Campus News
Latest News
SUNY Cortland earns distinction for transfer student support
Cortland was the only SUNY campus named to Phi Theta Kappa's Transfer Honor Roll.
Alum doing NASA space-seed research in his kitchen
Forced off campus by COVID-19, Alex Meyers ’13 has found a novel way to do research at home.
SUNY Cortland student on front line of COVID-19 response
Melissa Moran is balancing online courses and shifts at an urgent care facility.
Temporary COVID-19 Academic Policy Changes Announced
SUNY Cortland's academic policies have been adapted for the Spring 2020 semester only,.
Developing plan will reimburse students for unused services
Students will receive credits or refunds for unused housing, rent and other fees
Students should follow social distancing or face suspension
Students in Cortland who disobey state COVID-19 guidelines could face serious disciplinary action.
Tricia Wilder directs Catholic Campus Ministry
Former insurance underwriter finds inspiration in campus ministry.
Offices and resources for students will continue despite distance
Students will have modified access to resources and services through the end of the semester.
SUNY Cortland Title IX Office to continue operations remotely
Sex assault, harassment and discrimination will continue to be addressed, and victims will be assisted
Campus Ministries respond in crisis
Interfaith Center and Catholic ministers tend their flocks from a distance.
The Bulletin – A bi-weekly publication containing news and events affecting the campus community
Events on Campus – Upcoming campus events
The Family Page – An online newsletter for families of SUNY Cortland students
Communications Office
SUNY Cortland
Brockway Hall, Room 318-A
Cortland, NY 13045
Phone: 607-753-2232