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Clark Center for Global Engagement

James M. Clark Center for Global Engagement

The purpose of the Clark Center for Global Engagement is to advance international education, service and scholarship on the SUNY Cortland campus; to provide an integrated framework to organize and promote all aspects of international education, service and scholarship; and to promote a full appreciation of and involvement with the global community. The center shall be concerned with both on-campus and off-campus, academic and non-academic programs.


Prof. Hongli Fan, PhD, Modern Languages was Awarded the 2024 Erasmus+ KeyAction 1 Mobility to Anadolu University, Turkey

April 30, 2024

Clark Center Director and Coordinator of the Inter-Disciplinary International Studies Major& Minor, Professor Alexandru Balas, PhD, organized the Model European Union event "EU Digital Policy and Artificial Intelligence" at the "Conflict Resolution from Theory to Practice. An International and Multidisciplinary Approach" European Student Conference (~120 students participated from 16 universities in 8 countries), April 15-16 & 22-26, 2024, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

April 29, 2024

Five SUNY Cortland Faculty and Staff Members (Prof. Scott Moranda, PhD, History; Prof. Genevieve Birren, PhD, Sport Management; Brian Jirout, Library; Hugh Anderson, International Programs Office; and Prof. Patricia Martinez de la Vega Mansilla, Modern Languages) Were Awarded the Erasmus+ KeyAction 1 Mobilities for 2024&2025 to Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

April 24, 2024

Clark Center Director and Coordinator of the Inter-Disciplinary International Studies Major& Minor, Professor Alexandru Balas, PhD, gave the Keynote Speech and organized a panel at the 2024 Crisis Communication and Conflict Resolution Conference, April 17-18, 2024, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

April 17, 2024

International Studies Majors and Minors and History Majors Represented SUNY Cortland at the Global Model European Union Conference in Brussels, Belgium
March 6, 2024

Erasmus+ Key Action 1 Mobility at Anadolu University 
February 19, 2024

Clark Center Director and Coordinator of the International Studies Major & Minor, Prof. Alexandru Balas, published a review of two books about the relations between India and the European Union in the Romanian Journal of Indian Studies, vol.1, no.1, 2023 

September 19, 2023

Clark Center Director, Prof. Alexandru Balas (International Studies), gave a 1h interview for Radio Romania about the 2022 U.S. Midterm Elections

November 17, 2022

Clark Center Council member, Prof. Bekeh Ukelina (History), has recently published a book titled Who Owns Africa? Neocolonialism, Investment, and the New Scramble (Leuven University Press, 2022) 

November 10, 2022

Clark Center Director, Prof. Alexandru Balas (International Studies), gave a presentation about the European Union to the Sennightly Literary Club, Homer, NY

November 3, 2022

International Studies (IST) Faculty Advisory Member, Prof. Ben Wodi (Health) has recently published a book titled Global Public Health and Culture (Kendall Hunt, 2022). Prof. Kassim Kone (Sociology/Anthropology) has also contributed to this book.

October 1, 2022

Melissa Alvisi and Jennifer Toribio (International Studies seniors and World First Learning Community alumni) presented a research paper titled "Revising the Belt and Road Initiative: Comparative Analysis Through Policy Recommendations for the Cases of Greece and Italy", at the 20th Undergraduate Research Conference on the European Union, Scripps College, Claremont, California, April 2022

May 2, 2022

Clark Center Director, Prof. Alexandru Balas, PhD (Coordinator, International Studies) published a book titled Sharing the Burden of Peace (Peter Lang, 2022)

May 1, 2022

Radio Romania interviewed Clark Center Director, Prof. Balas, PhD (International Studies) about the war in Ukraine 

February 24, 2022

Three SUNY Cortland Students and One Recent Graduate Participated in a Global Model European Union Conference 

February 8, 2022

Eight SUNY Cortland Students Represented the University in the Global Model European Union Conference Together with Participants from 24 other Universities in 12 Countries

June 8, 2021

Clark Center Steering Committee Member and Project on Eastern and Central Europe Director, Prof. Moranda, PhD. (History), gave a 45 min. interview about his book, The People's Own Landscape. Nature, Tourism and Dictatorship in East Germany (Univ. of Michigan Press) to the New Books Network

January 29, 2021

Clark Center Director, Prof. Balas, PhD (Coordinator, International Studies), gave a one hour interview to Radio Romania Cultural about the 2020 U.S. elections

November 11, 2020

Clark Center Council Member, Prof. Ukelina, PhD (History), hosted for the New Books Network podcast, Dr. Luke Messac, PhD (Brown University), author of No More To Spend: Neglect and the Construction of Scarcity in Malawi's History of Health Care (Oxford University Press, 2020)

October 18, 2020

Clark Center Director, Prof. Balas, PhD (Coordinator, International Studies), gave a one hour presentation on the topic "Himalayan Rivalry. India-China Relations" at A.V. Kamalamma College for Women, Davangere, Karnataka, India

September 14, 2020

Clark Center Director, Prof. Balas, PhD (Coordinator, International Studies) gave a one hour interview to Radio Romania Cultural about the COVID-19 pandemic and the Black Lives Matter protests in the U.S.

June 18, 2020

Previous Clark Center Director, Prof. Sharon Steadman, PhD (Sociology/Anthropology and International Studies) has served as the guest editor of the Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology & Heritage Studies
April 26, 2020

Eight SUNY Cortland students represented the university in the 33rd SUNY Model European Union Conference in Brussels, Belgium
March 15, 2020

Clark Center Director, Prof. Balas, PhD (Coordinator, International Studies) gave several public lectures in Karnataka, India in January 2020
February 15, 2020

Seven International Studies students participate in International Strategic Crisis Exercise "Jammu and Kasmir" at Syracuse University's Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs 
November 5, 2019

Clark Center Director, Prof. Balas, PhD, presented at the Inaugural Annual Atlanta Studies Symposium at Georgia Institute of Technology 

Upcoming Events

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Transition to “Green Economy” in Fragile States, Lecture by Sameer Hairan, Sustainability Scholar-in-Residence, Clark Center for Global Engagement, SUNY Cortland, April 3 @ 4:30pm, Sperry 104

In the Footsteps of Sir Samuel and Lady Florence Baker, March 22nd @ 9am & @ 10:20am, Old Main 209, Lecture by Jacki-Hill Murphy, PhD, University of Westminster (Int. Fellow of The Explorers Club NY, the SES (Scientific Explorers Society) and the RASBJ (Royal Asiatic Society of Beijing)

One Hundred and Fifty Years of Women Adventuring Around the World, March 21st @4:30pm, Sperry 106, Lecture by Jacki-Hill Murphy, PhD, University of Westminster (Int. Fellow of The Explorers Club NY, the SES (Scientific Explorers Society) and the RASBJ (Royal Asiatic Society of Beijing)

“A World in Turmoil” – A Conversation; Panel Discussion with SUNY Cortland Faculty and Students – March 19, 4:30pm, Moffett 115 •Prof Juan Diego Prieto (Political Science) - Haiti, Ecuador, Venezuela-Guyana •Prof Danielle Candelora (History) - Israel-Palestine, Yemen •Muhammad Ali (Conflict Resolution Scholar, Pakistan) - Pakistan-Iran, Kashmir •Prof. Mason Kim (Political Science) - Myanmar (Burma), Peoples’ Republic of China vs. Republic of China (Taiwan) •Prof. Girish Bhat (History) - Ukraine-Russia; NATO-Russia • Moderator: Prof. Alex Balas (International Studies – a major & minor on campus)

Security Conundrum in the Sahara: The Tragic Trajectory of the World’s Largest Desert. February 14@noon via Webex. Lecture by Berny Sèbe, Associate Professor in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies, University of Birmingham. 

February 22 @ 4:30pm in Sperry 104. Conversation with John Jones, PhD, Assistant Professor, Childhood/Early Childhood Education Department, SUNY Cortland. Part of the Series Dialogues with Your Internationalist Faculty and Staff and SUNY Cortland

India’s Soft Power: Challenges and Prospect. November 15 @ 10:30am Van Hoesen B-229. Lecture by Rose Veera D’Souza, PhD (Dean of Arts Faculty & Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, St. Aloysius College, Mangaluru, Karnataka, India)

Women in India's Emerging ‘Ecological Public’. November 16 @ 2:50pm Van Hoesen B-136. Lecture by Rose Veera D’Souza, PhD (Dean of Arts Faculty & Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, St. Aloysius College, Mangaluru, Karnataka, India)

Travel Tips from a Wandering Scholar Who Has Visited Almost Every Country in the World. November 8 @ 4:30pm. Conversation with Jeremy Jimenez, PhD, Associate Professor, Foundations and Social Advocacy Department, SUNY Cortland. Part of the Series Dialogues with Your Internationalist Faculty and Staff and SUNY Cortland

The Discourses of the Elders: A Panel Discussion. September 25 @ 5:00 pm Old Main Colloquium.  Panelists: Sebastian Purcell, and Andrew Fitzgibbon, Philosophy and Sofía Ortiz-Hinojosa, Vassar College. Discusses Dr. Purcell’s recent book which compiles and translates Nahuatl philosophy. Sponsors: Clark Center for Global Engagement

Thirty Years Post Genocide in Bosnia. September 15 @ 7pm in Corey Union Exhibition Lounge. Lecture by Dina Radjelas, PhD, Associate Professor, Mohawk Valley Community College

Global Cortland Reception. September 13@4:30pm. Dowd Arts Gallery

International Education: Past, Present, and Future in Transylvania. September 13 @ 11:30am in Van Hoesen B-0229. Lecture by Carmen Tagsorean, PhD, Head of Office, International Students and Mobilities, Center for International Cooperation, Babes-Bolyai University

1989. Struggle for Democracy. August 30, 2023 @ 4:30pm in Old Main Colloquium. Project coordinator: Rareș Beuran, Lecturer in the Journalism and Digital Media Department, Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences at Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.