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Rozanne M. Brooks Internationalized Curricular Development Award

Background to the Award

Rozanne M. Brooks was a member of the Sociology/Anthropology Department from 1956 until 1992.  During her tenure she was named a Distinguished Teaching Professor and she dedicated her career to effective teaching.  She was also an international traveler par excellence and she used her travel experiences to bolster her course content on a regular basis.  This award recognizes two of Rozanne’s most ardent passions: teaching and international travel, resulting in the effective combining of the two.

Description of Award

This award supports curricular development of a new (semester-long) course that contains a significant international curricular component. Development of the component must entail international travel (during summer, or sabbatical semester/year).  The award, in the amount of $4000, is intended to partially or wholly defray the costs of international travel associated with the course content development.
Application materials for Fall 2023 are due Oct. 20, 2023.


Eligibility is open to tenured and untenured tenure-track faculty (carrying a full-time teaching load) at the undergraduate level who have completed at least eight semesters (four academic years) of teaching at SUNY College at Cortland prior to the year of application.  There will be a one-year waiting period before a candidate may apply again. 

Criteria for Selection

The FDC Committee serves as the peer review body for this award.  In making determinations regarding the award, the FDC evaluates applications based on the following criteria, listed in order of importance:

  1. The successful candidate will exhibit the qualities intrinsic to the career of Rozanne Brooks. The awardee will be, therefore, a faculty member whose commitment to students and to academic excellence, as well as dedication to ensuring the study of internationalism, is clearly represented in the award’s application.

  2. Clarity of the application materials regarding travel, course development, and curricular integration.

  3. Applications will be prioritized for funding in the following (descending) order:
  • Faculty whose current course offerings do not have international content and whose prior research and teaching have not been international in nature.
  • Faculty who may have international content and research/teaching backgrounds in one international region but now wish to launch a research/teaching agenda in a new area (e.g. someone whose research/courses have all focused on Italy may submit an application to develop a course on Spain).
  • Faculty who wish to develop a new course topic on an international region with which they are already familiar (e.g. someone who teaches on Japanese politics wishes to develop a course on Japanese art).

Selection Process

Applications for the Internationalized Curricular Development award will be sought through a campus-wide email announcement and the SUNY Cortland publication, The Bulletin.  The Director of the Faculty Development Committee will receive the application materials and the Faculty Development Committee will serve as the peer review body for this award.

All application materials, with the requisite components and signatures, should be submitted via email to Betsy Barylski, Faculty Development Center Office, Cornish Hall, Room 1307 by October 20.  The committee will complete its deliberations in late February, and applicants will be notified of the outcome immediately. 

Documentation Required of Candidates in Application

  1. Completed Brooks Award for Internationalized Curricular Development application form (as cover sheet) signed by the applicant, department chair, and dean.

  2. Demonstration of dedicated, effective, teaching on the Cortland campus.  Required documents to be submitted with application:
    1. CV that includes all courses taught at SUNY Cortland and elsewhere (5 pages maximum)
    2. a full set of CTEs for the two years of courses taught at SUNY Cortland prior to application.
    3. three letters of support from students (these can be submitted directly to the Director of the Faculty Development Center)

  3. The faculty member must submit a statement (no more than 1250 words) explaining the following four items:
    1. description of the new course to be developed (topics, themes, etc.);
    2. international area(s) that require visits in order to develop the course and why visits are necessary;
    3. show why the applicant is the ideal person to develop this course; and
    4. how the course will contribute to the internationalization of the faculty member’s and department’s curricular efforts.

    Further information will include:

  4. A description of how the new course will fit into academic majors/minors in the applicant’s department, and if relevant, how it might contribute to the College’s curricular offerings (e.g. General Education, other departments’ majors/minors, etc.) (no more than 250 words).

  5. If the new course content overlaps in any way with existing courses in Cortland’s curricular offerings, the applicant should describe how the new course will differ from these (no more than 100 words)

  6. A letter from applicant’s department chair acknowledging the faculty member’s intent to develop the course and offering support for its eventual insertion into department’s majors/minors.

  7. A draft of the course syllabus.

  8. A budget projection of costs associated with international travel and projected dates of travel.

Post-Award Documentation Required

  1.  Within six months of completion of award travel, awardee must submit a report (no more than 2000 words) describing their international travel and experiences (supported by this award) and how these contributed to course development.

  2. Within six months of completion of award travel, awardee must submit a curricular package to the curricular stream proposing the new course for inclusion in the awardee’s majors/minors programs and/or Cortland’s other curricular offerings (e.g. the General Education program).

Dispensation of Award Funds

Reimbursement for costs incurred prior to travel (e.g. airfare, hotel) will be provided.  The awardee will provide all receipts for reimbursement, up to the amount of the award itself, to the Faculty Development Office, Cornish Hall, Room 1307.

For information, please contact the Faculty Development Center, Betsy Barylski, via email or by phone at 607-753-4753.