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Faculty and Staff Activities

Jeremiah Donovan

Jeremiah Donovan, Art and Art History Department, had his recent ceramic work selected by jury for inclusion in the National Juried Small Works Show at the Windsor Whip Works Art Center in Windsor, N.Y. This exhibition will open Saturday, Dec. 1, and continues through Saturday, Jan. 12. In August, Donovan and former B.F.A. student Xena Holzapfel were selected to exhibit their ceramic art work at the Elmira Arnot Art Museum Biennial Gallery Gala, an invitational exhibition of artists from throughout the Northeast. 

David Duryea

David Duryea, vice president for finance and management and a retired rear admiral in the U.S. Navy, spoke at Syracuse University’s U.S. Defense Strategy class taught by Robert B. Murrett on March 3. As a submarine officer, Duryea commanded the nuclear-powered submarine USS Florida, and as commander of the Naval Undersea Warfare Center, he led 6,500 civilian personnel in 15 locations across the U.S. and overseas while overseeing a $1.6 billion budget.

Nancy Kane

Nancy Kane, Performing Arts Department, wrote an op-ed that appeared on the back cover of the National Education Association’s January 2014 newsletter, NEA Higher Education Advocate. The piece is titled “In Defense of Dance” and is an edited version of her essay on dance as a liberal art.

Robert Spitzer

Robert Spitzer, political science, will participate in the live broadcast of the 300th episode of the long-running television program broadcast on WCNY-TV, Syracuse, "The Ivory Tower Half Hour," on Friday, Nov. 13. First aired in September of 2002, the "Ivory Tower" has become the highest rated locally produced television program in Central New York aside from local nightly news. Spitzer is one of four original participants still with the program. The live broadcast will expand from its usual half hour format to include not only its customary analysis of public affairs and its "A's" and "F's" segment, but also questions from a studio audience invited to participate in the event.

Brett Troyan

Brett Troyan, history, organized and hosted the New York Latin American History Workshop at SUNY Cortland, which took place on Oct. 16.

Doug Langhans

Doug Langhans, Admissions, recently visited Japan and represented SUNY Cortland at two student recruitment fairs hosted by EducationUSA, an official branch of the U.S. Department of State designed to promote U.S. higher education to students around the world. The fairs were held in Tokyo and Osaka, and Langhans discussed the benefits of studying at SUNY Cortland with students, parents and representatives from a variety of educational institutions. In addition, he was invited to a reception at the U.S. Ambassador’s Residence hosted by Ambassador Caroline Kennedy. The reception highlighted the launch of “A Broader View,” a U.S. Embassy project to promote study in the United States through video interviews with prominent study abroad alumni.

Mark Dodds

Mark Dodds, Sport Management Department, was a featured speaker at the Athletic Business Show in Orlando, Florida. He delivered the “Legal Risks Facing Sport Facilities and Events – And Responses” presentation on Nov. 15.

Barbara Wisch

Barbara Wisch, professor emerita of art history, was invited to serve as the consulting curator for the exhibition “Shared Treasure: The Legacy of Samuel H. Kress,” held at the Allentown (Pa.) Art Museum from Oct. 16, 2011-Jan. 15, 2012. The exhibition celebrated the 50th anniversary of the generous Kress gift of Renaissance and Baroque paintings to the Allentown Art Museum. “Shared Treasure” brought together more than 30 exceptional paintings, borrowed from other recipients of the Kress legacy. These works span the European continent from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment. Wisch provided all the wall texts and contributed to the brochure.

Robert Spitzer

Robert Spitzer, Political Science Department, is the author of an article published in the Washington Post on Jan. 25 titled “The NRA wants to suppress one of guns’ most important safety features,” about a little-known bill in Congress to remove most existing restrictions on the purchase of gun silencers. Also, he was interviewed on CNN on Jan. 24 about the same subject: The next possible gun industry sales boom: Silencers.


Emmanuel S. Nelson

Emmanuel S. Nelson, English Department, is the editor of the recently published Ethnic American Literature: An Encyclopedia for Students, Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO Press. It is a revised, updated version of the five-volume Encyclopedia of Multiethnic American Literature that he edited in 2005.