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Thesis Process

MA in English Thesis Planning Timeline

First Year of Program

  • ENG 672 – this course provides the theoretical background that will enable you to recognize and exploit your analytical perspective.

Between 6 and 15 credits

  • Apply for Candidacy for the Master’s Degree
    • Must be formally admitted to MA program (all pre-grad requirements met) 
    • Must have completed at least six department approved graduate courses with a grade of B or better
    • Must have cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better
    • Form is online and should be completed and submitted to Graduate Coordinator

15 Credits – or the summer before you hope to graduate

Penultimate Semester

  • Lighten course load to make room for thesis work.
  • Early in the term: Get prospectus approved by thesis advisor.
  • Once you have found a primary reader who has agreed to work with you on the prospectus, revise the prospectus under your reader’s guidance.
  • End of Term – Submit the prospectus to the graduate coordinator.
  • Start working on your thesis.

Ultimate Semester

  • Lighten course load to make room for thesis work.
  • Enroll in ENG 687, Thesis Writing.
  • Research, write, consult, revise.
  • Submit the completed thesis at least 2 months prior to your anticipated graduation.
  • Complete the Master’s Thesis Cover Sheet (See Grad Handbook for details)
  • Get thesis advisor to sign completed form.
  • Submit form to Graduate Coordinator.
  • Prepare thesis for digital archiving by the library.
  • Present thesis to the Department.

Thesis Presentation

MA in English students completing their thesis will present their research-in-progress to the Department. In a 10 to 15 minute presentation, students should provide an overview of their thesis, contextualize its findings, and outline the implications of their research to the field. Students are encouraged to consult with their Thesis Advisor and/or the Graduate Coordinator as they prepare their presentation.