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Rockland Community College

 State University of New York College at Cortland


Credit Equivalencies - Rockland Community College


 NOTE:  Please refer to the current Cortland course catalog for information regarding major requirements. 

1XX, 2XX, 3XX or XXX – Cortland does not have an equivalent, but student will receive elective credit.





Course Title (Rockland)

SUNY Cortland


ACC 10100 4 Principles of Accounting I MGT 254
ACC 10200 4 Principles of Accounting II MGT 255
ACC 15000 3 Forensic Accounting MGT 1XX
ACC 20100 4 Intermediate Accounting I MGT 2XX
ACC 20200 4 Intermediate Accounting II MGT 2XX
ACC 20400 3 Cost Accounting MGT 2XX
ACC 21000 4 Computer Applications in Accounting CAP 2XX

American Sign Language

ASL 10100 4 American Sign Language I ASL 101
ASL 10200 4 American Sign Language II ASL 102
ASL 20100 Intermediate American Sign Language I ASL 201
ASL 20200 4 Intermediate American Sign Language II ASL 202


ANR 10100 3 Cultural Anthropology Honors ANT 102
ANR 10200 3 Cultural Anthropology ANT 102
ANR 21100 3 Prehistoric Archeology ANT 2XX


ARA 10100 Elementary Arabic I  ARA 101
ARA 10200 4 Elementary Arabic II  ARA 102


ART 10100 3 Art Appreciation ATH 1XX
ART 11800 3 Art of the Western World ATH 122
ART 11900 3 History of Art I ATH 121
ART 12000 3 History of Art II ATH 122
ART 12500 3 History of Art I Honors ATH 121
ART 12600 3 History of Art I Honors ATH 122
ART 12800 3 Ceramics I ATS 104
ART 13000 3 Black and White Camera and Darkroom I ATS 114
ART 13400 3 History of Photography ATH 1XX
ART 13600 3 Race, Class and Gender in American Art LAS 1XX
ART 14100 3 Art of Africa, Asia and the Americas ATH 1XX
ART 14600 3 Black & White Photography I ATS 114
ART 14700 3 Painting I ATS 103
ART 15100 3 History of Animation ATH 1XX
ART 15900 3 Drawing I ATS 101
ART 16400 3 2D Design ATS 1XX
ART 16500 3 3D Design ATS 113
ART 16900 3 Drawing II ATS 201
ART 17200 3 Typography ATS 241
ART 17300 3 2D Animation ATS 1XX
ART 17400 3 Intro to 3D Animation ATS 1XX
ART 17800 3 Sculpture I ATS 106
ART 18400 3 Printmaking I ATS 107
ART 18800 3 Web Site Design ATS 1XX
ART 18900 3 Jewelry Workshop I ATS 1XX
ART 19000 3 Art and the Environment ATH 1XX
ART 19500 3 Digital Art ATS 202
ART 20300 3 Color Photography I ATS 2XX
ART 20400 3 Color Photography II ATS 2XX
ART 21000 3 Animation Principles ATS 2XX
ART 22100 3 Art and Philosophy of the East ATH 2XX
ART 22300 3 Graphic Design ATS 240
ART 22600 3 Art in New York: A Multicultural Perspective ATH 2XX
ART 23700 3 Art and Architecture in Barcelona ATH 2XX
ART 23800 3 Ceramics II ATS 204
ART 23900 3 Scripting for Interactive Media ATS 2XX
ART 24400 4 Honors Rebels & Romantics: Art and Literature of the 19th Century ATH 2XX
ART 24500 3 Intro to Computing Modeling ATS 2XX
ART 24600 3 Black and White Photography II ATS 2XX
ART 24700 3 Painting II ATS 203
ART 24800 3 Ceramics III ATS 304
ART 24900 3 Digital Photography ATS 214
ART 25500 3 Art in London ATH 2XX
ART 26400 Art & The African American Experience ATH 2XX
ART 27300 Art Internship CPV 400
ART 27700 3 Constructed Image/Photoshop ATS 2XX
ART 27800 3 Sculpture II ATS 206
ART 27900 3 Drawing III ATS 301
ART 28400 3 Printmaking II ATS 207
ART 28900 3 Jewelry Workshop II ATS 2XX
ART 29200 3 Art in Paris ATH 2XX
ART 29300 3 Independent Projects in Fine Arts ATS 2XX
ART 29400 3 Drawing for Animation ATS 2XX
ART 29500 3 Alternative Process ATS 2XX
ART 29800 3 Independent Projects in Photography ATS 2XX
ART 29900 3 Independent Projects in Graphic Design ATS 2XX

Automotive Technology

All Automotive Technology credit will transfer as general elective credit - GEN 1XX


BIO 10300 3 Introduction to the Human Body SCI 1XX
BIO 10500 4 General Biology I BIO 110 or 201
BIO 10600 4 General Biology II BIO 111/113 or 202
BIO 10700 4 General Biology I Honors BIO 110 or 201
BIO 10900 4 General Biology II Honors BIO 111/113 or 202
BIO 11000 4 Anatomy and Physiology I BIO 301
BIO 11100 4 Anatomy & Physiology II BIO 302
BIO 12000 Botany  BIO 1XX
BIO 12200 4 Fundamentals of Ecology SCI 1XX
BIO 15000 3 Human Sexuality HLH 302
BIO 20000 General Ecology BIO 412 
BIO 20700 4 Microbiology BIO 303 or 304
BIO 20900 3 Genetics BIO 306
BIO 21200 4 Environmental Science EST 100 
BIO 22000 Marine Biology BIO 2XX
BIO 25000 3 Pathophysiology BIO 430


BUS 10100 3 Introduction to Business MGT 250 or LAS 2XX
BUS 10800 Business Communication COM 1XX
BUS 11000 3 History of Multiculturalism in American Business LAS 1XX
BUS 11200 3 History of Multiculturalism in American Business Honors LAS 1XX
BUS 20300 3 Business Law I MGT 265
BUS 20400 3 Business Law II LAS 2XX
BUS 20800 Presentation Software: Power Point CAP 2XX
BUS 21500 3 Electronic Commerce GEN 2XX
BUS 26000 3 Ethics in Business PHI 2XX
BUS 27300 3 Business Practicum GEN 2XX
BUS 28000 3 Ethics in Business Honors PHI 2XX


CHM 10100 4 Inorganic Chemistry I CHE 227/277
CHM 10200 4 Inorganic Chemistry II CHE 228/278
CHM 10500 3 Principles of General & Biological Chemistry CHE 125
CHM 11100 3 Human Nutrition Science HLH 232 or HLH 323
CHM 11200 Science of Functional Nutrition HLH 1XX
CHM 20100 4 Organic Chemistry I CHE 301 or CHE 300/303
CHM 20200 4 Organic Chemistry II CHE 302/304

Cinema and Film Studies

CFS 17200 3 Cinematic Comedy CIN 1XX


CHI 10100 Elementary Chinese I  CHI 101
CHI 10200 Elementary Chinese II  CHI 102
CHI 20100  4 Intermediate Chinese I  CHI 201
CHI 20200 4 Intermediate Chinese II  CHI 202


COM 10100 3 History of Broadcast/Digital Media COM 200
COM 10400 4 Audio Production I COM 242
COM 10500 3 Audio Production II COM 1XX
COM 12000 3 Mass Communication I COM 301
COM 12100 3 Mass Communication II COM 1XX
COM 15000 3 Television and American Culture COM 1XX
COM 20100 3 Broadcast Script Writing COM 203
COM 20500 3 Radio Production COM 242
COM 21100 4 Television Production I, Basic COM 342
COM 21200 4 Television Production II, Advanced COM 2XX
COM 21500 4 Video Editing COM 2XX
COM 25500 3 Broadcasting in Britain COM 2XX
COM 27100-27600 1-6 Electronic Media Practicum GEN 2XX

Computer Assisted Design

CAD 10500 4 Introduction to AutoCAD CAP 1XX
CAD 21000 4 Architectural Drafting GEN 2XX
CAD 21400 4 Landscape CAP 2XX
CAD 22000 4 Building Information Management CAP 2XX
CAD 22100 3D Drafting/Introduction to Solid Works  
CAD 22200 Advanced 3D Modeling/Solid Works  
CAD 23300 4 Advanced Animation & Rendering ATS 2XX

Computer Studies

CSP 10000 3 Computing Literacy for ESL students CAP 100
CSP 10100 3 Introduction to Computers CAP 100
CSP 10400 Computers in Education  CAP 1XX
CSP 10500 3 Computers in Society CAP 104
CSP 11500 4 Principles of PC Operating Systems CAP 1XX
CSP 12500 4 Introduction to Visual Basic CAP 204
CSP 12600 4 Visual Basic II CAP 2XX
CSP 12700 4 Computer Programming I/JAVA MCS 186
CSP 12800 4 Computer Programming II/JAVA CAP 404
CSP 13800 4 Spreadsheet Design/MS Excel CAP 1XX
CSP 13900 4 Database Design /MS Access CAP 1XX
CSP 14100 Introduction to Programming in C++  
CSP 14900 4 Web Page Development CAP 351
CSP 20000 Help Desk & Support Specialist  
CSP 21100 4 Systems Analysis & Design CAP 2XX
CSP 22800 Computer Programming III  
CSP 23400 4 PC Architecture & Assembly Language CAP 2XX
CSP 23900 Database Design/Oracle  
CSP 24100 4 Object Oriented Programming in C++ MCS 186
CSP 26000 3 Web Programming/Client Side CAP 351
CSP 26100 4 Web Programming/Server Side CAP 2XX
CSP 26200 2 Web Site Management CAP 2XX
CSP 27100-27300 1-3 Computer Studies Practicum CAP 2XX

Corporate/Homeland Security

All Corporate/Homeland Security credit will transfer as general elective credit - GEN 1XX.  

Criminal Justice and Legal Studies

CRJ 10100 3 Introduction to Criminal Justice CRM 303 or POL 303
CRJ 10200 3 Introduction to Policing CRM 1XX
CRJ 10300 3 Juvenile Justice System CRM 462 or SOC 462
CRJ 10600 3 Introduction to the Court System CRM 1XX
CRJ 10400/12000 3 Introduction to Corrections CRM 464 or SOC 464
CRJ 11100 3 Police Organization & Management CRM 1XX
CRJ 13000 3 Intro to Security CRM 1XX
CRJ 20100 3 Criminal Law CRM 377
CRJ 20200 3 History of Policing CRM 333 or SOC 333
CRJ 20300 3 Criminal Investigation CRM 2XX
CRJ 20500 3 The Law of Criminal Evidence CRM 2XX
CRJ 20600 3 Justice, Crime, Ethics CRM 2XX
CRJ 20800 3 Special Topics in CRJ CRM 2XX
CRJ 20900 Terrorism & Homeland Security GEN 2XX
CRJ 21000 3 International Criminal Justice Systems CRM 2XX
CRJ 21200 3 Forensic Death Investigation CRM 2XX
CRJ 21400 3 Victimology CRM 2XX
CRJ 21600 3 Wrongful Convictions CRM 2XX
CRJ 21700 3 Principles of Probation and Parole GEN 2XX
CRJ 21800 3 Introduction to Gangs CRM 2XX
CRJ 22000 3 Criminal Justice Field Experience CRM 2XX
CRJ 22200 3 Organized Crime in America CRM 325 or SOC 325
CRJ 22400 3 Analysis of Serial Killers CRM 2XX
CRJ 22500 3 The Criminal Justice System & Women CRM 2XX
CRJ 22600 3 Multicultural Law Enforce LAS 2XX
CRJ 22700 3 Community Policing & Problem Solving CRM 2XX
CRJ 22800 3 Public Policy, Crime & Criminal Justice CRM 2XX
CRJ 22900 3 Analysis of Domestic Violence CRM 2XX
CRJ 25500 3 Comparative Criminal Justice Seminar CRM 2XX
CRJ 25600 3 Issues in Comparative Public Safety CRM 2XX
CRJ 25700 3 Criminal Justice Professional Development Comp Study CRM 2XX
CRJ 27300 3 Security Practicum I GEN 2XX
LGS 101 3 Introduction to Law CRM 1XX


ECO 20100 3 Microeconomics ECO 111
ECO 20200 3 Macroeconomics ECO 110
ECO 20700 3 Microeconomics Honors ECO 111


EDU 14400 3 Foundations of Education EDU 270

Electronic Technology

ELT 10100 4 DC Fundamentals PHY 1XX
ELT 10200 4 Intro to Semiconductors PHY 1XX
ELT 10300 4 Circuit Analysis GEN 1XX
ELT 10400 4 AC Theory PHY 1XX
ELT 11500 3 Applied Math I MAT 1XX
ELT 11600 3 Applied Math II MAT 1XX
ELT 20600 Electronic Instrumentation  
ELT 23700 3 Test Equipment GEN 2XX
ELT 24500 4 Linear Integrated Circuits PHY 2XX
ELT 24800 4 Digital Circuits PHY 2XX
ELT 24900 4 PC Maintenance CAP 2XX
ELT 26300 4 Electronic Equipment Repair PHY 2XX

Emergency Management

All Emergency Management credits will transfer as general elective credit - GEN 1XX. 

Emergency Medical Services

EMT 10000 4 Certified First Responder

HLH 120 or HLH 1XX (for HLH majors)

EMT 10100 4 Emergency Medical Technology I

HLH 120 or HLH 1XX (for HLH majors)

EMT 10200 4 EMT II HLH 1XX


ENR 10500 3 Intro to Engineering GEN 1XX
ENR 10600 3 Engineering Graphics LAS 2XX
ENR 20300 3 Engineering- Statics PHY 2XX
ENR 20600 3 Electric Circuits PHY 2XX
ENR 20800 3 Intro to Thermodynamics PHY 2XX


ENG 10110 3 College Writing I CPN 100
ENG 10200 3 College Writing II CPN 101
ENG 10300 3 College Writing I Honors CPN 100
ENG 10400 3 College Writing II Honors CPN 101
ENG 20100 3 World Literature I ENG 220
ENG 20200 3 World Literature II ENG 221
ENG 20300 3 American Literary Tradition I ENG 325
ENG 20400 3 American Literary Tradition II ENG 326
ENG 20500 3 Themes in British Literature I ENG 355
ENG 20600 3 Themes in British Literature II ENG 356
ENG 20700 3 Studies in the Short Story ENG 202
ENG 20800 3 American Values in Literature ENG 2XX
ENG 21100 3 Modern Latin American Literature ENG 2XX
ENG 21400 3 Modern Drama ENG 204
ENG 21500 3 Introduction to Modern Poetry ENG 203
ENG 21700 3 Introduction to Journalism COM 203
ENG 22000 3 Honors Literature Seminar I ENG 2XX
ENG 22100 3 Honors Literature Seminar II ENG 2XX
ENG 22400 3 Modern Fiction ENG 202
ENG 22600 3 Gender Roles in Literature ENG 2XX
ENG 23100 3 African-American Literature I ENG 251
ENG 23200 3 Children’s Literature ENG 373
ENG 23800 3 Creative Writing Workshop I PWR 2XX
ENG 23900 3 Creative Writing Workshop II PWR 212
ENG 24000 3 Creative Writing Workshop III PWR 212
ENG 24100 3 African-American Literature II ENG 2XX
ENG 24400 Honors Rebels & Romantics: Art & Literature ENG 2XX 
ENG 24500 Asian American Literature ENG 2XX
ENG 25000 Themes in Irish Literature  ENG 257
ENG 25300 3 Creative Writing Workshop IV PWR 212 or PWR 2XX
ENG 26100 3 Poetry Writing Workshop PWR 213
ENG 26200,26300,26400 3 Poetry Writing Workshop PWR 213 or PWR 2XX
ENG 26900 3 Drama in Britain ENG 2XX
ENG 27300 3 Writing Practicum and Internships GEN 2XX
ENG 28300 3 Literature and Film ENG 278
ENG 28400 3 On Poets and Poetry ENG 203
ENG 28700 3 Playwriting I ENG 2XX
ENG 28800 3 Detective/Mystery Fiction ENG 202 or ENG 2XX
ENG 91000 2 Theories and Practice of Researching ENG 2XX

Exercise and Human Performance

EHP 10300 1 Social Dance: Swing Dance PED 388
EHP 10300 1 Social Dance: Ballroom Dancing PED 388
EHP 10300 1 Social Dance: Latin Dance PED 388
PED 10400 1 Intermediate Line Dancing PED 1XX
EHP 10500 1 Pilates PED 1XX
EHP 10600 1 Country Line Dancing PED 1XX
EHP 10700 1 Aerobic Dancing PED 1XX
EHP 10800 1 Body Sculpting PED 1XX
EHP 10900 1 Step Aerobics PED 1XX
EHP 11000 1 Walk to Fitness PED 1XX
EHP 11100 1 Golf PED 154
EHP 11300 1 Self Defense PED 384
EHP 11500 1 Adult Fitness Through Diet & Exercise PED 1XX
EHP 11600 1 Beginning Hatha Yoga PED 1XX
EHP 11700 1 Weight Training PED 282
EHP 11800 1 Personal Fitness PED 282
EHP 12100 1 Tai-Chi Chuan I PED 1XX
EHP 12200 1 Tai-Chi Chuan II PED 1XX
EHP 12400 1 Tennis I (*if taken with racquetball=PED 180) PED 1XX
EHP 12500 1 Tennis II PED 1XX
EHP 12600 1 Introduction to Fitness & Wellness HLH 1XX
EHP 12900 1 Stress Reduction HLH 1XX
EHP 13300 1 Volleyball (*if taken with basketball=PED 180) PED 1XX
EHP 13400 1 Basketball (* if taken with volleyball=PED 180) PED 1XX
EHP 13600 1 Swim and Weight Train Combo PED 1XX
EHP 14000 1 Swimming I:Beginner (cross-listed with PES 140) PED 189
EHP 14100 1 Swimming II: Intermediate (cross-listed with PES 141) PED 189 or 1XX
EHP 14400 1 Scuba Diving PED 232
EHP 14500 2 Water Safety Instructor (cross-listed with PES 145) PED 1XX
EHP 14600 2 Lifeguard Training (cross-listed with PES 146) PED 300
EHP 15100 1 Bowling PED 152(.5)&1XX(.5)
EHP 15500 1 Skiing/Snowboarding REC 111 or 112
EHP 15600 1 Group Camping REC 1XX
EHP 15700 1 Backpacking REC 102
EHP 16000 1 Racquetball (*if taken with Tennis=PED 283) PED 1XX
EHP 17000 1 Distance Learning - Aerobics PED 1XX
EHP 17100 1 Distance Learning - Strength Development PED 1XX
EHP 17200 1 Distance Learning - Diet and Exercise PED 1XX
EHP 18000 1 Sailing REC 1XX
EHP 18100 1 Sculling REC 1XX
EHP 18400 1 Canoeing REC 103
EHP 21100 1 Golf II PED 1XX

Exercise Science

EXS 10100/FIT 10100 3 Concepts of Resistance Training EXS 1XX
EXS 10300 3 Introduction to Exercise Science EXS 1XX
EXS 11100 3 Introduction to Physical Education EXS 197
EXS 13000/FIT 13000 3 Sports and Society EXS 1XX
EXS 20000 3 Nutrition and Sports Performance EXS 357
EXS 20100/HPS 20100 3 Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries EXS 421
EXS 21100/FIT 21100 3 Applied Concepts of Fitness Training EXS 270


FIN 10100 3 Principles of Finance MGT 1XX
FIN 20100 3 Entrepreneurial Finance ECO 2XX
FIN 21400 3 Money & Banking ECO 431
FIN 21500 Principles of Banking  
FIN 21700 3 Personal Financial Management ECO 2XX

Fire Technology

All Fire Technology credits will transfer as general elective credit - GEN 1XX. 


FIT 10100 3 Concepts of Resistance Training EXS 1XX
FIT 21100/EXS 21100 3 Applied Concepts of Fitness Training EXS 270
FIT 21200/EXS 21200 3 Introduction to Exercise Science EXS 197 or EXS 100
FIT 21300 3 Fitness Counseling EXS 2XX
FIT 27300 3 Fitness Practicum EXS 470


FRE 10100 4 Elementary French I FRE 101
FRE 10200 4 Elementary French II FRE 102
FRE 20100 4 Intermediate French I FRE 201
FRE 20200 4 Intermediate French II FRE 202


GEO 13000 3 Coming to America: Geographical and Historical Perspectives on Immigration GRY 221
GEO 20100 3 Introduction to Geography GRY 120
GEO 21000 3 Physical Geography GRY 110


GER 10100 4 Elementary German I GER 101
GER 10200 4 Elementary German II GER 102
GER 20100 4 Intermediate German I GER 201
GER 20200 4 Intermediate German II GER 202


HLT 11100 3 Introduction to Allied Health HLH 1XX
HLT 20600 3 Living with Health HLH 210
HLT 21000 Advanced Cardiac Care Support  HLH 1XX
HLT 21100 1 Pediatric Advanced Life Support  HLH 1XX


HEB 10100 4 Elementary Hebrew I FLR 101
HEB 10200 4 Elementary Hebrew II FLR 102
HEB 20100 4 Intermediate Hebrew I FLR 201
HEB 20200 4 Intermediate Hebrew II FLR 202


HIS 10000 History of Minorities in the United States HIS 1XX
HIS 10100 3 Western Civilization I HIS 110
HIS 10200 3 Western Civilization II HIS 111
HIS 10400 3 Mysteries in History HIS 1XX
HIS 11200 3 World History I HIS 100
HIS 11300 3 World History II HIS 101
HIS 11500 3 Pluralism & Diversity in American Religions HIS 1XX
HIS 11700 3 History of Western Civilization I Honors HIS 110
HIS 11900 3 Civil Rights 1945-1975 HIS 1XX
HIS 12100 3 Colonialism to Constitution HIS 1XX
HIS 13000 3 Coming to America: Geographical and Historical Perspectives on Immigration GRY 221
HIS 14200 3 Community & Conservation in the Americas HIS 1XX
HIS 15000 3 History of Law, Culture, and Society HIS 1XX
HIS 19000 3 Special Topics: History of Baseball HIS 1XX
HIS 20100 3 American History I HIS 200
HIS 20200 3 American History II HIS 201
HIS 20300 3 Modern European History HIS 2XX
HIS 20700 3 African American History I HIS 2XX
HIS 21300 3 Psychohistory I: Sex, Childhood & Personality in Western Society HIS 2XX
HIS 21400 3 Psychohistory II: Hitler, Nazism, and  The Holocaust HIS 2XX
HIS 21900 3 Vietnam: A Historical Study HIS 2XX
HIS 24800 3 History of the Holocaust HIS 2XX
HIS 25700 Monuments in French History HIS 2XX
HIS 27300 History Internship/Practicum HIS 2XX


HOS 10100 3 Introduction to the Hospitality Industry LAS 1XX
HOS 10200 3 Restaurant Management MGT 1XX
HOS 10400 3 Quantity Food Preparation I GEN 1XX
HOS 10500 3 Hospitality Purchasing & Marketing MGT 2XX
HOS 10600 3 Travel & Tourism Operations GEN 1XX
HOS 10700 3 E- Commerce in Hospitality GEN 1XX
HOS 10800 Introduction of Baking GEN 1XX
HOS 20500 3 Sanitation Management GEN 2XX
HOS 20600 3 Beverage Management GEN 2XX
HOS 20700 3 Quantity Food Preparation II GEN 2XX
HOS 20800 3 Destination Development & Promotion GEN 2XX
HOS 21100 3 Professional Baking GEN 2XX
HOS 21300 3 Menu Planning  and Facilities Layout & Design GEN 2XX
HOS 21400 3 Buffet Catering: Garde Manger GEN 2XX
HOS 21600 3 Special Events – Meeting Planning Management REC 2XX
HOS 21800 Hospitality of the Hudson GEN 2XX
HOS 22000 3 Pluralism & Diversity in Food & Culture in America LAS 2XX
HOS 22200 3 Hospitality Law and Accounting MGT 2XX
HOS 22300 3 Hotel Management MGT 2XX
HOS 25600 3 A Taste of the World GEN 2XX
HOS 27100-27600 1-6 Hospitality Practicum  CPV 400

Human Performance Studies/Human Performance and Wellness

HPS 10100 1 Racquet Sports PED 283
HPS 10200 1 Team Sports PED 180
HPS 10300 1 Aerobic Fitness PED 1XX
HPS 10400 1 Anaerobic Fitness PED 1XX
HPS 11100 3 Introduction to Physical Education EXS 197
HPS 11200 3 Introduction to Athletic Training EXS 1XX
HPS 11400 3 Community Health and Wellness HLH 110
HPS 14000 1 Swimming I PED 189
HPS 14100 1 Swimming II PED 1XX
HPS 20000 3 Nutrition and Sports Performance EXS 357
HPS 20100/EXS 20100 3 Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries EXS 421
HPS 203 1 Teaching Fitness Activities PED 2XX
HPS 204 1 Teaching Sport Activities PED 2XX
HPW 20000 2 Mental and Physical Wellness HLH 2XX
HPW 21800 2 Wellness and Personal Fitness PED 2XX
HPW 24100 2 Wellness and Aquatics PED 2XX

Human Services

HSC 10100 3 Introduction to Human Services HUS 100
HSC 22500 3 Crisis Intervention HUS 1XX
HSC 27000 3 Community Human Services Seminar HUS 1XX

International Business

INT 20100 3 Principles of International Business ECO 2XX


ITA 10100 4 Elementary Italian I ITA 101
ITA 10200 4 Elementary Italian II ITA 102
ITA 20100 4 Intermediate Italian I ITA 201
ITA 20200 4 Intermediate Italian II ITA 202

Life Skills

LSK 10300 1 College Success CLS 101
LSK 20300 3 Life, Career, & Educational Planning GEN 2XX


MGT 10700 Project Management MGT 1XX
MGT 11100 3 Spreadsheet & Data Base Management CAP 2XX
MGT 15000 3 Principles of Management MGT 250
MGT 16000 Sports Management SPM 175
MGT 20200 3 Human Resource Management MGT 385
MGT 20700 3 Small Business Management GEN 2XX
MGT 21900 3 Administrative Office Management MGT 2XX


MKT 20100 3 Marketing MGT 253
MKT 20500 3 Principles of Retailing GEN 2XX
MKT 20600 3 Principles of Sales GEN 2XX
MKT 21000 3 Principles of Advertising COM 371
MKT 21300 Sports Marketing SPM 360
MKT 24000 3 Marketing Research MGT 2XX


MAT 10110 3 Elementary Algebra MAT 1XX
MAT 10200 3 Intermediate Algebra for College Students MAT 111
MAT 10300 3 Contemporary Mathematics MAT 105
MAT 10500 3 Mathematics for the Classroom Teacher MAT 101
MAT 12500 4 Statistics MAT 201
MAT 13400 4 College Algebra MAT 111
MAT 13500 4 Pre-Calculus MAT 115
MAT 20300 4 Calculus I MAT 135
MAT 20400 4 Calculus II MAT 236
MAT 20500 4 Calculus III MAT 237
MAT 20600 4 Differential Equations MAT 336
MAT 20700 4 Linear Algebra MAT 272
MAT 20900 4 Discrete Mathematics MAT 2XX

Medical Informatics

MIT 20100 4 Introduction to Medical Informatics  

Medical Records

MDR 11100 3 Medical Terminology  EXS 344

Multicultural Studies

MCS 10100 3 Introduction to Multicultural Studies LAS 1XX
MCS 11000 3 Historical Multiculturalism in American Business LAS 1XX
MCS 12000 3 Multicultural Music in America LAS 1XX
MCS 13600 3 Race/Class/Gender in American Art LAS 1XX
MCS 14000 3 Civil Liberty and Multiculturalism LAS 1XX
MCS 15000 3 Multiculturalism in Fire Science LAS 1XX
MCS 20100 3 Women/Men/Sex/Power WGS 100
MCS 22200 3 Diversity in American Speech and Language LAS 1XX
MCS 22300 3 Diversity in American Speech and Language Honors LAS 1XX
MCS 22600 3 Multicultural Law Enforcement LAS 1XX
MCS 24000 3 Sex, Power, Social Change Honors LAS 1XX


MUS 10100 3 Music Appreciation MUS 100
MUS 10500 3 Ear Training MUS 1XX
MUS 10700 3 Songwriting Workshop I MUS 1XX
MUS 11100 3 Music History MUS 1XX
MUS 12000 3 Pluralism and Diversity Music in America MUS 110
MUS 13400 3 Singing/Beginning Voice MUS 164
MUS 14300 3 Jazz Workshop MUS 1XX
MUS 20100 3 Basic Musicianship MUS 111
MUS 20200 3 Harmony MUS 2XX
MUS 20800 3 History of Jazz MUS 332
MUS 26100-26200 1-2  Applied Music Program  


All Nursing credits will transfer as general elective credit - GEN 1XX. 

Occupational Therapy

OCC 10100 3 Introduction to Occupational Therapy GEN 1XX
OCC 10200 3 Clinical Conditions LAS 1XX
OCC 10300 3 Occupational Therapy Skills GEN 1XX
OCC 10500 3 Therapeutic Occupations GEN 1XX
OCC 10700 3 Advanced Therapeutic Occupations GEN 1XX
OCC 17100 .5 Occupational Therapy Fieldwork A GEN 1XX
OCC 17200 .5 Occupational Therapy Fieldwork B GEN 1XX
OCC 20100 3 Principles of Occupational Therapy I: Geriatrics GEN 2XX
OCC 20200 3 Principles of Occupational Therapy II: Pediatrics GEN 2XX
OCC 20400 3 Principles of Occupational Therapy III: Physical Disa GEN 2XX
OCC 20500 3 Principles of Occupational Therapy IV: Psychological Disabilities GEN 2XX
OCC 20700 2 Prof. Issues & Documentation in OT GEN 2XX
OCC 20800 2 Advanced Skills Occupational Therapy  

Office Technologies

OFT 10200 4 Office Technologies Procedures GEN 1XX
OFT 10300 3 Basic Keyboarding GEN 1XX
OFT 10700 Project Management  
OFT 11100 3 Spreadsheet & Database Management CAP 2XX
OFT 11200 3 Word Processing Applications/MS Word CAP 1XX
OFT 20700 3 Advanced Word Processing CAP 2XX
OFT 20800 3 Presentation Software/MS Word CAP 235
OFT 27100 1 Office Technologies Practicum GEN 2XX
OFT 91200 1 Computer Keyboarding CAP 2XX

Paralegal Studies

PLG 10100 3 Introduction to Law LAS 1XX
PLG 10200 3 Legal Research & Writing LAS 1XX
PLG 10300 3 Civil Litigation LAS 1XX
PLG 10500 3 Domestic Relations GEN 1XX
PLG 10600 3 Computerized Legal Applications CAP 100
PLG 10700 3 Contract Law and Litigation LAS 1XX
PLG 10800 3 Real Estate Practice GEN 1XX
PLG 10900 3 Elder Law, Estate Planning & Probate GEN 1XX
PLG 11000 3 Tort Law GEN 1XX
PLG 11100 Advanced Legal Research & Writing  
PLG 14000 Civil Liberties & Multiculturalism  LAS 1XX
PLG 27300 Paralegal Practicum  

Performing Arts

PER 10900 3 Theater Appreciation THT 100
PER 11000 3 Introduction to Performing Arts LAS 2XX
PER 11200 3 Modern Dance I DNC 2XX
PER 11300 3 Modern Dance II DNC 2XX
PER 11800 3 Ballet I DNC 101
PER 11900 3 Ballet II DNC 201
PER 12300 3 Jazz Dance I DNC 102
PER 12400 3 Jazz Dance II DNC 202
PER 12700 3 Dance Improvisation DNC 1XX
PER 14300 3 Makeup for the Stage THT 1XX
PER 15000 3 Improvisation I THT 1XX
PER 15200 3 Improvisation II THT 1XX
PER 15300 3 Acting for TV THT 1XX
PER 15600 3 Physical Acting for Stage THT 1XX
PER 16100 3 Shakespeare on Stage THT 2XX
PER 20100 3 Acting I THT 120
PER 20200 3 Acting II THT 220
PER 20300 3 Playwriting I ENG 2XX
PER 21100 3 Singing for Musical Theater THT 2XX
PER 27100-27300 1-3 Production Practicum and Contract Learning THT 2XX


PHL 20100 3 Introduction to Philosophy PHI 100
PHL 20300 3 Ethics: Human Values and Conduct PHI 135
PHL 20400 3 Process of Thinking PHI 2XX
PHL 20600 3 Philosophical Perspectives on the Meaning of Life PHI 2XX
PHL 20800 3 Theories of Human Nature PHI 2XX
PHL 22100 Art & Philosophy of the East PHI 332
PHL 26000 3 Ethics in Business PHI 2XX
PHL 28000 3 Ethics in Business Honors PHI 2XX
PHL 26100 3 Current Issues in Biomedical Ethics PHI 2XX


PHY 10100 4 General Physics I PHY 105
PHY 10200 4 General Physics II PHY 106
PHY 10500 4 Engineering- Physics I PHY 201
PHY 10600 4 Engineering- Physics II PHY 202
PHY 11000 4 Physics I Honors w/Calculus PHY 201
PHY 11100 4 Physics II - Honors w/Calculus PHY 202

Physical Education

PED 10300 1 Social Dance DNC 1XX
PED 10500 1 Pilates DNC 1XX
PED 10700 1 Aerobic Dance PED 1XX
PED 10800 1 Body Sculpting PED 1XX
PED 10900 1 Step Aerobics PED 1XX
PED 11000 1 Walk to Fitness PED 1XX
PED 11100 1 Golf PED 154
PED 11300 1 Self-Defense PED 384
PED 11600 1 Beginning Hatha Yoga PED 1XX
PED 11700 1 Weight Training PED 282
PED 11800 1 Personal Fitness PED 1XX
PED 12100 1 Tai-Chi Chuan I PED 1XX
PED 12400 1 Tennis I  (*if taken with racquetball = PED 283) PED 1XX
PED 12500 1 Tennis II PED 1XX
PED 13300 1 Volleyball PED 1XX
PED 13400 1 Basketball PED 1XX
PED 14000 1 Swimming I PED 189
PED 14100 1 Swimming II PED 189
PED 14500 1 Water Safety Instructor PED 2XX
PED 14600 1 Lifeguard Training PED 300
PED 15100 1 Bowling PED 152
PED 16000 1 Racquetball  (*if taken with tennis = PED 283) PED 1XX

Physical Education Studies

PES 10100 1 Racquet Sports PED 283
PES 10200 1 Team Sports PED 180
PES 10300 & 10400 2 Aerobic Fitness & Anaerobic Fitness PED 282 
PES 11100 3 Introduction to Physical Education EXS 197
PES 11200 Introduction to Athletic Training ATR 101 
PES 11300 3 Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries ATR 421
PES 11400 Community Health & Wellness HLH 110
PES 14000 Swimming I Beginner PED 189
PES 14100 Swimming II Intermediate PED 189 or PED 1XX
PES 14500 Water Safety Instructor PED 301
PES 14600 Lifeguard Training PED 300

Pluralism and Diversity in America

PDA 10100 3 Pluralism and Diversity in America LAS 1XX
PDA 11000 3 Pluralism & Diversity in Business & Industry LAS 1XX
PDA 12000 Pluralism & Diversity Music in America LAS 1XX
PDA 13600 Race, Class & Gender in American Art LAS 1XX
PDA 14000 Civil Liberties & Multiculturalism LAS 1XX
PDA 20100 3 Women, Men, Sex & Power LAS 2XX
PDA 22000 Pluralism & Diversity in Food & Culture in America LAS 2XX
PDA 22300 Diversity in American Speech & Language LAS 2XX
PDA 22600 Multicultural Law Enforcement LAS 2XX

Political Science

POL 10000 3 Introduction to Political Science POL 1XX
POL 10100 3 Principles of American Government: National POL 100
POL 10200 3 Principles of American Government: State and Local POL 102
POL 10400 3 American Government Honors POL 100
POL 14200 Community and Conservation  
POL 15000 Modern China: Politics & Culture  
POL 20100 3 International Relations POL 250
POL 25000 3 Comparative Government POL 2XX
POL 26100 3 Cyber Politics POL 2XX
POL 27300 Political Science Practicum  


PSY 10200 3 General Psychology Honors PSY 101
PSY 10300 3 General Psychology PSY 101
PSY 13800 3 Creative Arts for Teachers ATS 1XX
PSY 14500 3 Introduction to Teaching (Pre-K to Grade 6) EDU 270
PSY 14600 The Exceptional Child SPE 270 or PSY 331
PSY 14700 Early Childhood Curriculum  
PSY 14800 Creative Arts Workshop  
PSY 14900 3 Infant/Toddler Development PSY 1XX
PSY 15000 3 Applied Early Childhood Development I EDU 1XX
PSY 15100 4 Applied Early Childhood Development II EDU 270 
PSY 16000 3 Art Therapy I LAS 1XX
PSY 19100 3 Life Span Development PSY 333
PSY 19200 3 The Psychology of Addictive Behavior PSY 2XX
PSY 20300 3 Developmental Psychology PSY 333
PSY 20600 3 Social Psychology PSY 422
PSY 21200 3 Psychology of Childhood PSY 231
PSY 21300 3 Psychology of Adolescence PSY 232
PSY 22200 3 Abnormal Psychology PSY 421
PSY 22600 3 Psychology of Childhood Honors PSY 231
PSY 22700 3 Human Sexuality HLH 302
PSY 23200 3 Psychological Disorders in Film PSY 2XX
PSY 23500 3 Adler, Jung, Moreno PSY 2XX
PSY 27300 3 Psychology Practicum CPV 400


REC 10200 3 Program-Parks, Recreation and Physical Activity REC 1XX
REC 20500 1 First Aid HLH 1XX
REC 20700 CPR (*if Taken with REC 205=HLH 120) HLH 1XX

Religious Studies

RLS 10100 3 Religions of the World RLS 200
RLS 11500 3 Pluralism and Diversity in American Religions LAS 1XX
RLS 25200 3 Contemporary Jewish Issues LAS 2XX


RUS 10100 4 Elementary Russian I FLR 101
RUS 10200 4 Elementary Russian II FLR 102
RUS 20100 4 Intermediate Russian I FLR 201
RUS 20200 4 Intermediate Russian II FLR 202


SCI 10100 3 Physical Science SCI 1XX
SCI 10200 3 Biological Science SCI 1XX
SCI 10400 3 Topics in Environmental Pollution SCI 1XX
SCI 10600 3 Introduction to Earth Science GLY 171
SCI 11000 Introduction to Astronomy PHY 150
SCI 11600 3 Sustainability, Society and the Environment SCI 1XX
SCI 21000 3 Physical Geography GRY 110
SCI 21100 3 Prehistoric Archeology ANT 2XX
SCI 21400 Science of Musical Instruments LAS 2XX
SCI 22000 3 Introduction to Oceanography GLY 397


SOC 10000 3 Introduction to Sociology SOC 150
SOC 10100 3 Introduction to Sociology Honors SOC 150
SOC 10500 3 Computers in Society CAP 100
SOC 11600 3 Sustainability, Society and the Environment SCI 1XX
SOC 14400 3 Foundations of Education EDU 270
SOC 20300 3 Marriage and the Family SOC 470
SOC 21000 3 Criminology SOC 463 or CRM 463
SOC 21200 3 Sociology of Deviant Behavior SOC 373 or CRM 373
SOC 23000 3 Contemporary Social Problems in the U.S. & The World SOC 2XX


SPA 10100 4 Elementary Spanish I SPA 101
SPA 10200 4 Elementary Spanish II SPA 102
SPA 20000 4 Intermediate Spanish for Heritage Speakers I SPA 201
SPA 20100 4 Intermediate Spanish I SPA 201
SPA 20200 4 Intermediate Spanish II SPA 202


SPE 10100 3 Fundamentals of Speech COM 210
SPE 10300 3 Experiences in Communication for International Students GEN 1XX
SPE 10400 3 Voice and Diction for International Students GEN 1XX
SPE 10900 3 Interpersonal/Intercultural Communication COM 300
SPE 11000 Interpersonal Communication COM 300
SPE 11100 1 Listening   
SPE 11200 Interviewing  
SPE 16000 3 Social Media and Communication COM 1XX
SPE 20100 3 Small Group Communication COM 340
SPE 20300 3 Argument and Debate COM 2XX
SPE 20400 Debate Fundamentals COM 2XX
SPE 20500 3 Performance Reading THT 2XX
SPE 20600 3 Voice and Diction for Professional Development COM 2XX
SPE 21000 3 Introduction to Speech and Language Therapy SHH 270
SPE 21100 3 Speech and Language Development in Children SHH 300
SPE 21200 3 Speech for the Classroom Teacher EDU 2XX
SPE 21600 3 Free Speech: Theories and Controversies COM 2XX
SPE 21900 3 Anatomy and Physiology for Speech and Hearing SHH 2XX
SPE 22200 Diversity in American Speech & Language LAS 1XX
SPE 22300 3 Diversity in American Speech & Language Honors LAS 1XX
SPE 25000 3 Public Relations in Communication COM 372
SPE 27100 1 Intercultural Conversation: Training Practicum GEN 2XX
SPE 27300 3 Speech/Debate Practicum GEN 2XX