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Student Teacher Evaluation (STE) Dates

Fall 2024 - SUNY Cortland Student Teaching Dates

Full Semester Placement

Sept. 3, 2024 - Dec. 13, 2024

Quarterly Placement

Qtr. #1 - Sept. 3, 2024 - Oct. 18, 2024

Qtr. #2 - Oct. 21, 2024 - Dec. 13, 2024

All access to Watermark/Student Learning & Licensure (SL&L) is through an appropriate link that has been supplied to faculty and students by Dr. Chris Widdall.

If you experience access issues please contact Dr. Chris Widdall, Assistant Dean School of Education for Assessment and Accreditation, at or call 607-753-5449, for support.

Student Teacher (ST): STE Watermark Instructions and Dates

Printable Student Teacher: STE Watermark Instructions - Fall 2024 (PDF)

Work below to be completed in MyRedDragon (Student tab, SL&L Watermark Student). All work to be completed by dates noted below.

Submission Details for Watermark Student Teaching Area (DRF)

Due Dates

Time: Midnight of Date

GoReact Introductory Module (will open 8/27/2024 – must do if required for your program – ST must check with supervisor).

Due 9/6/2024

Required Activities in Watermark

  • Emergency Contact Form and Placement Verification Form to be completed in Watermark

Due 9/6/2024

STE Review #1 - STE Self‐Evaluation.

Opens 9/18/2024

Complete by 9/20/2024

STE Review #2 - STE Self‐Evaluation and Program Addendum (when applicable).

Opens 10/9/2024

Complete by 10/11/2024

**Students with a Single, Full Semester Placement go to STE Review #3 and continue all required work by due dates. DO NOT complete Placement Verification Form #2 if it is visible in your Watermark system.

Students with Two Quarterly Placements in the Semester (Q1 and Q2) begin with Required Activities in Watermark: Placement Verification Form #2 and please remember to give a copy of the previously submitted Emergency Contact Form to the school nurse if you are in a new school building during 2nd half of the semester.

Required Activities in Watermark - Placement Verification Form #2 (Mentor Teacher/Placement Information).

Due Friday, 10/25/2024

STE Review #3 - STE Self‐Evaluation.

Opens 11/6/2024

Complete by 11/8/2024

STE Review #4 - STE Self‐Evaluation and Program Addendum (when applicable).

Opens 12/4/2024

Complete by 12/6/2024

Student Teaching Final Assessments – Activities in Watermark:

  • Exit Survey: Program Assessment
  • Exit Survey: Satisfaction Survey of Program
  • Satisfaction Survey: Mentor Teacher(s) (If two placements, be sure to complete for both mentor teachers)
  • Satisfaction Survey: Supervisor

All items in Student Teaching Working Area are NOT seen by supervisors or mentor teachers. When submitting they will automatically go to the SUNY Cortland Manager ( to maintain confidentiality and anonymity of feedback. Information is shared both anonymously and confidentially with the Educational Unit to continue program excellence.

All to be completed by 12/13/2024

Need Watermark (SL&L) Support? Contact SUNY Cortland Watermark Manager ‐ / 607‐753‐5449 or your Teacher Program Coordinator.

Mentor Teacher (MT): STE Watermark Instructions and Dates

Printable Mentor Teacher: STE Watermark Instructions - Fall 2024 (PDF)

Work will be completed using a Student Learning & Licensure (SL&L in Watermark) secure log in.

An email from “No-Reply Watermark Access” will be sent to you. It will arrive just prior to the opening date noted below for each evaluation. Use the link provided to log in and complete the work. If you do not receive the email, please contact or to have a new notification link sent to your email. Mentors Teachers will use the same access link (for the assigned student teacher) throughout the quarter/semester for all work to be completed. The log-in ID is the Mentor Teacher school email address.

STE Reviews to be completed by Mentor Teachers (MT)

Work Due Dates

STE Review #1 - Student Teacher Evaluation (STE) and Disposition Form on the Student Teacher (ST)

(First review for both Quarterly or Full Semester Placement)

Opens 9/18/2024

Complete by 9/25/2024

STE Review #2 - Student Teacher Evaluation (STE) and Program Addendum (as needed) on the Student Teacher.

(Final review for Qtr. #1, Review #2 for Full Semester Placement)

Satisfaction survey of the supervisor will be available in Watermark at the end of the semester for all quarterly and full semester placements.

Opens 10/9/2024

Complete by 10/16/2024

Quarter #1 work completed.      Quarter #2 work starts below.     Full semester work continues below.

STE Review #3 - Student Teacher Evaluation (STE) and Disposition Form on the Student Teacher (ST)

(First review for Qtr. #2, Review #3 for Full Semester Placement)

Opens 11/6/2024

Complete by 11/13/2024

STE Review #4 - Student Teacher Evaluation (STE) and Program Addendum (as needed) on the Student Teacher.

(Final review for Qtr. #2, final review for Full Semester Placement)

Satisfaction survey of the supervisor will be available in Watermark at the end of the semester for all quarterly and full semester placements.

Opens 12/4/2024

Complete by 12/11/2024

Need Watermark (SL&L) Support? Contact SUNY Cortland Watermark Manager ‐ / 607‐753‐5449 or your Teacher Program Coordinator.

Supervisor: STE Watermark Instructions and Dates

Printable Supervisor: STE Watermark Instructions - Fall 2024 (PDF)

Watermark Categories: Types of Work

Work Due Dates

(Please note: the STE review time frame is now one week)

Student Teacher Introduction GoReact Module - Review of student teacher introduction video in GoReact. (Only if required for your program).

Q1 Placement Verification Form – review placement verification completed by the student teacher to ensure accuracy.

All due by 9/11/2024

STE Review #1 - Supervisor (STE) and Disposition Form on student teacher(s).

(First review for both Quarterly or Full Semester Placement)

Opens 9/18/2024

Complete by 9/25/2024

STE Review #2 - Supervisor (STE) and Program Addendum (when applicable) for student teacher(s).

(Final review for Qtr. #1, Review #2 for Full Semester Placement)

Opens 10/9/2024

Complete by 10/16/2024

Note: Grading is still done in Banner.

Quarter #1 work completed.     Quarter #2 work starts below.     Full semester work continues below.
Q2 Placement Verification Form - review placement verification completed by the student teacher to ensure accuracy (as needed). Supervisor review by 10/30/2024

STE Review #3 - Supervisor (STE) and Disposition Form on student teacher(s).

(First review for Qtr. #2, Review #3 for Full Semester Placement)

Opens 11/6/2024

Complete by 11/13/2024

STE Review #4 - Supervisor (STE) and Program Addendums (when applicable) on student teacher(s).

(Final review for Qtr. #2 and final review for Full Semester Placement)

Opens 12/4/2024

Complete by 12/17/2024

Note: Grading is still done in Banner.

Supervisor Satisfaction Survey(s) of Mentor Teacher(s)

(If two placements, be sure to do one for each mentor teacher)

Opens after first quarter completed

Due by 12/17/2024

Who sees these Satisfaction Surveys? Surveys of the Mentor Teacher (MT) are seen by the FESP Office and Program Coordinators. Need Watermark (SL&L) Support? Contact SUNY Cortland Watermark Manager ‐ / 607‐753‐5449 or the FESP Office at 607-753-2824.