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Faculty and Staff Activities

Mary Ware

Mary Ware, foundations and social advocacy, authored a chapter titled "Learning Contracts as Part of Learning Design and Evaluation" for the volume Assessment and Evaluation in Career and Technical Education, edited by Victor C.X. Wang and published simultaneously by Information Science Reference, Hershey, Pa., and Zhejiang University Press this fall. The text is in print and in use in several universities including California State University, but will show a copyright of 2010. Ware was asked to author this chapter after the editor attended her presentation titled "Whadjaget: Learning Contracts in Distance Education" at the spring meeting of Lilly West Conference on Higher Education in Pomona, Calif. Ware is contracted to prepare two more chapters for a forthcoming encyclopedia of online learning to be published by Information Science Reference next year. These chapters, co-authored with Mary Stuck, will focus on gender, race and age as variables in online learning and on learning contracts in distance learning.


John Hartsock

John Hartsock, communication studies, had his book, The Seasons of a Finger Lakes Winery, accepted for publication in June by Cornell University Press. The book is a work of narrative journalism and recounts the cycle of the seasons at a ″mom-and-pop″ winery on Cayuga Lake — Long Point Winery owned by Gary and Rosemary Barletta — by capturing everyday activities such as planting and pruning the vines, grape crushing and fermenting and aging wine in barrels and bottles. It also details the challenges and triumphs of trying to make the perfect vintage. The book, intended for wine lovers, is the first to examine the national phenomenon of the rapid rise of small artisanal wineries outside of California. It is also the first in a new publishing initiative on the part of Cornell University Press to publish narrative journalism on regional subjects with the potential for national appeal.  

Accepted for publication in July by the University of Massachusetts Press was Hartsock′s book Theorizing Literary Journalism: Examining a Narrative Genre. The volume will re-synthesize the last 10-plus years of his work which has appeared in publications such as Prose Studies, DoubleTake, the Journal of Communication Inquiry and Genre: Forms of Discourse and Culture, as well as insights gained as the founding editor of Literary Journalism Studies, the first peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the study of the genre and published in cooperation with the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University. The book will provide a scholarly summary after 20 years of research on the subject, and will serve as a companion volume to Hartsock′s award-winning A History of American Literary Journalism: The Emergence of a Modern Narrative Form, published by the University of Massachusetts Press in 2000, which is now in its second printing.



Ralph Dudgeon

Ralph Dudgeon, performing arts, traveled to China May 6-14 where he taught trumpet students from Beichuan Middle School, now relocated in Mianyang in Sichuan after being devastated by the earthquake on May 12, 2008. Dudgeon also worked with graduate students as they taught there as part of the ″Music from the Heart″ relief program developed by Capital Normal University in Beijing. On May 13, Dudgeon gave a lecture/recital on keyed bugle at Capital Normal University for graduate music research students and faculty.

Also, Dudgeon participated in the Historic Brass Society Early Brass Festival July 17-19 in New London, Conn., where he gave a paper ″The Privilege of Joseph Riedl and Joseph Kail: 1 November 1823″ dealing with the development of valve brass instruments patents in Vienna. As a part of the festival's finale concert, Dudgeon performed with the Berlioz Historical Brass Ensemble and also conducted the world premiere of Jonathan Miller's ″Jump In″ for natural trumpet ensemble and percussion.



David L. Snyder

David L. Snyder, Sport Management Department, appeared as a guest on the community syndicated cable television show, “Beyond the Game.” The show, hosted by John Vorperian, appears in prime time twice a week on White Plains Cable Television Channel 76. The episode in which Snyder appears as a guest is tentatively scheduled to air on Monday, April 5, to coincide with the opening games of the 2010 Major League Baseball season. The 30-minute segment featuring Snyder was taped on March 19 and addresses some unique aspects of baseball in Japan. Prior to his arrival at SUNY Cortland, Snyder was president of a sports marketing company based in Tokyo. His primary research interest involves the business of Japanese professional baseball. Since the show started in 2002, Vorperian has interviewed hundreds of guests on “Beyond the Game.” The show has been the subject of many feature stories, including a 2007 article in The New York Times.

John Hartsock

John Hartsock, communication studies, discussed the place of James Agee's Let Us Now Praise Famous Men in the history of American literary journalism. He participated in a panel discussion on the book at the annual convention of the American Journalism Historians Association held Oct. 8 in Birmingham, Ala.

Correction: John Hartsock, communication studies, has signed a contract with the University of Massachusetts Press to publish Theorizing Literary Journalism: Examining a Narrative Genre. The volume will provide his scholarly summa on the subject of literary journalism.

R. Bruce Mattingly and Amber J. Murphy ’09

R. Bruce Mattingly, School of Arts and Sciences, and Amber J. Murphy ’09, co-authored an article titled “A Markov Method for Ranking College Football Conferences” that will be included as a theme essay on the Mathematics Awareness Month Web site, sponsored by the Joint Policy Board for Mathematics. Murphy, an adolescence education: mathematics major, was a recipient of a 2008 Undergraduate Research Council Summer Fellowship.

Mark Dodds

Mark Dodds, Sport Management Department, co-wrote “Leveraging and Activating NASCAR Sponsorships with NASCAR-linked Sales Promotions,” which was published in the December 2009 issue of Journal of Sponsorship.  

Mechthild Nagel

Mechthild Nagel, philosophy, has published a co-edited anthology Dancing with Iris: The Philosophy of Iris Marion Young in the series Studies in Feminist Philosophy, Oxford University Press. It includes an essay by Ibipo Johnston-Anumonwo, geography, titled "Women's Work Trips and Multifaceted Oppression." Nagel was also a keynote speaker at the Hochschule Fulda, Germany, in June while she was a Visiting Professor.


Robert Spitzer

Robert Spitzer, political science, is the author of a recently published book titled Gun Control: A Documentary and Reference Guide. The book brings together more than 50 primary documents, from early colonial laws to contemporary court cases, that illuminate the evolution of gun policy in the United States. Each document is accompanied by the author′s analysis and commentary to explicate the document′s significance. The book includes original photography by Dawn Van Hall, library, and is published by Greenwood Publishing Group. Spitzer also was interviewed in July on CNN′s ″Lou Dobbs Tonight″ on the nationwide shortage of bullets.



Thomas Hischak

Thomas Hischak, performing arts, is co-author of a new nonfiction book, The Disney Song Encyclopedia, released in August by Scarecrow Press. The book discusses more than 900 songs from Disney movies, television shows, theme parks and Broadway productions. The co-author is Mark A. Robinson, a 1998 graduate of SUNY Cortland′s theatre program.