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Faculty and Staff Activities

Tadayuki Suzuki

Tadayuki Suzuki, Literacy Department, presented at the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) annual convention on Nov. 22 in Washington, D.C. His presentation was titled, “Stories to Tell—Listening to the Words in LGBT Themed Children’s Literature.”

Tom Lickona

Tom Lickona, Childhood/Early Childhood Education Department, had his article, “Prevent Bullying, Promote Kindness: 20 Things All Schools Can Do,” reprinted in Catholic Education Resource Center’s (CERC) Weekly Update, an online Canadian newsletter. The article first appeared in the Winter/Spring 2012 issue of Excellence & Ethics, the education letter of SUNY Cortland’s Center for the 4th and 5th Rs.


Vierne Placide

Vierne Placide, Health Department, presented a poster titled “Factors influencing counseling adherence in medication-assisted treatment for opioid addiction” at the 2019 AMERSA Conference held Nov. 7 to 9 in Boston. AMERSA is the Association for Multidisciplinary Education and Research in Substance Use and Addiction, a non-profit professional organization whose mission is to improve health and well-being through interdisciplinary leadership in substance use education, research, clinical care and policy.


Brian Barrett and Anne Burns Thomas

Brian Barrett, Foundations and Social Advocacy, served as a co-organizer of the Third International Social Realism Symposium hosted at Jesus College, University of Cambridge, from June 29 to July 1. The symposium attracted a record number of researchers and teachers to address educational questions by drawing significantly on social realism, which explores the social conditions of knowledge production and exchange as well as its structuring in the curriculum.

Barrett and Anne Burns Thomas, Foundations and Social Advocacy Department, presented their paper titled “Flipping the Script: Exploring the Impact of Curriculum Modules on Access to Knowledge and Teacher Professionalism,” which also was co-authored by Maria Timberlake, Foundations and Social Advocacy, at the conference in Cambridge.

Tyler Bradway

Tyler Bradway, English Department, gave an invited guest lecture on April 19 at Ithaca College titled “Throuple Plots: Queer Kinship and Narrative Form.” The event was sponsored by the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies program and the English Department. 

John C. Hartsock

John C. Hartsock, Communication Studies Department, has had a scholarly award established in his name by the International Association for Literary Journalism Studies. The award, the “John C. Hartsock Award for Best Article in Literary Journalism Studies,” was established by the association at their last international conference held at King’s College in Halifax, Nova Scotia in May. The award is given for the best article appearing in the association’s blind-reviewed journal, Literary Journalism Studies, for the previous publication year. Hartsock was the founding editor of the journal in spring 2009 and guided it for the first five years of publication. He has been invited to give the award next May at the association’s annual conference to be held at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna.  

Carolyn Bershad

Carolyn Bershad, Counseling and Student Development centers, has learned that the office was awarded full re-accreditation for the 2014-15 year by the International Association of Counseling Services (IACS). IACS is the only association that accredits counseling services on university and college campuses. Approval by IACS is dependent upon evidence of continuing professional development as well as demonstration of excellence in counseling performance. The office offers individual and group counseling for students, as well as consultation and outreach to the campus community.

Mark Dodds

Mark Dodds, Sport Management Department, had his paper titled “Is the Court of Arbitration of Sport Getting Serious About Corruption” presented for him at the National Conference of Sport Sciences Research in Tehran, Iran.

Brian Barrett

Brian Barrett, Foundations and Social Advocacy Department, and Arron Bound ’14, had their article titled “A Critical Discourse Analysis of No Promo Homo Policies in US Schools” published in volume 51, issue 4 of Educational Studies. The article reports on research they conducted during Bound’s Summer 2013 Undergraduate Research Fellowship offered through Cortland’s Undergraduate Research Council. Barrett served as Bound’s faculty mentor.  

Christina Knopf

Christina Knopf, Communication and Media Studies Department, presented a talk titled “Compassion and the Apocalypse: ‘Commanders [and Communities] in Crisis’” on Aug. 7 at the Comics Studies Society annual conference, Re/Building Community.