Campus News
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U.S. Senator Gillibrand to Host Economic Roundtable at Main Street SUNY Cortland on April 7
U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand will hold an economic development roundtable at Main Street SUNY Cortland, 9 Main St., on Tuesday, April 7, at 8:30 a.m. Sen. Gillibrand will meet with local business and community leaders to discuss the latest economic development efforts in the region and how Senator Gillibrand can assist and promote local growth.
College Launches Continuous Professional Development Program to Help School Administrators
Even school principals and superintendents must go back to school sometimes. With that in mind, SUNY Cortland is launching a new program to help those educational administrators gain five years of New York state-mandated continuing education credits after they have earned their Certificate of Advanced Study in Educational Leadership (CAS).
Seven Valleys Writing Project Application Workshops on April 8
SUNY Cortland's Seven Valleys Writing Project (SVWP) is seeking applications for its 2009 Summer Institute, a professional development seminar for kindergarten through 12th grade teachers from across the region in all fields of study. Applications are due Monday, April 20. Two application-writing workshops will be held on Wednesday, April 8, to provide information about the application process.
Jewish Historian Looks at Israeli-Arab Conflict on April 6
SUNY Cortland Professor of History Sanford Gutman will deliver the College's Phi Kappa Phi lecture on the subject of Jewish-Arab relations on Monday, April 6. Titled "Opposing Loyalties?: A Progressive, Jewish Historian Confronts the Arab-Israeli Conflict," the talk begins at 4:15 p.m. in Old Main on the third floor mezzanine. The lecture is free and open to the public.
College's International Honor Society Receives Regional Recognition
SUNY Cortland's chapter of Phi Beta Delta (PBD), the international honor society dedicated to recognizing scholarly achievement in international education, recently was named the outstanding chapter in the northeast region. The three-year-old chapter will be presented with a plaque during an award ceremony during the PBD's national conference from April 2-3 in Miami, Fla.
Benefits of Composting to be Outlined in April 15 Talk
SUNY Cortland Academic Tutor Rickie McClure, who has composted for more than 20 years, will address the recycling of waste food and its impact on the environment on Wednesday, April 15, at the College. McClure, who works for the Academic Support and Achievement Program, will begin her presentation, "One Way to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle in One Easy Step," at 7 p.m. in the Corey Union Exhibition Lounge.
Dowd Gallery Busy with Events During April
Gallery talks by two multimedia artists and a panel discussion by five artists from the "Erasing Borders" exhibition will be highlighted throughout April at the Dowd Gallery at SUNY Cortland. The three events are free and open to the public.
Professor Joy Hendrick to Address Honors Convocation on April 18
Joy L. Hendrick, a SUNY Cortland professor of kinesiology, will deliver the keynote address at the institution's annual Honors Convocation on Saturday, April 18. Approximately 400 students will be recognized for their academic accomplishments at the event, which begins at 7 p.m. in the Park Center Alumni Arena. An academic procession of SUNY Cortland faculty will open the Honors Convocation. A reception for the honorees and guests will follow in the same location
Admissions Open House Set for April 4
The 27th Annual Admissions Open House, a one-day program allowing accepted freshmen, transfer applicants, and prospective students to better acquaint themselves with SUNY Cortland, is expected to attract 2,000 visitors to campus on Saturday, April 4.
Colleen Coffey to Address Mental Health Awareness on April 6
Colleen Coffey, a program manager for the National Mental Health Awareness Campaign who overcame her own struggles with a mental disorder, will discuss mental health awareness on Monday, April 6, at SUNY Cortland. Titled "Out of the Shadows: Talking Honestly About Mental Health," Coffey's talk will take place at 8 p.m. in Old Main Brown Auditorium. The event is free and open to the public.
The Bulletin – A bi-weekly publication containing news and events affecting the campus community
Events on Campus – Upcoming campus events
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SUNY Cortland
Brockway Hall, Room 318-A
Cortland, NY 13045
Phone: 607-753-2232