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Faculty and Staff Activities

Hilary Izatt

Hilary Izatt, Political Science Department, has been informed that her article, “Asymmetry of Power and Attention in Alliance Relations: The US-ROK Case,” has been accepted for publication in the Australian Journal of International Affairs, to be published in 2016. Izatt co-authored the article with Gi Wook Shin and Renni Moon.

Kim Wieczorek

Kim Wieczorek, Childhood/Early Childhood Education Department, represented the New York State Association of Teacher Educators (NYSATE) at the annual Association of Teacher Educators (ATE) conference held Feb. 15 to 19 in Atlantic City, N.J. As president of NYSATE, she attended the Council of Unit Presidents on Feb. 16. On Feb. 18, she presented her research titled “Pathways to Teaching: The Vague Infrastructure for Potential Teaching Candidates” in a thematic research session.


Jeremy Jimenez

Jeremy Jimenez, Foundations and Social Advocacy Department, gave a talk to middle/high school students and teachers about “Ecological Justice and the 9 Planetary boundaries” at the sixth annual Central New York Youth Climate Summit held Feb. 11 at SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry.


Patricia Martínez de la Vega Mansilla

Patricia Martínez de la Vega Mansilla, Modern Languages Department, and Abigail Cleary from Lansing High School, presented a workshop titled “Technology as a Tool for Memorization” at the New York State Association of Foreign Language Teachers (NYSAFLT) Conference - 21st Century LOTE Education: Providing the Keys to College and Career Readiness held Oct. 31 in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. LOTE is the acronym for Language Other Than English.

Tyler Bradway

Tyler Bradway, English Department, had his book chapter titled "Inchoate Kinship: Psychoanalytic Narrative and Queer Relationality in Are You My Mother?" published in The Comics of Alison Bechdel: From the Outside In. The collection was edited by Janine Utell and published in February by the University of Mississippi Press. 

Ubaldo Valli

Ubaldo Valli, Performing Arts Department, gave a virtual presentation for the 2021 University of Oxford Conducting International Conducting Studies Conference at St. Anne’s College. Valli’s presentation, “Exploring the Use of Theatrical Mask Techniques in Conducting,” suggested ways of combining and applying ideas and techniques taken from psychology, anthropology, music and theater to conducting and conductor training to an audience of music professionals and conductors from Europe, the Americas, Asia, and Africa. 

Melissa Morris

Melissa Morris, Physics Department, and coauthors, submitted their paper, “The Isheyevo Meteorite: the Solar System’s Oldest Layered Sedimentary Rock” to the journal, Geology.

Nance S. Wilson

Nance S. Wilson, Literacy Department, had her article titled “Teaching & Learning with E-Readers: Promoting Deep Learning or Deep Trouble?” published in the 2014 Technology in Literacy Education SIG Newsletter. It was co-authored by Vicky Zygouris-Coe and Victoria Cardullo and can be found on the Technology in Literacy Education website.

Also, Wilson presented “CCLS and Developmentally Responsive Teaching of Young Adolescents” at the New York State Middle School Association Conference held Oct. 10 in Verona, N.Y.

David Kilpatrick

David Kilpatrick, Psychology Department, presented a paper on Feb. 24 at annual convention of the National Association of School Psychologists in Philadelphia, Pa. Approximately 35 school psychologists, school psychology graduate students and professors of school psychology attended his 50-minute presentation titled, “Supercharge your Reading Evaluations with the ‘Simple View’ of Reading.”

Robert Spitzer

Robert Spitzer, Political Science Department, is the author of a chapter titled, “The Unitary Executive and the Bush Presidency” appearing in the new book, The George W. Bush Presidency, published by Nova Publishers.