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How do I submit a student's thesis, project or culminating activity title to be included on the official student record?

Upon successful completion of a culminating activity; the committee chair, program director or graduate coordinator may submit a Culminating Activity, Thesis or Project Title Registration form to the Registrar's Office to include the title on the academic transcript and record. The form is not required in all departments. Please review your department policies to determine if the form should be submitted.

While this form is most commonly used for graduate studies, it may also be used if a thesis or culminating activity is required in an undergraduate program and the program/major catalog policy requires recording on the official record.

  • Under College policy, departments may indicate that other requirements must be met before the culminating activity is recorded. Requirements may include the completion of a committee review, an oral defense, providing bound copies or second reader/peer review. Please consult the academic department or program policies for more information.
  • The Registrar's Office provides the title and completion on official academic records only. If your department requires public notification or posting of topics and theses, please coordinate with your program or department chair, director or coordinator.
  • This form should be received by May 15th (Spring) or January 1st (Fall) to have the information reflected on student records during peak transcript ordering periods. However, there is no formal deadline since use of the form is determined by program policies.

Last updated: 3/20/2023