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Registration Error Messages

A Guide to Web Registration Error Messages

The following error messages may be shown if you attempt to register for a course that has specific restrictions or limits in place.  Please read the descriptions below to determine what action you may need to take.  If you require an override (flag lifting) you will generally be required to consult with the academic department offering the course.  Students are responsible for registering for classes after overrides have been granted.  Academic departments do not register students when granting overrides.

Class Restriction

The course is restricted to a particular class year (Freshman: 0-25.5; Sophomore: 26-56; Junior: 56.5-89.5; Senior: 90+). You must have the minimum credit totals by class to be permitted to register for the course. For more information on how determine an appropriate course section, please visit the terminology guide.

Closed Section

The section has reached it's enrollment capacity. Register for another section or course. Contact the department offering the course for further information on seat availability.

Co-Requisite (CORQ)

You have registered for a course that has co-requisite courses that must be taken simultaneously. Use the registration tools to add all of the required courses.  This error is generally experienced when registering for courses in a block schedule in the School of Education.

Duplicate Course

You have attempted to register for the same course twice. Check your CRN's, or go to the department offering the course for permission if you are trying to take multiple sections of "X29" special topics courses at the same level.

Level Restriction

This error generally indicates that you are an undergraduate and have attempted to register for a graduate-level course. A senior undergraduate student in their last semester may take a 500-level course for graduate level credit, with permission from the Associate Dean of their school and in accord with College policy. If approval is given, you must go to the Registrar's Office to register for the course. Please Note: 600-level courses are for GRADUATE students only, and may not be offered to undergraduates. 

Lecture/Lab Mismatch

You have registered for a lab, or lecture section without the correct corresponding lecture, or lab section. Use the registration tools to add all of the required the lecture/lab/recitation sections, or enter the correct combination for a lecture and lab course if a lab is connected to a specific lecture.  Note: some courses have three components that must be registered simultaneously. For example, PHY 105 has lecture, lab and recitation components.

Major, Program or Degree Restriction

The course you have tried to register for is a "majors/program only" section (usually a 600-numbered section) or you have attempted to register for a non-major section (usually a 700-numbered section) when you are in an excluded major. Check to see if there is a non-majors section. For more information on how determine an appropriate course section, please visit the terminology guide. If you have recently changed your major, or have declared a minor in the content area, submit your signed change of major form to the Registrar's Office so the major-code information can be corrected. Contact the department offering the course for further information. 

Over Maximum Credit Load

You have exceeded the maximum number of allowed credits. In Fall and Spring, undergraduates may take up to 18 credits; the Associate Dean of your school must approve a credit overload of 18.5+. Graduate students may take up to 14 credits; the Associate Dean of your school must approve an overload of 14+. If approval is given you must go to the Registrar's Office to register for the course.

Pre-Requisite Required

You have tried to register for a course that has a pre-requisite you have not taken. Check the college catalog or the Course Schedule and Registration Information on the Registrar's homepage for the pre-requisites for a given course. Contact the department offering the course for further information.

Repeating Course (Repeat Count Exceeds)

You are trying to register for a course that you have already taken, have transfer or other credit for. If you are planning to retake the course due to an unsuccessful attempt, or to improve your GPA, you must contact the department offering the course for permission to retake the class.

Special Permission Needed 

You need to seek permission to register for a class that is a 500 section.  See the academic department offering the course for permission to register for this particular class section. You may then register on the web, once you've received permission. For more information on how determine an appropriate course section, please visit the terminology guide.

Student Attribute 

This error indicates that the course is restricted to specific College program.  You must be enrolled in the program matching the attribute on the schedule of classes to register for the course (example: Honors Program, Learning Community). 

Time Conflict

This error indicates that two or more course times overlap. Please find another course section that does not conflict. (Note: in exceptional cases only, a small time overlap may be permitted if both instructors consent.  Students must petition the associate dean for permission.)