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Faculty and Staff Activities

Karen Downey and senior Josh Eller

Karen Downey, Chemistry Department, recently took senior Josh Eller to the Northeast Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society in Pittsburgh, Pa., to present the results of their research into the computational assessment of electron density in metallo-organic catalytic species for formation of carbon-phosphorous bonds.

Caroline Kaltefleiter

Caroline Kaltefleiter, Communication Studies Department, presented at the Anarchist Studies Network Conference held Sept. 24-26 in the United Kingdom. The conference theme was Anarcha-Feminism and her talk was titled, “Who Has the Microphone? Anarchy, Action and (R)evolution of the Riot Grrrl Movement.” The event was hosted by the Department of Politics and International Relations at Loughborough University.

Li Jin

Li Jin, Geology Department, co-authored a paper that was published in May in Science magazine titled “Late inception of a resiliently oxygenated upper ocean.” The multi-institution collaboration project with lead authors from Syracuse University is detailed in this news release.

Tracy A. Trachsler and Raymond J. Cotrufo

Tracy A. Trachsler and Raymond J. Cotrufo, Sport Management Department, received notice that their article, “National Collegiate Academic Association: The Implications of Increased NCAA Oversight of Academics,” will be published in the Journal of Contemporary Athletics. The paper discussed recent academic scandals with an emphasis on events at the University of North Carolina, where student-athletes, over a period of several years, were enrolled in “paper classes” with limited oversight from faculty. Since some have proposed increased involvement by the NCAA in academic affairs on member campuses as a way to prevent occurrences of academic impropriety, this paper outlines some of the far-reaching effects of such an action.

Gregory D. Phelan

Gregory D. Phelan, Chemistry Department, had a United States patent issued on July 25. Patent number 8,227,561 “Bisphenol-A replacement materials” deals with safer alternatives to a common consumer plastic. The patent was developed based on research that Phelan is currently doing with industrial partners.

Richard Hunter

Richard Hunter, Geography Department, co-authored an article in the latest issue of Local Environment titled “Drivers of local people’s participation in sustainable natural resource management: a case study in central Iran.”

Kathleen A. Lawrence

Kathleen A. Lawrence, Communication and Media Studies Department, has learned that her poem, “Things That Go Bump and Smile in the Night,” has been nominated for a Rhysling Award from the Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association.

Lawrence Klotz

Lawrence Klotz, Biological Sciences Department, recently had his article, “Factors Driving the Metabolism of Two North Temperate Ponds,” published in Hydrobiologia: The International Journal of Aquatic Science. The journal’s cover image was selected to highlight Klotz’s article. 

Mary Gfeller

Mary Gfeller, Mathematics Department, presented at the 2015 Professional Development Schools National Conference held March 5-8 in Atlanta, Ga. Her presentation was titled “Co-Teaching and Special Education in Secondary Science and Mathematics Classrooms.” Findings were from the New York State Department of Education (NYSED) funded Undergraduate Clinically Rich Teacher Preparation Program.

John C. Hartsock

John C. Hartsock, Communication Studies Department, had a new article, “Challenging the American Dream: The New Journalism and Its Precursors,” published in Witnessing the Sixties: A Decade of Change in Journalism and Literature, which is volume 51 of the Groningen Studies in Cultural Change series published by the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. The article examines how the American New Journalism of the 1960s subverted the cultural shibboleth and cliché of the American Dream. The series is published by the academic publisher Peeters of Louvain, Belgium.