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Faculty and Staff Activities

Carolyn Bershad

Carolyn Bershad, Counseling and Student Development, presented with Drs. Susan Stock and Heidi Levine on “Leadership and Development: Many Paths, Many Stories” at the annual convention of the American College Personnel Association (ACPA), held March 5-8 in Tampa, Fla. The program was sponsored by ACPA’s Mid-Level Community of Practice.  Bershad also completed her term as past-chair for ACPA’s Commission for Counseling and Psychological Services at the convention.

Timothy J. Baroni

Timothy J. Baroni, Biological Sciences Department, was a co-author on an article, “A new stipitate species of Crepidotus from India and Thailand with notes on other tropical species,” recently published in the science journal Mycologia. The new species was collected by Baroni in Thailand in 2006, recently discovered in India and is phylogenetically similar to a new world Neotropical species known from Florida and Puerto Rico that Aime and Baroni published on in 2002. Co-authors included: Laura Guzmán-Dávalos, Alma Rosa Villalobos-Arámbula and María Herrera, Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico; C. J. Pradeep, K. B. Vrinda and A. Manoj Kumar, Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute, Kerala, India; Virginia Ramírez-Cruz, Universidad de la Sierra Juárez, Mexico; Kasem Soytong, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand; M. Catherine Aime, Purdue University. The new species described in this work is Crepidotus asiaticus Guzm.-Dáv., C. K. Pradeep and T. J. Baroni.

Mechthild Nagel

Mechthild Nagel, Philosophy Department and Center for Gender and Intercultural Studies (CGIS), had her chapter, “Black Athena and the Play of the Imagination,” published in Transnational Trills in the Africana World. The book was edited by Cheryl Sterling and published by Cambridge Scholars Press.

Tadayuki Suzuki

Tadayuki Suzuki, Literacy Department, presented with Darryn Diuguid of McKendree University at the 2022 National Council of Teachers of English on Nov. 19 in Anaheim, California. “Challenge Heteronormativity and Nurture “Queer Eye” in Children Using LGBTQ-Themed Children’s Books” was part of the roundtable sessions titled “Bringing LGBTQ+ Sueños into the Light.”

David Kilpatrick

David Kilpatrick, Psychology Department, presented a paper on interventions for reading disability at the National Association of School Psychologists’ annual conference in held Feb. 17 in Florida.

Christopher D. Gascón

Christopher D. Gascón, Modern Languages Department, had his article published in a volume on classical Spanish theater from the Golden Age to the 21st century. The essay, titled “Estética Neobarroca en el Teatro Barroco Representado en Nueva York,” demonstrates how numerous productions of classical Spanish plays at New York City’s Repertorio Español incorporate typically Latin American elements, resulting in a theater of “reconquest” or “counter-conquest.” Repertorio’s “New World” approach to “Old World” masterpieces produces innovative stagings and, at times, bold revisions of the works. The volume, published by the Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, is titled El teatro clásico en su(s) cultura(s): de los Siglos de Oro al siglo XXI.

Cory Russell

Cory Russell, a graduate student in the Sport Management Department, presented a program on sport management and related careers to students and parents at the Access to College Education (ACE) Regional Institute held April 20 at Tompkins Cortland Community College (TC3). The ACE program was developed by a consortium from Cornell University, Ithaca College, SUNY Cortland and TC3.

William Veit, Julia West and John Suarez

William Veit, Risk Management officer, Julia West, Risk Management intern, and John Suarez, Institute for Civic Engagement director, presented at the fourth SUNY Applied Learning Conference held Oct. 24 and 25 at the Niagara Falls Conference and Event Center in Niagara Falls, N.Y. Highlights included:

  • West and Veit describedEnterprise Risk Management” during the conference’s poster session.
  • West, Veit and Suarez conducted the “SWOT Your Applied Learning” workshop in which participants applied the Strengths/Weaknesses/Opportunities/Threats to a real-life project as a way of determining how they could apply that process to their own projects. 
  • Suarez was a facilitator for anExperience a Deliberation” workshop.
  • Suarez chaired a meeting of the North/South Central New York Applied Learning Coalition.

Tiantian Zheng

Tiantian Zheng, Sociology/Anthropology Department, was invited by Yale University, University of Chicago and Columbia University to deliver campus-wide talks on her research. She will visit the campuses on Nov. 8, Nov. 15, and Nov. 18, respectively. She will present on her work on Japan-Korea Wave, karaoke bar hostesses, fashion, migration and mobility control in post- socialist China.

Seth N. Asumah

Seth N. Asumah, Africana Studies and Political Science departments, is the author of a new book chapter titled, “African Relational Democracy: Reframing Diversity, Economic Development and Society-Centered Governance for the Twenty-First Century.” This chapter appeared in a volume, The Social Contract in Africa (2014, Africa Institute of South Africa), edited by Sanya Osha, Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa. The volume is part of the Africa Democracy Project of the Africa Institute of South Africa.