earth Sciences

AES 100 4 Meteorology GLY 371
AES 105 4 Oceanography GLY 397

Automotive Technology

ATC 103 Automotive Fundamentals and Lab GEN 1XX
ATC 115 Automotive Electronic Systems and Lab PHY 1XX
ATC 116 Automotive Electronics and Lab PHY 1XX
ATC 131 Engine Concepts and Lab GEN 1XX
ATC 142 Fuel and Ignition Control and Lab GEN 1XX
ATC 190 Cooperative Education I No credit
ATC 207 Chassis Fundamentals and Lab GEN 2XX
ATC 222 Drivelines and Geartrains and Lab GEN 2XX
ATC 243 Advanced Engine Performance and Lab GEN 2XX
ATC 271 Climate Control Systems and Lab GEN 2XX
ATC 290 Cooperative Education II No credit


BIO 105 & 105L 4 Exploring Biology BIO 1XX
BIO 106 Human Biology BIO 206
BIO 110 Introduction to Microbes SCI 1XX
BIO 111 Microbiology for Surgical Technology SCI 1XX
BIO 112 Biology-Geology for Element Education  SCI 141
BIO 121 Introduction to Biology BIO 110
BIO 131 & 131L 4 General Ecology and Lab BIO 1XX
BIO 147 Environmental Health EST 100 
BIO 151 General Biology I BIO 110 or BIO 201
BIO 152 General Biology II  BIO 111/113 or BIO 202
BIO 161 Applied Environmental Biotechnology SCI 1XX 
BIO 171 Anatomy and Physiology I BIO 301
BIO 172  Anatomy and Physiology II BIO 302
BIO 205 General Microbiology BIO 304 or BIO 303
BIO 220 Biology of AIDS BIO 2XX
BIO 221 Pathology BIO 2XX
BIO 253 Genetics BIO 312

Broadcast Media Communications

BMC 101 3 Mass Media Communications: An Introduction COM 301
BMC 110 3 Mobile Media Production COM 110
BMC 120 3 Audio Production and Design for Media COM 242
BMC 125 2 Sound Recording and Audio Technology I COM 2XX
BMC 126 2 Sound Recording and Audio Technology II COM 2XX
BMC 130 3 TV Studio Production I COM 342 or COM 3XX
BMC 140 3 Radio Station: An Introduction COM 1XX
BMC 145 3 Sportscasting COM 2XX
BMC 150 3 Video Field Production I COM 243
BMC 225 2 Sound Reinforcement and Recording I COM 2XX
BMC 226 2 Sound Reinforcement and Recording II COM 2XX
BMC 230 4 Video Studio Production II COM 342 or COM 3XX
BMC 240 3 21st Century Radio COM 2XX
BMC 250 3 Video Field Production II COM 2XX
BMC 260 3 Electronic News Gathering COM 346
BMC 270 4 Advanced Video Studio Production COM 2XX
BMC 190 3 Internship I CPV 400


BUS 100 Computer Keyboarding GEN 1XX
BUS 101 Contemporary Business LAS 1XX
BUS 102 Mathematics of Business and Finance LAS 1XX
BUS 105 Financial Accounting MGT 254
BUS 106 Managerial Accounting MGT 255
BUS 117 Integrated Financial Systems I GEN 1XX
BUS 121 Marketing MGT 253
BUS 124 Principles of Retailing GEN 1XX
BUS 138 Supervision and Management LAS 1XX
BUS 147 Disney Communications GEN 1XX
BUS 148 Disney Hospitality Management GEN 1XX
BUS 153 Keyboarding Information Process GEN 1XX 
BUS 178 Disney Corporate Communications GEN 1XX 
BUS 201 Intermediate Accounting I MGT 2XX
BUS 202 Intermediate Accounting II MGT 2XX
BUS 203 Accounting Applications Using Electronic Spreadsheets GEN 2XX
BUS 205 Income Tax Accounting I GEN 2XX
BUS 207 Cost Accounting MGT 2XX
BUS 210 Disney Advanced Studies in Hospitality Management GEN 2XX 
BUS 212 Business Correspondence PWR 398
BUS 218 Disney Corporate Analysis GEN 2XX 
BUS 219 Statistics I ECO 221 or MAT 201
BUS 220 Statistics II ECO 2XX or MAT 2XX
BUS 230 Principles of Management MGT 250
BUS 231 Human Resource Management MGT 385
BUS 233 Small Business Management GEN 2XX
BUS 240 Disney Creativity and Innovation GEN 2XX 
BUS 243 Business Law I MGT 265
BUS 244 Business Law II MGT 2XX
BUS 247 Disney Human Resources GEN 2XX
BUS 248 Disney Organization Leader GEN 2XX
BUS 276 15  Disney International Program CO-OP GEN 2XX 
BUS 277 Disney Marketing You: Personal & Career Development Strategies GEN 2XX 
BUS 290 Cooperative Work-Study CPV 400
BUS 293 Disney CO-OP Internship CPV 400 
BUS 295 Business Policy Seminar GEN 2XX

Computer Forensic Science

CFS 130 Foundations of the Internet CAP 1XX 
CFS 140 Introduction to Computer Forensics CAP 1XX 


CHE 103 General Chemistry I

CHE 227/277

CHE 104 General Chemistry II

CHE 228/278

CHE 121 & 121L 4 Introductory Chemistry and Lab CHE 121
CHE 121R 1 Introductory Chemistry Recitation CHE 1XX
CHE 151 & 151L Basic Chemistry for the Health Sciences I and Lab CHE 121 
CHE 151R 1 Basic Chemistry for the Health Sciences Recitation I CHE 1XX
CHE 152 Basic Chemistry for the Health Sciences II CHE 122 
CHE 171 & 171L 4 General Chemistry I and Lab

CHE 227/277

CHE 171R 1 General Chemistry I Recitation CHE 1XX
CHE 172 & 172L 4 General Chemistry II and Lab

CHE 228/278

CHE 172R 1 General Chemistry Recitation CHE 1XX
CHE 203 Quantitative Analysis CHE 310
CHE 205 & 205L Organic Chemistry I and Lab CHE 301 or CHE 300/303
CHE 206 Organic Chemistry II CHE 302/304


CHI 101 3 Elementary Chinese I CHI 101 
CHI 102 Elementary Chinese II CHI 102 


CIN 210 Study of Short Film CIN 2XX
CIN 211 Comedy Films CIN 2XX
CIN 212 Horror and Fantasy Films CIN 2XX
CIN 213 3 The Animated Film CIN 2XX
CIN 214 3 Alfred Hitchcock CIN 2XX
CIN 215 3 Woody Allen CIN 2XX
CIN 216 American Film Directors CIN 2XX 
CIN 218 The American Hero in Film CIN 2XX 
CIN 285 The Cinema CIN 208 



COM 100 3 Introduction to Communication COM 100
COM 101 or COM 220 Interpersonal Communications COM 300
COM 102 or COM 210 Public Speaking COM 210
COM 104 or COM 240 Persuasion in Everyday Life COM 1XX
COM 111 Social and Professional Etiquette COM 1XX
COM 113 Communication and Health COM 450
COM 121 3 News Literacy COM 1XX
COM 122 3 Introduction to Journalism COM 1XX
COM 123 1 Student Media Reporting GEN 1XX
COM 157 3 Electronic Media Writing COM 203
COM 201 or COM 282 Intercultural Communication COM 302
COM 202 Rhetorical Criticism COM 2XX
COM 203 or COM 284 Communication and Gender COM 434
COM 204 Advocacy and Opposition COM 2XX
COM 205 Teamwork and Small Group Communication COM 340
COM 206 Voice and Articulation COM 312
COM 207 or COM 245 Communication at Work COM 320
COM 209 or COM 272 Communication and Conflict Management COM 2XX
COM 227 3 Writing for Emerging Technologies

PWR 2XX or


COM 233 3 Public Relations COM 372
COM 251 3 News Writing COM 203 or COM 2XX
COM 252 3 Feature Writing and Literary Journalism COM 2XX
COM 282 3 Intercultural Communication COM 302
COM 285 3 Communication Ethics COM 2XX
COM 290 Communication Seminar COM 2XX

Computer Engineering Technology

CMT 101 Introduction to Computers/Applications CAP 100
CMT 102 PC Hardware, Operating Systems and Support CAP 1XX
CMT 110 3 Intro to Computing CAP 100
CMT 161 Digital Electronics Telecommunications I GEN 1XX
CMT 171 Digital Electronics PHY 358
CMT 180 Computer Systems for Telecommunications II GEN 1XX
CMT 190 & 190L Introduction to Microprocessors and Lab GEN 1XX
CMT 221 Computer and Network Security CAP 2XX 
CMT 231 Local Area Networks GEN 2XX
CMT 271 Internetworking I GEN 2XX 
CMT 272 4 Internetworking II GEN 2XX
CMT 278 3 Principals of Computer Programming CAP 201
CMT 292 Microcomputer Systems GEN 2XX
CMT 294 Designing Embedded Systems w/Microcontrollers GEN 2XX 

Computer Information Systems

CIS 100 Principles of Information Systems CAP 100
CIS 101 Computer Concepts: An Intro CAP 1XX
CIS 102 Internet Basics CAP 1XX
CIS 103 Computer Communications Using Internet CAP 1XX
CIS 106 Introduction to Digital Media CAP 1XX
CIS 107 Computer Concepts and File Management CAP 1XX 
CIS 108 Internet Concepts and Tools CAP 1XX 
CIS 109 Word Processing Skills CAP 1XX 
CIS 119 Spreadsheet Software CAP 1XX 
CIS 120 Advanced Principles of Information Systems CAP 1XX
CIS 125 Principles of Information Systems II CAP 2XX 
CIS 130 Foundations of the Internet CAP 1XX
CIS 151 Technology and Organizations CAP 1XX
CIS 230 Management Web Pages/Servers CAP 351
CIS 231 Advanced Web Servers CAP 2XX
CIS 271 Internetworking I CAP 2XX
CIS 272 Internetworking II CAP 2XX
CIS 286 Systems Analysis and Database Design CAP 2XX
CIS 291 IT Support I CAP 2XX
CIS 292 IT Support Practicum II CAP 2XX

Computer Science

CSC 110 Program Design and Development CAP 1XX
CSC 111 Fundamentals of Computing I  CAP 201 
CSC 112 Fundamentals of Computing II CAP 2XX
CSC 162 Visual Basic I CAP 204
CSC 211 Computer Systems Organization CAP 2XX
CSC 221 Software Engineering CAP 2XX
CSC 222 Game Programming CAP 2XX 
CSC 250 Server Administration CAP 2XX
CSC 255 Database Design and Development CAP 350 
CSC 263 C++ Programming MCS 186
CSC 264 Java Programming MCS 2XX
CSC 265 Visual Basic II CAP 2XX
CSC 280 C Net Programming CAP 205


CNL 175 Career Explorations GEN 1XX
CNL 270 Job Search Skills GEN 1XX

Creative Writing

CRW 103 3 Introduction to Creative Writing PWR 1XX
CRW 205 3 CRW Creative Non-Fiction PWR 315
CRW 206 3 CRW Poetry PWR 213
CRW 207 3 CRW Fiction PWR 212
CRW 208 3 Writing Scripts PWR 2XX

Criminal Justice

CRJ 101 Justice System CRM 303 
CRJ 102 Introduction to Criminal Law CRM 377 or SOC 377
CRJ 107 Women and Crime CRM 1XX
CRJ 108 Police Community Relations CRM 1XX
CRJ 132 Introduction to Security GEN 1XX
CRJ 142 Criminal Investigation GEN 1XX
CRJ 201 Criminology CRM 463 or SOC 463
CRJ 202 Ethics in Police Work LAS 2XX
CRJ 203 3 Juvenile Delinquency CRM 462 or SOC 462
CRJ 204 Criminal Justice Management LAS 2XX
CRJ 206 Juvenile Justice System POL 2XX
CRJ 207 Sex Trafficking of Children GEN 2XX
CRJ 208 Managing Delinquents in Detention LAS 2XX
CRJ 210 Terrorism and Criminal Justice System CRM 2XX
CRJ 212 Organized Crime and Society CRM 2XX
CRJ 215 Criminal Law CRM 377 or SOC 377
CRJ 216 White Collar Crime CRM 380 or SOC 380
CRJ 217 Crime and The Media LAS 2XX
CRJ 218 Drugs and The Criminal Justice System LAS 2XX
CRJ 219 Victims Witnesses and the Criminal Justice System CRM 2XX 
CRJ 220 Corrections Process CRM 464 or SOC 464
CRJ 226 Law Enforcement Process GEN 2XX 
CRJ 235 Private Investigation GEN 2XX
CRJ 240 Capstone Course in Criminal Justice CRM 2XX
CRJ 241 Special Investigation GEN 2XX
CRJ 243 Criminalistics I GEN 2XX
CRJ 244 Criminalistics II GEN 2XX
CRJ 252 Internship CPV 400

Electrical Engineering Technology

ELT 100 Foundations of Electronics PHY 1XX
ELT 101 Electrical Power Distribution & Overhead Construction GEN 1XX 
ELT 120 Ethics in Engineering & Technology LAS 1XX 
ELT 131 Electric Circuits GEN 1XX 
ELT 141 Circuits  I LAS 1XX
ELT 142 Circuits II LAS 1XX
ELT 153 Electronics I for Telecommunications GEN 1XX
ELT 161 Electronics Circuits I PHY 440
ELT 180 HVAC Electrical Theory and Applications GEN 1XX 
ELT 201 Power Technology GEN 1XX 
ELT 215 Programmable Logic Controllers LAS 1XX
ELT 257 Electronics II for Telecommunications GEN 1XX
ELT 258 Advanced Electronics LAS 1XX
ELT 260 Independent Study Project GEN 1XX
ELT 261 Electronic Circuits II LAS 1XX
ELT 265 Communication Systems I GEN 1XX
ELT 268 RF Fundamentals for Technicians GEN 1XX
ELT 285 Power Systems I GEN 1XX
ELT 289 Cooperative Ed CPV 400
ELT 299 Advanced Topics GEN 1XX


ECO 103 Modern Economics Issues ECO 1XX
ECO 104 Personal Finance and Consumer Economics GEN 1XX 
ECO 160 Poverty, Inequality and Discrimination ECO 1XX or SOC 1XX
ECO 203 Introduction to Economics-Macro ECO 110
ECO 204 Introduction to Economics-Micro ECO 111
ECO 209 Money and Banking ECO 2XX
ECO 219 Fundamentals of Investments ECO 2XX 


EDU 157 1 Early Childhood Environment EDU 1XX
EDU 158 3 Infant - Toddler Development EDU 334
EDU 172 Classroom Management EDU 1XX
EDU 174 Teaching Field Instruction and Seminar FSA 211 and FSA 281
EDU 180 Early Childhood Education: An Introduction EDU 270
EDU 182 Child Growth and Development PSY 231
EDU 183 Observation and Assessment of Young Children ECE 3XX
EDU 184 Early Childhood Field Instruction and Seminar I ECE 332
EDU 185 Teacher and Parent Relationships GEN 1XX
EDU 200 Intentional Teaching, Observation, Assessment Curriculum Planning for Young Children ECE 2XX 
EDU 230 Human Services with Diverse Populations FSA 103
EDU 272 Perspectives on Disabilities: Child, Family, School & Comm. FSA 280
EDU 273 Principles of Inclusive Education FSA 210
EDU 275 Cultural Foundations of Education EDU 270
EDU 280 3 Language and Literacy Development in Young Children EDU 2XX
EDU 281

Curriculum Development

* must complete a field experience, such as EDU 184, to transfer as EDU 331

EDU 331*
EDU 282 Family, School, Community EDU 2XX
EDU 283 Early Childhood Field Instruction and Seminar II GEN 2XX
EDU 285 Early Childhood Special Education: Introduction SPE 270

Electronic Media Communications

EMC 101 Mass Media Communications: An Introduction COM 300
EMC 144 Intro to Audio/Video COM 1XX
EMC 155 Digital Audio Production COM 242
EMC 159 TV Studio Production COM 342
EMC 160 Radio Station Intro COM 1XX
EMC 169 Video Field Production COM 243
EMC 190 Internship I CPV 400
EMC 249 Electronic News Gathering Intro COM 2XX
EMC 251 Sportscasting I COM 360
EMC 252 Sportscasting II COM 3XX
EMC 259 Digital Video Editing COM 243
EMC 260 Radio Station Operations I COM 2XX
EMC 265 Sound Design & Production for Digital Media COM 2XX
EMC 269 TV News Production COM 343
EMC 275 Producing for Radio COM 2XX
EMC 276 Media Streaming COM 2XX
EMC 286 DVD Authoring COM 2XX
EMC 289 TV Studio Directing COM 242
EMC 290 Internship II CPV 400

Homeland Security and Disaster Preparedness

HSD 150 Principles of Emergency Management GEN 1XX
HSD 152 Public Safety Critical Incident Management GEN 1XX
HSD 155 Introduction to Public Safety Response GEN 1XX 
HSD 162 Resource & Donations Management GEN 1XX
HSD 165 Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response GEN 1XX 
HSD 170 Public Information Officer Basic GEN 1XX
HSD 176 Disasters in Film and Media LAS 1XX 
HSD 178 Emergency Response Planning GEN 1XX
HSD 180 Emergency Management Leadership GEN 1XX
HSD 182 Basic Incident Command Sys GEN 1XX
HSD 184 Emergency Response to Terrorism GEN 1XX
HSD 252 Disaster Response & Recovery GEN 2XX
HSD 262 1.5  Intermediate Incident Command System GEN 2XX
HSD 276 1.5  Emergency Management Software GEN 2XX 
HSD 278 1.5  Emergency Operations Center Management GEN 2XX
HSD 280 Emergency Exercise Program Management GEN 2XX
HSD 282 1.5  Advanced Incident Command System GEN 2XX
HSD 283 Practical Applications of Incident Management GEN 2XX 
HSD 284 Terrorism Response Planning GEN 2XX
HSD 285 Emergency Management Internship GEN 2XX 
HSD 286 1.5  Incident Action Planning for Rapidly Expanding Disasters GEN 2XX 


ENG 103 Freshman Composition and Literature I CPN 100
ENG 104 Freshman Composition and Literature II CPN 101
ENG 121 Introduction to Journalism and the Mass Media COM 301
ENG 123 Newspaper Production COM 390
ENG 157 Electronic Media Writing COM 203
ENG 203 World Literature I ENG 220
ENG 204 World Literature II ENG 221
ENG 205 Creative Writing - Nonfiction PWR 315 
ENG 206 Creative Writing-Poetry PWR 213
ENG 207 Creative Writing-Fiction PWR 212
ENG 208 Creative Writing-Drama/Script PWR 2XX
ENG 209 Dramatic Literature I ENG 204
ENG 210 Dramatic Literature II ENG 204
ENG 211 Intermediate Composition CPN 101 or ENG 2XX
ENG 213 Children's Literature ENG 373
ENG 215 Mythology ENG 2XX
ENG 216 3 Celtic Culture ENG 2XX
ENG 217 Science Fiction ENG 202
ENG 221 English Literature I ENG 355
ENG 222 English Literature II ENG 356
ENG 223 American Literature I ENG 325
ENG 224 American Literature II ENG 326
ENG 225 African American Literature I ENG 251
ENG 226 Literature of the Black American II ENG 353
ENG 227 Writing for Emerging Technologies PWR 2XX 
ENG 228 The Novel I ENG 202
ENG 229 The Novel II ENG 2XX
ENG 230 Women's Literature ENG 261
ENG 231 The Bible as Literature ENG 280 
ENG 233 Shakespeare I ENG 2XX
ENG 236 3 Film Poetics: Talk ENG 2XX
ENG 239 American Folklore ENG 2XX
ENG 241 American Autobiography as Literature ENG 2XX
ENG 245 New Immigrant Literature ENG 2XX
ENG 250 Voices of Diversity ENG 2XX
ENG 251 Media Writing COM 203
ENG 252 Non-Fiction and Popular Writing COM 310
ENG 259 3 Report and Technical Writing PWR 398
ENG 282 3 Introduction to Critical Theory ENG 2XX

English as a Second Language

ESL 115 ESOL Composition I GEN 1XX
ESL 116 ESOL Composition II GEN 1XX

Engineering Science

ENS 201 Digital Logic Design PHY 2XX
ENS 207 Engineering Mechanics I: Statics PHY 422
ENS 208  Engineering Mechanics II: Dynamics PHY 2XX
ENS 210 Electrical Circuit Analysis PHY 440
ENS 212 Mechanics of Materials PHY 2XX

Environmental Technology

ENV 101 Introduction to Environment Tech GEN 1XX
ENV 103 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems  GRY 324
ENV 104 Applied GIS GRY 328
ENV 110 Field Experience in Environment Technology-Geoscience GEN 1XX 
ENV 162 4 Biofuels, Biomaterials & Alternative Energy Technologies EST 1XX 
ENV 165 Hazardous Waste Operations & Emergency Response GEN 1XX 
ENV 201 Internship in Environmental Technology GEN 2XX 

Exercise Science

EXR 180 Intro to Physical Education and Sport EXS 100 or EXS 197
EXR 200 Intro to Exercise Science EXS 397

Fire Protection Technology

FPT 111 Firefighting Standards GEN 1XX
FPT 112 Firefighting Standards II GEN 1XX
FPT 121 Fire Service Supervisor GEN 1XX
FPT 141 Fire Service Instructor GEN 1XX
FPT 150 Introduction to Fire Protection GEN 1XX
FPT 151 Building Construction GEN 1XX
FPT 152 Fire Fighting Tactics & Strategy GEN 1XX
FPT 153 Legal Aspects of Fire Protection GEN 1XX
FPT 155 Hazardous Materials GEN 1XX
FPT 156 Fire Hazards & Their Control GEN 1XX
FPT 157 Fire Hydraulics GEN 1XX
FPT 158 Chemistry for Fire Science CHE 1XX
FPT 159 General Chemistry for Fire Science CHE 1XX
FPT 160 General Physics for Fire Science PHY 1XX
FPT 162 Introduction to Safety GEN 1XX
FPT 163 Introduction to Safety Management GEN 1XX
FPT 164 Introduction to Industrial Hygiene GEN 1XX
FPT 250 Fire Department Administration GEN 2XX
FPT 251 Fire Protection Systems GEN 2XX
FPT 252 Fire Investigation GEN 2XX
FPT 253 Fire Prevention & Inspection GEN 2XX

Food Service Administration

FSA 100 Food Service Sanitation GEN 1XX
FSA 102 Basic Nutrition HLH 323
FSA 103 Basic Food Preparation GEN 1XX
FSA 104 Quantity Foods: Preparation, Production, & Service GEN 1XX
FSA 107 Cooking Basics GEN 1XX
FSA 112 Creative & Functional Culinary Arts GEN 1XX 
FSA 114 Patisserie I GEN 1XX 
FSA 116 Artisanal Bread Baking GEN 1XX 
FSA 201 Food Service Management GEN 1XX
FSA 202 Food Service Cost Controls GEN 1XX
FSA 204 Purchasing, Storage, & Handling GEN 1XX
FSA 206 Diet Therapy HLH 1XX
FSA 207 3 Menu Planning & Equipment Selection GEN 1XX
FSA 210 Catering & Advanced Culinary Arts GEN 1XX
FSA 217   Fundamentals of Chocolates GEN 2XX 
FSA 218 Classical Tort GEN 2XX
FSA 219 Cake Decorating GEN 2XX 
FSA 220 International Cuisine GEN 2XX 

General Studies

GEN 152 Human Adjustment  CLS 101
GEN 154 Comp/Vocation Plan GEN 1XX


GEG 101 Intro to Geography GRY 120
GEG 203 Economic Geography GRY 240

Geospatial Science and Technology 

GST 100 2 Intro to Geospatial Technologies and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) GRY 1XX
GST 103 3 Physical Geography GRY 110

GST 110 and 

GST 230 



Intro to Remote Sensing 

UAV Data and Image Analysis 

*both courses combined = GRY 345 (4 cr) and GRY 3XX (2 cr)

GST 210 and

GRY 220




Spatial Analysis and Geostatistics 

*both courses combined = GRY 328 (4 cr) and GRY 3XX (2 cr)


GEO 105 & 105L Oceanography & Lab GLY 397
GEO 106 & 106L Environmental Geology GLY 160
GEO 107 3 Natural Hazards & Disasters SCI 180
GEO 151 & 151L 4 Physical Geology & Lab GLY 261
GEO 152 & 152L 4 Historical Geology & Lab GLY 262
GEO 203 Introduction to Forensic Geology GLY 2XX 
GEO 205 & 205L Hydrology & Lab GLY 390 
GEO 290 Geology of the Bahamas GLY 2XX


HEA 106 Studies in Health and Wellness HLH 1XX
HEA 207 Personal Health HLH 110
HEA 208 Human Sexuality HLH 302
HEA 209 Drugs and Wellness HLH 2XX
HEA 212 1 Health, Safety and Awareness and the Child HLH 2XX
HEA 213 Managing Stress for Health and Well-Being HLH 301 

Health First Aid

HFA 203 Responding to Emergencies HLH 120 or HLH 1XX (for Health majors)
HFA 204 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation  HLH 1XX
HFA 214 .5  CPR Recertification HLH 2XX
HFA 215 Community CPR/First Aid  HLH 1XX


HIS 101 World History I HIS 100
HIS 102 World History II HIS 101
HIS 103 3 History of Western Civilization HIS 110
HIS 104 History of Western Civilization HIS 111
HIS 105, HIS 106, and HIS 107 3  cr each *History Majors should take entire sequence to transfer as HIS 200 & HIS 201  
HIS 105 Early American History HIS 200
HIS 106 3 American History in the 19th Century HIS 201 (non-majors) or HIS 2XX (majors)
HIS 107 3 Modern American History HIS 201 (majors) or HIS 2XX
HIS 125 American Social History LAS 2XX
HIS 207 History of the North American Indian HIS 2XX
HIS 208 History of the Iroquois HIS 2XX
HIS 209 History of American Women HIS 2XX
HIS 210 History of Women & Medicine in America HIS 2XX
HIS 211 Russian History I HIS 2XX
HIS 212 Russian History II HIS 2XX
HIS 213 End of Empire: British Imperialism Since 1900 HIS 2XX
HIS 214 The Global History of Sexuality HIS 2XX
HIS 216 United States Foreign Policy Since 1914  HIS 2XX
HIS 217 History of Work in America HIS 2XX
HIS 219 History of European Woman Since 1500 HIS 2XX
HIS 221 Mayas & Aztecs: An Introduction to the History of Ancient Mesoamerica HIS 2XX
HIS 223 African-American History I HIS 2XX
HIS 224 African-American History II HIS 2XX
HIS 226 History of Civil Rights HIS 2XX
HIS 240 The Plains Indians HIS 2XX
HIS 261 The Civil War HIS 2XX
HIS 276 The American West: Film Study CIN 2XX
HIS 286 The American Worker: A Film Study CIN 2XX
HIS 292 Collision of Cultures: America and Europe LAS 3XX

Health Technology

HIT 101 Introduction to Health Information Technology GEN 1XX
HIT 102 Legal Aspects of Health Information HLH 1XX
HIT 103 Health Info Systems in Non-Hospital Settings GEN 1XX
HIT 110 Coding and Classification Systems GEN 1XX
HIT 120 Medical Terminology EXS 344
HIT 121 Medical Transcription GEN 1XX
HIT 201 Health Statistics and Report HLH 2XX
HIT 202 Management of Health Information Services GEN 2XX
HIT 205 Computer Applications in Health Information Management CAP 2XX
HIT 210 Coding and Classification Systems II GEN 1XX
HIT 215 Healthcare Reimbursement GEN 1XX 
HIT 221 Medical Transcription II GEN 1XX
HIT 223 Clinical Practicum I No credit
HIT 225 Clinical Practicum II No credit
HIT 227 Clinical Practicum III No credit
HIT 230 Advanced Seminar in Health Information Technology GEN 1XX


HON 100 1 1st Year Success Honors GEN 1XX
HON 101 3 Honors Humanities I LAS 1XX
HON 200 1 2nd Year Success Honors GEN 1XX
HON 201 3 Honors Humanities II LAS 1XX

Hotel Technology

HTL 230 Housekeeping and Property Management GEN 2XX
HTL 232 Front Office Management GEN 2XX
HTL 234 Meeting Management Planning GEN 2XX

Human Services

HUM 150 Human Services Theory, Skills, Resources HUS 100
HUM 159 Chemical Dependencies HLH 1XX
HUM 162 Introduction to Social Work Practice GEN 1XX
HUM 164 Social Work Field Instruction and Seminar I CPV 400
HUM 165 Introduction to Counseling HUS 1XX 
HUM 203 Child Welfare and Social Work HUS 2XX
HUM 205 Psychosocial Impact of HIV/AIDS HUS 2XX 
HUM 226 Group Skills for Alcohol and Substance Abuse Counseling HLH 2XX
HUM 227 Issues in Alcohol and Substance Abuse Treatment HLH 2XX
HUM 228 Teen Alcohol/Substance Abuse HLH 367
HUM 229 Alcohol/Addictions and Family Systems HLH 2XX
HUM / EDU 230 Human Services with Diverse Populations FSA 103
HUM 257 Crisis Intervention Counseling HUS 2XX 
HUM 260 Social Work Interviewing/Counseling HUS 2XX
HUM 261 Social Work Policy SOC 430
HUM 263 Human Services Field Instruction and Seminar II GEN 2XX
HUM 265 Aging and the Family SOC 220
HUM 267 Families in Crisis: Human Services Intervention GEN 2XX
HUM 268 Social Work with Alcohol and Substance Abuse SOC 2XX
HUM 269 Social Work and People with Disabilities SOC 2XX
HUM 270 Assertiveness Training GEN 2XX

Interior Design

IND 101 Design and the Built Environment GEN 1XX 
IND 110 Foundation Studio I ATS 102
IND 111 Design Studio II ATS 202
IND 120 Drafting Studio I: Wood Frame GEN 1XX
IND 140 Wood Frame Construction GEN 1XX
IND 170 Technology: Design & Production GEN 1XX 
IND 215 Design Studio: Commercial  LAS 2XX
IND 216 Design Studio Residential LAS 2XX
IND 230 History of Architecture and Interiors I LAS 2XX 
IND 231 History of Architecture and Interiors II LAS 2XX 
IND 240 Residential Interiors GEN 2XX 
IND 246 Interior Finish Systems and Furnishings GEN 2XX 
IND 247 Kitchen & Bath Fundamentals GEN 2XX 
IND 256 Graphic Communications III LAS 2XX
IND 266 Independent Study GEN 2XX 
IND 291 Internship in Interior Design GEN 2XX


JRN 121 Introduction to Journalism and the Mass Media COM 301
JRN 123 Newspaper Production COM 1XX
JRN 157 Electronic Media Writing COM 1XX
JRN 227 Writing for Emerging Technologies COM 2XX or PWR 2XX 
JRN 251 Writing for the Media COM 203
JRN 252 Non-Fiction and Popular Writing COM 310
JRN 253 Newspaper Editing Lab COM 390
JRN 255 Writing for Electronic Media  COM 201

Labor Studies

LBR 111 Social and Professional Etiquette GEN 1XX 
LBR 207 Communication @ Work LAS 2XX 
LBR 210 Contract Bargaining I LAS 2XX
LBR 215 Contemporary Labor Problems LAS 2XX
LBR 225 3 Contract Administration LAS 2XX
LBR 254 Labor Law LAS 2XX
LBR 255 Labor History HIS 421
LBR 273 Health Hazards Work HLH 393
LBR 287 Labor, Government, and Politics LAS 2XX
LBR 299 Internship CPV 400

Liberal Arts

LBL 101 3 Introduction to the Liberal Arts LAS 1XX

Literatures, Cultures and Civilizations 

LCC 220 French Literature and Civilization in English I LAS 2XX
LCC 221 French Literature and Civilization in English II LAS 2XX 
LCC 231 Italian Literature and Civilization in English II LAS 2XX 
LCC 240 Spanish Civilization in English LAS 2XX 
LCC 245 Latin American Civilization in English LAS 2XX 

Law Enforcement

LEC 102 Principles of Law for Campus Peace Officers GEN 1XX 
LEC 103 Principles of Law for Law Enforcement Officers GEN 1XX 
LEC 104 Campus Peace Officer Procedures GEN 1XX 
LEC 104L Campus Peace Officer Procedures - Subject Management Proficiency GEN 1XX 
LEC 105 Law Enforcement Procedures GEN 1XX 
LEC 105L  Law Enforcement Procedures Proficiency GEN 1XX 
LEC 108 Campus Peace Officer Investigation Techniques GEN 1XX 
LEC 109 Law Enforcement Investigation Techniques GEN 1XX 
LEC 110 Community Relations for Campus Peace Officers GEN 1XX 
LEC 111 Community Relations for Law Enforcement Officers GEN 1XX 
LEC 113L Campus Peace Officer Procedures - Technical & Emergency Response GEN 1XX 
LEC 114 Phase 2 - Basic Course for Law Enforcement Officers GEN 1XX 
LEC 114L Phase 2 Laboratory - Basic Course for Law Enforcement Officers GEN 1XX 
LEC 120 EMS Certified First Responder GEN 1XX 
LEC 126  Police Supervision GEN 1XX 
LEC 128 Instructor Development for Law Enforcement Officers GEN 1XX 


LIB 100 The Art of Inquiry GEN 1XX
LIB 210  Real World Research GEN 2XX


MAT 104 3 Quantitative Reasoning MAT 1XX
MAT 106 Mathematical Applications I MAT 1XX
MAT 107 Mathematical Applications II MAT 115
MAT 112 Nature of Mathematics MAT 105
MAT 113 Contemporary Mathematics MAT 105
MAT 114 Intermediate Algebra with Applications MAT 111
MAT 115 3 Modeling for Decision Making MAT 1XX
MAT 116 Decision Making with Calculus MAT 121
MAT 118 Empirical Introduction to Statistics MAT 201
MAT 121 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I MAT 101
MAT 122 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II MAT 102
MAT 141 Algebra: A Functions Approach MAT 111 or MAT 1XX
MAT 142 Trigonometric Functions MAT 1XX
MAT 143 Pre-Calculus with Trigonometry MAT 115
MAT 151 Statistics I MAT 201
MAT 152 Statistics II MAT 1XX
MAT 161 Calculus I MAT 135
MAT 162 Calculus II MAT 236
MAT 241 Linear Algebra MAT 272
MAT 251 Discrete Mathematics MAT 224
MAT 263 Calculus III MAT 237
MAT 264 Differential Equations MAT 336

Mechanical Technology

MET 151 Machine Tools GEN 1XX
MET 152 Machine Tools GEN 1XX
MET 153 Introduction to Modern Manufacturing GEN 1XX 
MET 161 Engineering Drawing I GEN 1XX 
MET 171 Manufacturing Processes GEN 1XX 
MET 174 HVAC Mechanical Theory & Applications GEN 1XX 
MET 251 Applied Strength of Materials PHY 2XX
MET 252 Physical Metallurgy GEN 2XX
MET 254 Numerical Control Programming GEN 2XX
MET 261 Introduction to CAD CAP 2XX
MET 270 Solid Modeling GEN 2XX
MET 291 Cooperative Education CPV 400

Modern Languages – American Sign Language

ASL 101 American Sign Language I ASL 101
ASL 102 American Sign Language II ASL 102
ASL 201 American Sign Language III ASL 201
ASL 202 American Sign Language IV ASL 202

Modern Languages - French

FRE 101 Elementary French I FRE 101
FRE 102  Elementary French II FRE 102
FRE 201 Intermediate French I FRE 201
FRE 202  Intermediate French II FRE 202
FRE 205 Conversation, Composition & Reading I FRE 305
FRE 206 Conversational, Composition & Reading II FRE 3XX

Modern Languages - German

GER 101 Elementary German I GER 101
GER 102 Elementary German II GER 102

Modern Languages - Italian

ITA 101  Elementary Italian I ITA 101
ITA 102  Elementary Italian II ITA 102
ITA 201 Intermediate Italian I ITA 201
ITA 202 Intermediate Italian II ITA 202

Modern Languages - Spanish

SPA 101 Elementary Spanish I SPA 101
SPA 102  3 Elementary Spanish II SPA 102
SPA 165 Spanish for Advanced Beginners SPA 102
SPA 201  Intermediate Spanish I SPA 201
SPA 202  Intermediate Spanish II SPA 202
SPA 203  Business Spanish SPA 320
SPA 204 Spanish Literature: an Introduction SPA 317
SPA 220 Spanish Communication Through Cinema SPA 305


MUS 066   Beg Music Reading I MUS 1XX
MUS 067   Beg Music Reading II MUS 1XX
MUS 100 A,B,C,D Convocation MUS 1XX
MUS 101D 1 Diction for Singers MUS 1XX
    *(MUS 101K, 102K, 201K, 202K) AT LEAST 3 (1 cr courses) must be taken to fulfill SGE 108 requirement or 3 OF (MUS 101R, 102R, 201R, 202R)  
MUS 101K Keyboard Harmony MUS 1XX
MUS 101R Music Reading MUS 1XX
MUS 101T Music Theory MUS 201
MUS 102K Keyboard Harmony MUS 1XX
MUS 102R Music Reading MUS 1XX
MUS 102T Music Theory MUS 1XX
MUS 103 Music Appreciation I MUS 100
MUS 104 Music Appreciation II MUS 434
MUS 105 Music History I MUS 1XX
MUS 106 Music History II MUS 222
    *All Applied Lessons - Elective - send to Department Chair if Music Minor or MUTH Major   
MUS 107 Private Study MUS 1XX
MUS 107A Drum Set Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 107B Flute Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 107C Oboe Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 107D Clarinet Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 107E Bassoon Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 107F Saxophone Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 107G Trumpet/Cornet Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 107H French Horn Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 107J Trombone Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 107K 2 Euphonium/Baritone Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 107M Tuba Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 107N Piano Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 107P Percussion Lesson LAS 1XX
MUS 107Q Electrical Bass Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 107S Harp Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 107T Guitar Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 107U Voice Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 107V Violin Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 107W Viola Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 107X Cello Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 107Y 2 Contrabass Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 107Z Organ Lessons LAS 1XX
    *All Applied Lessons - Elective - send to Department Chair if Music Minor or MUTH Major   
MUS 108A Drum Set Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 108B Flute Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 108C Oboe Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 108D Clarinet Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 108E Bassoon Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 108F Saxophone Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 108G Trumpet Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 108H Fr. Horn Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 108J Trombone Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 108K Euphonium/Baritone Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 108M Tuba Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 108N Piano Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 108P Percussion Lesson LAS 1XX
MUS 108Q Electric Bass Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 108S Harp Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 108T Guitar Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 108U Voice Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 108V Violin Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 108W Viola Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 108X Cello Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 108Y Contrabass Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 108Z Organ Lessons LAS 1XX
    *All Applied Lessons - Elective - send to Department Chair if Music Minor or MUTH Major  
MUS 109A Drum Set Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 109B Flute Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 109C Oboe Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 109D Clarinet Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 109E Bassoon Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 109F Saxophone Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 109G Trumpet Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 109H French Horn Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 109J Trombone Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 109K Euphonium/Baritone Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 109M Tuba Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 109N 2 Piano Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 109P Percussion Lesson LAS 1XX
MUS 109Q Elec. Bass Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 109S Harp Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 109T Guitar Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 109U Voice Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 109V Violin Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 109W Viola Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 109X Cello Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 109Y Contrabass Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 109Z Organ Lessons LAS 1XX
    *All Applied Lessons - Elective - send to Department Chair if Music Minor or MUTH Major  
MUS 110A Drum Set Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 110B Flute Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 110C Oboe Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 110D Clarinet Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 110E Bassoon Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 110F Saxophone Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 110G Trumpet Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 110H French Horn Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 110J Trombone Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 110K 2 Euphonium/Baritone Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 110M Tuba Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 110N Piano Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 110P Percussion Lesson LAS 1XX
MUS 110Q Electronic Bass Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 110S Harp Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 110T Guitar Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 110U Voice Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 110V Violin Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 110W Viola Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 110X Cello Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 110Y Contrabass Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 110Z 2 Organ Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 111A Drum Set Lessons  LAS 1XX
MUS 111B Flute Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 111C Oboe Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 111D Clarinet Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 111E Bassoon Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 111F Saxophone Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 111G Trumpet Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 111H French Horn Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 111J Trombone Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 111K Euphonium/Baritone Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 111M Tuba Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 111N Piano Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 111P Percussion Lesson LAS 1XX
MUS 111Q Electronic Bass Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 111S Harp Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 111T 2 Guitar Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 111U Voice Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 111V Violin Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 111W Viola Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 111X Cello Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 111Y 2 Contrabass Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 111Z Organ Lessons LAS 1XX
    *All Applied Lessons - Elective - send to Department Chair if Music Minor or MUTH Major  
MUS 112A Drum Set Lessons  LAS 1XX
MUS 112B Flute Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 112C Oboe Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 112D Clarinet Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 112E Bassoon Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 112F Saxophone Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 112G Trumpet Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 112H French Horn Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 112J Trombone Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 112K Euphonium/Baritone Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 112M 2 Tuba Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 112N Piano Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 112P Percussion Lesson LAS 1XX
MUS 112Q Electronic Bass Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 112T Guitar Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 112U Voice Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 112V Violin Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 112W Viola Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 112X Cello Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 112Y Contrabass Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 112Z Organ Lessons LAS 1XX
MUS 113 Applied Piano Minor  MUS 160
MUS 113A Applied Piano Minor MUS 160
MUS 114 Applied Piano Minor MUS 260
MUS 115 Applied Piano Minor MUS 360
MUS 116 Applied Piano Minor MUS 460
MUS 121A Drum Set Rep. LAS 1XX
MUS 121B Flute Rep. LAS 1XX
MUS 121C Oboe Rep. LAS 1XX
MUS 121D Clarinet Rep. LAS 1XX
MUS 121E Bassoon Rep. LAS 1XX
MUS 121F Saxophone Rep. LAS 1XX
MUS 121G Trumpet Rep. LAS 1XX
MUS 121H Fr. Horn Rep. LAS 1XX
MUS 121J Low Brass Rep. LAS 1XX
MUS 121M Tuba Rep. LAS 1XX
MUS 121N Piano Rep. LAS 1XX
MUS 121P Percussion Rep. LAS 1XX
MUS 121Q Electronic Bass Rep. LAS 1XX
MUS 121T Guitar Rep. LAS 1XX
MUS 121U Voice Rep. LAS 1XX
MUS 121V Violin/Viola Rep. LAS 1XX
MUS 121Y Cello/String Rep. LAS 1XX
MUS 121Z 1 Organ Rep. LAS 1XX
    *All Applied Lessons - Elective - send to Department Chair if Music Minor or MUTH Major  
MUS 122A Drum Set Rep. LAS 1XX
MUS 122B Flute Rep. LAS 1XX
MUS 122C Oboe Rep. LAS 1XX
MUS 122D Clarinet Rep. LAS 1XX
MUS 122E Bassoon Rep. LAS 1XX
MUS 122F Saxophone Rep. LAS 1XX
MUS 122G Trumpet Rep. LAS 1XX
MUS 122H French Horn Rep. LAS 1XX
MUS 122J Low Brass Rep. LAS 1XX
MUS 122M Tuba Rep. LAS 1XX
MUS 122N Piano Rep. LAS 1XX
MUS 122P Percussion Rep. LAS 1XX
MUS 122Q Electronic Bass Rep. LAS 1XX
MUS 122T Guitar Rep. LAS 1XX
MUS 122U 1 Voice Rep. LAS 1XX
MUS 122V Violin Rep. LAS 1XX
MUS 122Y String Rep. LAS 1XX
MUS 122Z Organ Rep. LAS 1XX
MUS 151B .5  Flute Choir MUS 254
MUS 151C .5  String Ensemble MUS 254
MUS 151D .5  Clarinet Choir MUS 254
MUS 151E .5  Wind Ensemble MUS 254
MUS 151F .5  Sax Ensemble MUS 254
MUS 151G .5  Latin Ensemble MUS 254
MUS 151H .5  Horn Ensemble MUS 254
MUS 151J .5  Big Band Jazz MUS 254
MUS 151L .5 Woodwind Quintet MUS 254
MUS 151P .5 Percussion Ensemble MUS 254
MUS 151R .5  Concert Choir MUS 254
MUS 151T .5 Guitar Ensemble MUS 254
MUS 151V .5  OCC Singers MUS 254
MUS 151X .5 Improvisation MUS 254
MUS 151Y .5  Brass Quintet MUS 254
MUS 152B .5  Flute Choir MUS 254
MUS 152C .5  String Ensemble MUS 254
MUS 152D .5  Clarinet Choir MUS 254
MUS 152E .5 Wind Ensemble MUS 254
MUS 152F .5  Sax Ensemble MUS 254
MUS 152G .5  Latin Ensemble MUS 254
MUS 152H .5  French Horn Repertory MUS 254
MUS 152J .5  Big Band Jazz MUS 254
MUS 152L .5  Woodwind Quintet MUS 254
MUS 152P .5  Percussion Ensemble MUS 254
MUS 152R .5  Concert Choir MUS 254
MUS 152S .5 Accompanying MUS 254
MUS 152T .5  Guitar Ensemble MUS 254
MUS 152V .5  OCC Singers MUS 254
MUS 152X .5  Improvisation MUS 254
MUS 152Y .5 Brass Quintet MUS 254
MUS 160 Introduction to Music Theory I MUS 111
MUS 161 Intro to Music Theory II MUS 201
MUS 162P Hand Drumming MUS 1XX 
MUS 162T Guitar Class I  MUS 1XX
MUS 162U Voice Class I MUS 184
MUS 162X The Art of Popular Singing MUS 1XX 
MUS 163T Guitar Class II MUS 1XX
MUS 166 Intro to Ethnic Music MUS 110
MUS 168 Drum Set I  MUS 1XX
MUS 182 Music Business GEN 1XX
MUS 185 Piano Literature I  MUS 1XX
MUS 186 Piano Literature II  MUS 1XX
MUS 187 Piano Literature III  MUS 1XX
MUS 188 Piano Literature IV  MUS 1XX
MUS 190 Introduction to Music Software with MIDI Application MUS 1XX
MUS 201K Keyboard Harmony MUS 1XX
MUS 201R Music Reading MUS 1XX
MUS 201T Music Theory MUS 301
MUS 202K Keyboard Harmony II MUS 1XX
MUS 202R Music Reading LAS 2XX
MUS 202T 3 Music Theory MUS 2XX
MUS 203 Intro to Composition MUS 2XX
    *All Applied Lessons - Elective - send to Department Chair if Music Minor or MUTH Major  
MUS 211A Drum Set Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 211B Flute Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 211C Oboe Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 211D Clarinet Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 211E Bassoon Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 211F Saxophone Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 211G Trumpet/Cornet Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 211H Fr. Horn Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 211J Trombone Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 211K Euphonium/Baritone Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 211M Tuba Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 211N Piano Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 211P Percussion Lesson LAS 2XX
MUS 211Q Elec. Bass Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 211S Applied Harp Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 211T Guitar Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 211U Voice Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 211V Violin Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 211W Viola Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 211X Cello Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 211Y Contrabass Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 211Z Organ Lessons LAS 2XX
    *All Applied Lessons - Elective - send to Department Chair if Music Minor or MUTH Major  
MUS 212A Drum Set Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 212B Flute Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 212C Oboe Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 212D Clarinet Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 212E Bassoon Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 212F Saxophone Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 212G Trumpet Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 212H Fr. Horn Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 212J Trombone Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 212K Euphonium/Baritone Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 212M Tuba Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 212N Piano Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 212P Percussion Lesson LAS 2XX
MUS 212Q Elec. Bass Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 212S Applied Harp Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 212T Guitar Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 212U 2 Voice Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 212V Violin Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 212W Viola Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 212X Cello Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 212Y Contrabass Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 212Z Organ Lessons LAS 2XX
    *All Applied Lessons - Elective - send to Department Chair if Music Minor or MUTH Major  
MUS 215A Drum Set Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 215B Flute Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 215C Oboe Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 215D Clarinet Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 215E Bassoon Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 215F Saxophone Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 215G Trumpet/Cornet Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 215H French Horn Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 215J Trombone Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 215K Euphonium/Baritone Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 215M 2 Tuba Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 215N Piano Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 215P Percussion Lesson LAS 2XX
MUS 215Q Electronic Bass Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 215S Harp Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 215T Guitar Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 215U Voice Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 215V Violin Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 215W Viola Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 215X 2 Cello Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 215Y Contrabass Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 215Z Organ Lessons LAS 2XX
    *All Applied Lessons - Elective - send to Department Chair if Music Minor or MUTH Major  
MUS 216B Flute Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 216C Oboe Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 216D Clarinet Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 216E Bassoon Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 216F Saxophone Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 216G Trumpet/Cornet Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 216H French Horn Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 216J Trombone Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 216K Euphonium/Baritone Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 216M Tuba Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 216N Piano Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 216P Percussion Lesson LAS 2XX
MUS 216Q 2 Electric Bass Lesson LAS 2XX 
MUS 216T Guitar Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 216U Voice Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 216V Violin Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 216W Viola Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 216X Cello Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 216Y Contra Bass Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 216Z Organ Lessons LAS 2XX
    *All Applied Lessons - Elective - send to Department Chair if Music Minor or MUTH Major  
MUS 217B Flute Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 217C Oboe Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 217D Clarinet Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 217E Bassoon Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 217F Saxophone Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 217G Trumpet/Cornet Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 217H French Horn Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 217J Trombone Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 217K Euphonium/Baritone Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 217M Tuba Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 217N Piano Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 217P Percussion Lesson LAS 2XX
MUS 217T Guitar Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 217U Voice Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 217V Violin Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 217W Viola Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 217X Cello Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 217Y Contrabass Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 217Z Organ Lessons LAS 2XX


  *All Applied Lessons - Elective - send to Department Chair if Music Minor or MUTH Major  
MUS 218B Flute Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 218C Oboe Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 218D Clarinet Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 218E 2 Bassoon Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 218F Saxophone Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 218G Trumpet /Cornet Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 218H French Horn Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 218J Trombone Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 218K Euphonium/Baritone Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 218M Tuba Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 218N Piano Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 218P Percussion Lesson LAS 2XX
MUS 218T Guitar Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 218U Voice Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 218V Violin Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 218W Viola Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 218X Cello Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 218Y 2 Contrabass Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 218Z Organ Lessons LAS 2XX
MUS 219N Piano Lessons LAS 2XX
    *All Applied Lessons - Elective - send to Department Chair if Music Minor or MUTH Major  
MUS 221A 1 Drum Set Rep. MUS 2XX
MUS 221B Flute Rep. MUS 2XX
MUS 221C Oboe Rep. MUS 2XX
MUS 221D Clarinet Rep. MUS 2XX
MUS 221E Bassoon Rep. MUS 2XX
MUS 221F Saxophone Rep. MUS 2XX
MUS 221G Trumpet Rep.-Sophomore MUS 2XX
MUS 221H French Horn Rep. MUS 2XX
MUS 221J Low Brass Rep. MUS 2XX
MUS 221M Tuba Rep. MUS 2XX
MUS 221N 1 Piano Rep.- Sophomore MUS 2XX
MUS 221P Percussion Rep. MUS 2XX
MUS 221Q Elec. Bass Rep. MUS 2XX
MUS 221T Guitar Rep. MUS 2XX
MUS 221U Voice Rep. MUS 2XX
MUS 221V Violin/Viola Rep. MUS 2XX
MUS 221Y Cello/String Rep. MUS 2XX
MUS 221Z Organ Rep. MUS 2XX
    *All Applied Lessons - Elective - send to Department Chair if Music Minor or MUTH Major  
MUS 222A Drum Set Rep. MUS 2XX
MUS 222B Flute Rep. MUS 2XX
MUS 222C Oboe Rep. MUS 2XX
MUS 222D 1 Clarinet Rep. MUS 2XX
MUS 222E Bassoon Rep. MUS 2XX
MUS 222F 1 Saxophone Rep. MUS 2XX
MUS 222G Trumpet Rep.--Sophomore MUS 2XX
MUS 222H French Horn Rep. MUS 2XX
MUS 222J Low Brass Rep. MUS 2XX
MUS 222M Tuba Rep. MUS 2XX
MUS 222N Piano Rep.-Sophomore MUS 2XX
MUS 222P Percussion Rep. MUS 2XX
MUS 222Q Electronic Bass Rep. MUS 2XX
MUS 222T Guitar Rep. MUS 2XX
MUS 222U Voice Rep. MUS 2XX
MUS 222V Violin/Viola Rep. MUS 2XX
MUS 222Y String Rep. MUS 2XX
MUS 222Z Organ Rep. MUS 2XX
MUS 223B Soph Flute Rep. MUS 2XX
MUS 223H Soph French Horn Rep MUS 2XX 
MUS 223J Soph Trombone Rep MUS 2XX
MUS 223Q Electric Bass Repertory MUS 2XX 
MUS 223U Soph Voice Rep. MUS 2XX
MUS 224B  Soph Flute Repertory MUS 2XX 
MUS 224U Soph Voice Rep MUS 2XX
MUS 251B .5 Flute Choir MUS 254
MUS 251C .5  String Ensemble MUS 254
MUS 251D .5  Clarinet Choir MUS 254
MUS 251E .5  Wind Ensemble MUS 254
MUS 251F .5  Sax Ensemble MUS 254
MUS 251G .5  Latin Ensemble MUS 254
MUS 251H .5  French Horn Ensemble MUS 254
MUS 251J .5 Big Band Jazz MUS 254
MUS 251L .5 Woodwind Quintet MUS 254
MUS 251P .5  Percussion Ensemble MUS 254
MUS 251R .5  Concert Choir MUS 254
MUS 251S .5  Accompanying MUS 254
MUS 251T .5 Guitar Ensemble MUS 254
MUS 251V .5 OCC Singers MUS 254
MUS 251X .5  Improvisation MUS 254
MUS 251Y .5  Brass Quintet MUS 254
MUS 252B .5  Flute Choir MUS 254
MUS 252C .5  String Ensemble MUS 254
MUS 252D .5 Clarinet Choir MUS 254
MUS 252E .5  Wind Ensemble MUS 254
MUS 252F .5  Sax Ensemble MUS 254
MUS 252G .5  Latin Ensemble MUS 254
MUS 252H .5  Horn Ensemble MUS 254
MUS 252J .5  Big Band Jazz MUS 254
MUS 252L .5  Woodwind Quintet MUS 254
MUS 252P .5  Percussion Ensemble MUS 254
MUS 252R .5  Concert Choir MUS 254
MUS 252S .5  Accompanying MUS 254
MUS 252T .5 Guitar Ensemble MUS 254
MUS 252V .5  OCC Singers MUS 254
MUS 252X .5  Improvisation MUS 254
MUS 252Y .5  Brass Quintet MUS 254
MUS 253B  .5   Flute Choir MUS 2XX 
MUS 253E .5 Wind Ensemble MUS 2XX 
MUS 254B .5  Flute Choir MUS 2XX 


All general elective credit for Nursing


NTR 101 1 Nutrition for Healthcare Professionals HLH 1XX
NTR 104 3 Contemporary Nutrition HLH 232 or HLH 323
NTR 206 3 Diet Therapy HLH 2XX
NTR 218 Nutrition/Diet Therapy HLH 323 


PHI 101 3 The Examined Life: Introduction to Philosophy PHI 100
PHI 102 History of Philosophy-Ancient PHI 201
PHI 103 3 Critical Thinking PHI 110
PHI 104 History of Philosophy-Modern PHI 202
PHI 105 19th Century Philosophy PHI 201
PHI 106 Twentieth Century Philosophy PHI 202
PHI 107 Logic PHI 111
PHI 108 Ethics PHI 135
PHI 109 Philosophy of Religion PHI 1XX
PHI 110 American Philosophy PHI 250
PHI 120 Ethics in Engineering and Technology PHI 1XX
PHI 130 3 Environmental Ethics PHI 320
PHI 206 Philosophy of Law PHI 340
PHI 208 Philosophic Issues and Problems PHI 300
PHI 210 Philosophy of Science PHI 1XX
PHI 211 Metaphysics and Epistemology PHI 210


PHO 100 Basic Photography ATS 114
PHO 111 Digital Photography ATS 1XX
PHO 150 Black and White Photography ATS 1XX
PHO 160 Color Photography I ATS 1XX 
PHO 170 Studio Lighting and Techniques ATS 1XX 
PHO 175 Special Topics in Black and White Photography ATS 1XX
PHO 250 Color Negative Photography ATS 1XX
PHO 260 Color Photography II ATS 2XX 
PHO 270 Studio Lighting Techniques I ATS 2XX
PHO 271 Alternative Photographic Process ATS 2XX 
PHO 272 Documentary Photography ATS 2XX 
PHO 275 Special Topics in Color Photography ATS 1XX
PHO 276 Digital Imaging ATS 214
PHO 290 History of Photography ATH 2XX
PHO 291 Cooperative Education CPV 400

Physical Education

PED 101 Introduction to Physical Education, Sport and Kinesiology EXS 100 or EXS 197
PED 150 3 Physical Activity Planning and Leadership PED 1XX
PED 200 2 Team Sports PED 180
PED 201 Fundamentals of Exercise Science EXS 397

Physical Education, Sports and Leisure

PSL 210 2 Team Sports: Teaching and Officiating PED 180

Physical Education

PEH 100 Lifetime Wellness  PED 282
PEH 101 Beginning Swimming PED 189
PEH 103 Intermediate Swimming  PED 189
PEH 105 American Red Cross Lifeguard Training PED 300
PEH 106 Water Safety Instructors PED 301
PEH 107 1 Basic Scuba Diving PED 232
PEH 109 Water Aerobics for Women & Men PED 1XX
PEH 114 Horsemanship  PED 1XX
PEH 120C Horsemanship II PED 1XX
PEH 129 Beginning Tennis  PED 1XX
PEH 136 Aerobic Dancing for Women and Men PED 1XX
PEH 139 Ballroom Dancing PED 1XX
PEH 143 Skiing REC 101
PEH 145 Bowling PED 152
PEH 151 Karate PED 1XX
PEH 152 Tai Chi PED 1XX
PEH 155 Yoga PED 1XX
PEH 157 Beginning Golf PED 154
PEH 160 Basic Floor Pilates PED 1XX
PEH 161 Water Polo PED 1XX
PEH 163 Basic Weight Training for Life PED 1XX
PEH 168 Beginning Volleyball PED 1XX

Physical Therapist Assistant

PTA 101 Intro to Rehabilitation GEN 1XX
PTA 102 & 102L Physical Therapy Procedures I & Lab ATR 1XX
PTA 103 Clinical Training I  GEN 1XX
PTA 104 & 104L Physical Therapy Procedures II & Lab ATR 1XX
PTA 105 Functional Anatomy I EXS 1XX
PTA 106 Clinical Training II GEN 1XX
PTA 107 Physics for the Physical Therapist Assistant LAS 1XX
PTA 201 Physical Therapy Procedures III ATR 2XX
PTA 203 Physical Therapy Procedures IV ATR 2XX
PTA 204 Seminar GEN 2XX
PTA 205 Advanced Clinical Training GEN 2XX
PTA 206 Advanced Clinical Training II GEN 2XX 
PTA 207 Functional Anatomy II EXS 2XX
PTA 208 Seminar II: Strategies for Success GEN 2XX 


PHY 101 Technical Physics I PHY 105
PHY 103 General Physics I PHY 105
PHY 104 General Physics II PHY 106
PHY 105 Physics I-Mechanics PHY 201
PHY 205 4 Physics II-Electricity and Magnetism PHY 202
PHY 206 4 Physics III-Thermodynamics and Waves PHY 203

Political Science

POS 100 3 American National Politics POL 100
POS 102 State and Local Politics POL 326
POS 198 Introduction to Political Thought POL 270
POS 201 Comparative Politics POL 101
POS 214 Contemporary Global Issues LAS 2XX
POS 215 The Politics of Native American - U.S. Relations LAS 2XX
POS 230 Women and Politics POL 2XX
POS 260 NYS Environmental Regulation POL 2XX
POS 280 Internship in Politics & Government POL 1XX
POS 290 Senate and Assembly Research POL 2XX
POS 291 Sen/Assembly Internship CPV 400


PSY 103 3 General Psychology PSY 101
PSY 204 Child Psychology PSY 231
PSY 205 Social Psychology PSY 422
PSY 206 Human Growth/Development PSY 333
PSY 207 Adolescent Psychology PSY 232
PSY 208 Personality Theories PSY 322
PSY 209 The Psychology of Adulthood PSY 334
PSY 210 Abnormal Psychology PSY 421
PSY 211 Psychology of Leadership and Work PSY 342
PSY 212 Psychology of Women PSY 2XX
PSY 214 Educational Psychology PSY 332
PSY 215 Mind and Body: Physiological Psychology PSY 411
PSY 216 Psychology and the Law: Forensic Psychology PSY 2XX
PSY 217 Psychology of Men PSY 2XX
PSY 218 Psychology of Disabilities PSY 2XX
PSY 219 Positive Psychology PSY 2XX
PSY 297 3 Sport Psychology EXS 346 or PSY 346

Reading and Study Skills

RDG 130 Reading/Study Skills GEN 1XX
RDG 134 Listening and Note taking Skills GEN 1XX
RDG 136 Vocabulary Building GEN 1XX
RDG 140/ILS 140 Integrated Learning Seminar: Health Science GEN 1XX
RDG 142 Reading and Learning Strategies GEN 1XX
RDG 153/ILS 153 College Learning Strategies CLS 101 or GEN 1XX
RDG 154 Critical Reading GEN 1XX

Recreation Leadership

REC 101 Introduction to Recreation and Leisure Studies REC 271
REC 102 Activity Skills I GEN 1XX
REC 103 Recreation Skills II GEN 1XX
REC 104 Group Leadership Techniques REC 380
REC 105 Recreational Aquatics PED 189
REC 201   Team Sports ( 2 cr) PED 1XX (.5), PED 180 (1), PED 1XX (.5)
REC 204 Outdoor Recreation and Nature Studies REC 379
REC 207 Expressive Arts in Recreation LAS 2XX
REC 253 Recreation Programming: Issues in Diversity Inclusion REC 393

Respiratory Care

RET 101 Medical Physics I PHY 1XX
RET 102 Mechanics of Disease HLH 1XX
RET 103 Respiratory Physiology SCI 1XX
RET 105 & 105L Respiratory Care Practice I and Lab GEN 1XX
RET 118 Clinical Internship I CPV 400
RET 125 & 125L Respiratory Care Practicum and Lab GEN 1XX
RET 126 & 126L Mechanical Ventilation and Lab GEN 1XX
RET 128 Fresh Clinical II GEN 1XX
RET 130 Neonatal Respiratory Care GEN 1XX
RET 134 Respiratory Disease GEN 1XX
RET 139 Freshman Clinical III GEN 1XX
RET 142 Respiratory Home Care GEN 1XX
RET 144 Applied Physiology EXS 1XX
RET 145 Respiratory Care Seminar GEN 1XX
RET 205 Cardiovascular Physiology and Disease SCI 2XX
RET 206 Acid-Base Physiology SCI 2XX
RET 207 Diagnostic Techniques GEN 1XX
RET 211 Respiratory Care Seminar II GEN 1XX
RET 213 Sophomore Clinical Internship I CPV 400
RET 214 Sophomore Clinical Internship II CPV 400

Science-Physical Science

SCI 100 & 100L 4 Meteorology and Lab GLY 371 (w/SCI 100L)
SCI 103 & 103L Introductory Astronomy and Lab PHY 150
SCI 104 Intro to Planetary Science PHY 1XX
SCI 111 Intro to Physics and Chemistry SCI 142
SCI 112 Biology-Geology for Elementary Education SCI 141


SOC 103 Introductory Sociology SOC 150
SOC 183 Popular Culture SOC 1XX
SOC 203 Sociology of Gender Roles SOC 401
SOC 204 Social Problems SOC 2XX
SOC 207 Sociology of Deviance SOC 373
SOC 209 Sociology of Death and Dying SOC 2XX
SOC 211 Race and Ethnicity SOC 352 Or ANT 352
SOC 213 International Development and Change SOC 2XX
SOC 214 Contemporary Global Issues IST 210
SOC 215 Sports in Society EXS 345

Surgical Technology

SGT 101 Introduction to Surgical Technology GEN 1XX
SGT 102 Surgical Pharmacology GEN 1XX
SGT 103 & 103L Principles of Surgical Technology and Lab GEN 1XX
SGT 105 Clinical Practice No credit
SGT 111 Surgical Procedures GEN 1XX
SGT 115 Clinical Practice II No credit


SUS 101 3 Introduction to Sustainability LAS 1XX


TEL 241 Telecommunications I  GEN 2XX
TEL 242 Telecommunications 2  GEN 2XX
TEL 243 Telecommunications 3  GEN 2XX
TEL 244 Telecommunications 4 GEN 2XX

Women's Studies

WMS 101 3 Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies WGS 100

Writing Skills Tutorial

WSC 099 Writing Skills Tutorial No credit