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Part Three: Guidelines for Students

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Part Three Contents

Chapter 310: Development of Student Regulations

310.01 Manner in Which the Regulations are Developed: Role of the College Council

In order to encourage, maintain, and assure adequate communication with and participation by the administration, faculty, and students at the respective campuses, the College Council shall act after consultation with the chief administrative head of its campus and with representatives of faculty and students in promulgating or in reviewing and ratifying regulations on student conduct. In the regulations, the council may confer upon student groups, faculty committees, administrative officers, or combinations thereof appropriate responsibilities concerning student conduct and behavior. Authority for the administration of regulations at a campus shall rest with the campus' chief administrative officer.

310.02 Recognition of the Rights and Responsibilities of Students

The regulation shall recognize that students have, within the law, the right of free expression and advocacy and that the state university seeks to encourage and preserve freedom of expression and inquiry within the entire university. The regulation shall also recognize the obligation of all students to conduct themselves lawfully, maturely, and responsibly and shall take into account the responsibility of the university to maintain standards of student conduct in line with the university's function as an educational institution. The ways in which students or student groups may use the name of the university or identify their association with it shall also be provided for in the regulations.

310.03 Need for Due Process

Where regulations govern student disciplinary proceedings, they should reflect the basic concepts of procedural fairness and should make certain that no student shall be expelled or suffer other major disciplinary action as defined by the council for any offense, other than failure to meet required academic standing, without being first given appropriate advance notice of the charges against her/him and a hearing before an impartial body or officer as established by the council or chief administrative officer at such campus. While a formal student conduct hearing is not required, the hearing should be of such nature as to give the hearing body or officer, as the case may be, full opportunity to hear both sides of the issue in considerable detail. The student may waive in writing the requirements of a hearing.

310.04 Availability of the Rules and Regulations

The regulation established by a council at a particular campus, in the manner described above, shall be published and made available to the whole academic community of that campus and shall be given full force and effect as rules and regulations of the state university applicable to that campus and shall be filed with the Office of the Secretary of State.

310.05 Periodic Review by the Chancellor

The chancellor of the State University of New York shall, from time to time, cause to be reviewed the regulations established by the councils for consistency with rules and policies of the State University Trustees and shall report thereon to the board of trustees at such time and in such manner as it shall direct. (Office of the Chancellor, May 31, 1967)

Back to Chapter 310


Chapter 320: College Council Policies for Student Rights

320.01 Basic Concepts Established by the College Council

On June 27, 1968, the College Council endorsed the Declaration of Rights and Freedoms with the following explicit understandings, as described in the council's minutes:

  1. That the statement is in no way intended to abrogate the legal powers invested in the board of trustees or College Council under American corporate law;
  2. That interpretation of the statement's principles and procedures be understood as a continuing joint process, and that application be worked out according to the educational purposes of this particular institution.
  3. That the implementation of the statement's recommendations take place in the context of the total academic community with all responsible consideration for rights and freedoms of the other constituents of the academic community;
  4. That the concept of community itself implies the interdependence of faculty, students, administration and governing boards and that, therefore, the arrogation to itself of absolute autonomy or of absolute freedom by any one sector of the academic community contradicts the very concept of community;
  5. Finally, that the statement on rights and freedoms of students is welcomed as a thoughtful and significant contribution to the dialogue that is essential to the well-being of the academic community.

320.02 Declaration of Rights and Freedoms


Academic institutions exist for the transmission of knowledge, the pursuit of truth, the development of the student and the general well-being of society. Students have become increasingly aware that learning is a broad process whose boundaries extend beyond the classroom and encompass all aspects of their lives. Thus, the academic community includes all those members of SUNY Cortland who promote the learning experience. Membership in the academic community should develop the capacity for critical judgment, for involvement in a sustained and independent search for truth and knowledge, and for participation in the decision-making processes that are inherent in the attainment of these goals. Realizing this, provisions for the recognition and protection of academic freedom are essential to the functioning of this community. Achievement of the established goal of this University, "To learn, to search, to serve," can come only with the acknowledgment of the continuing need for learning among all members of the community and the realization that a sense of community is imperative for the creation of an atmosphere for individual growth.

It is impossible to separate the concept of student freedom and rights from the concept of student responsibility. Coincidental with any rights are corresponding responsibilities. Developed from this document and embedded in student social codes and constitutions will be the specific applications of the rights and responsibilities stated herein. These responsibilities will have meaning only with full cooperation and communication among all segments of the academic community. To this end it is imperative that students, desiring respect for their rights, must then accord to the other segments of the community the same respect. Student responsibility is the best deterrent to student irresponsibility. This document should be viewed not as one which gives freedom but rather as one which illustrates the willingness of students to accept a good measure of responsibility for their own actions.

This document recognizes all legal responsibilities mandated to SUNY Cortland and its members. It is meant to be operable within existing laws governing the university and its community.

1. Freedom of Government

Students have the right to organize and maintain maximum democratic government in order to guarantee the rights and freedoms of the individual. Students also have the right to formulate within existing laws their own social rules and code of conduct.

2. Freedom of Access to Higher Education

The admissions policies of each college and university are a matter of determination by the academic community provided that each college and university makes clear the standards that it considers relevant to success in the institution's program. Within the limits of its facilities, SUNY Cortland shall be open to all students who are qualified according to its admission standards. The facilities and services of this university shall be open to all of its enrolled students, and it shall use its influence to secure equal access for all students to public facilities in the local community.

3. Right to the Best Possible Education

It is a basic right that students have a well-devised curriculum, adequate library and laboratory facilities, and competent teaching staff, operating in an environment of academic freedom that nourishes the education process. Students have a right to guidance, advisement and ancillary services that aid in education and/or career planning that help them progress toward their goals.

4. Right of Freedom of Thought in the Classroom

Students should be informed of the standard of academic performance expected by each professor or department. Students should be free to take reasoned exception to the data or views offered in any course of study and to reserve judgment about matters of opinion. Students should have protection through orderly procedures against prejudiced or capricious academic evaluation. At the same time, they are responsible for maintaining standards of academic performance established for each course in which they are enrolled.

5. Freedom of Expression

Students and student organizations should be free to discuss, pass resolutions, distribute leaflets, circulate petitions and take other action by orderly means that do not disrupt the essential operation of the institution. They are free to examine and to express opinions publicly or privately.

6. Freedom of Communications Media

All forms of student expression must enjoy full freedom of the press as guaranteed in the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution. The communications media are free of censorship and advance approval of copy, and the editors and managers are free to develop their own editorial policies and news coverage. The editorial freedom of student editors and managers entails corollary responsibilities to be governed by the canons of responsible journalism. At the same time, it should be made clear to the academic and larger community that in their public expressions or demonstrations students and student organizations speak only for themselves. Editors and managers of communications media are protected from arbitrary suspension and removal because of student, faculty, administrative, or public disapproval of editorial policy or content.

7. Freedom of Association

Students must be free to organize and join associations for educational, political, social, religious, or cultural purposes.

8. Freedom to Choose Speakers and Topics

No area of investigation and no point of view shall be excluded from the precincts of the university. It is consonant with the principles of academic freedom, the traditions of free inquiry, and the educational purposes of the State University of New York to assert that the student body, acting responsibly in the spirit of free intellectual inquiry, is free to invite any person it chooses to address it on any topic.

9. Freedom from Disciplinary Action Without Due Process

The student body must have clearly defined means to participate in the formulation and application of regulations affecting student affairs. No sanction or other disciplinary action shall be imposed on a student by or in the name of the State University of New York in an arbitrary manner.

10. Freedom from Improper Disclosure

Protection against improper disclosure of information is a serious professional obligation of faculty members and administrative staff that must be balanced with their other obligations to the individual student, the institution and society. (Judgments of ability and character may be provided under appropriate circumstances.) Information about student views, beliefs and political associations that professors and university staff acquire in the course of their work as instructors, advisors and counselors should be considered confidential. No information from records is available to prospective employers, graduate or professional schools, or government agencies, without the explicit consent of the student, and such information must be limited to their academic experiences only.

11. Freedom to Rights as a Private Citizen

College students are citizens as well as members of the academic community. As citizens, students should enjoy the same freedom of speech, peaceful assembly and right of petition that other citizens enjoy; and as citizens they are subject to the obligations that accrue to them by virtue of this membership. Faculty members and administrative officials should ensure that institutional powers are not employed to inhibit such intellectual and personal development of students as is often promoted by their exercise of the rights of citizenship both on and off campus.

Activities of students may upon occasion result in violation of the law. In such cases, institutional officials should be prepared to apprise students of sources of legal counsel. Students who violate the law may incur penalties prescribed by civil authorities, but institutional authority should never be used merely to duplicate the function of civil laws. Only where the institution's interests as an academic community are involved de facto, should procedures of the SUNY Cortland student conduct system be initiated. Institutional action should be independent of community pressure.

12. Right to Participate in Decision-making

Provisions must be made for widest possible participation of the student body in the decisions that will affect their lives and future careers. This participation shall range from advisory to a full and voting membership of the group that is evaluating, recommending, planning, or deciding.

13. Right to Privacy

Students must be protected from invasions of privacy and arbitrary and capricious searches of their residences, except where a civil search warrant has been legally obtained or where existing housing inspection laws and regulations permit or require.

14. Right to be Informed

The SUNY Cortland community, and the student government in particular, has the obligation to inform students of their rights and responsibilities upon appointment and throughout their college career.

Back to Chapter 320


Chapter 330: Student Conduct System

Student Code of Conduct

SUNY Cortland's student nonacademic student conduct system is described in the Student Code of Conduct. Please see the Student Code of Conduct and Related Policies for a complete compilation of nonacademic student conduct policies.


The State University of New York College at Cortland strives to maintain a community that promotes and values the academic experience, institutional and personal integrity, justice, equality and diversity. SUNY Cortland, therefore, believes in values that foster an environment where people can work, study and recreate together as a community.

In establishing this community, it is necessary to state behavioral expectations for all students, which promote the values that the university has stated are necessary. The purpose of the Student Code of Conduct (also referred to as the Student Code or Code) is to outline these behavioral expectations and to provide an explanation of the process involved for responding to allegations of student misconduct, as well as detailing what actions the university shall take in dealing with policy violations.

A student attending SUNY Cortland agrees to be governed by this Student Code, as well as other university policies. SUNY Cortland, through the Student Conduct Office, maintains the exclusive authority to impose sanctions for behaviors that violate the Student Code of Conduct.

All SUNY Cortland students have access to the Student Code of Conduct. Copies are available in the Student Conduct Office and the Student Government Association (SGA) office and this document is also accessible on the Student Conduct Office website.


Chapter 340: Academic Integrity

340.01 Statement of Academic Integrity

SUNY Cortland is an academic community whose mission is to promote scholarship through the acquisition, preservation and transmission of knowledge. Fundamental to this goal is the institution's dedication to academic integrity. Providing an atmosphere that promotes honesty and the free exchange of ideas is the essence of academic integrity. In this setting all members of the institution have an obligation to uphold high intellectual and ethical standards.

It is the responsibility of the faculty to impart not only knowledge but also respect for knowledge. It is also the professional responsibility of all faculty members to explain the importance of honesty and respect for knowledge in order to ensure an academic environment that encourages integrity. To establish such an environment, students must recognize that their role in their education is active; they are responsible for their own learning. Specifically, it is the responsibility of students to protect their own work from inappropriate use by others and to protect the work of other people by providing proper citation of ideas and research findings to the appropriate source. This includes the obligation to preserve all educational resources, thereby permitting full and equal access to knowledge.

This academic community takes seriously its responsibilities regarding academic honesty. Academic integrity is absolutely essential to ensure the validity of the grading system and maintain high standards of academic excellence. In addition, all members of the academic community must exhibit behavior exemplifying academic honesty and encourage such behavior in others.

340.02 Violation of Academic Integrity

A violation of academic integrity as an instance of academic dishonesty can occur in many ways. At SUNY Cortland, instances of academic dishonesty are:

1. Plagiarism

Students are expected to submit and present work that is their own with proper documentation and acknowledgment when the work of others is consulted and used. Plagiarism can be intentional by deliberately presenting the work of others as one's own, or inadvertent by accidentally omitting or erroneously citing sources. Examples of plagiarism that can occur in research papers, lab reports, written reports, oral presentations as well as other assignments are:

  1. Failure to use quotation marks: sources quoted directly must be shown with quotation marks in the body of the project and with the appropriate citation in the references, notes or footnotes
  2. Undocumented paraphrasing: sources "put into one's own words" must have the source cited properly in the body of the project and in references, notes or footnotes
  3. Creating false documentation: purposefully presenting wrong information in references or citations or manufacturing false information used in references, notes and footnotes
2. Cheating on examinations
  1. Looking and/or copying from another student's paper during an examination or assignment
  2. Allowing another student to look or copy from one's work during an examination or assignment
  3. Possessing crib sheets, answer sheets and other information not authorized by the instructor of record during an examination or assignment
  4. Writing ahead of time an answer to an in-class examination or assignment and submitting it as written in class
  5. Taking an examination or completing an assignment for another student
  6. Allowing or arranging for someone else to take an examination or other in-class assignment
  7. Allowing one's own work to be copied and submitted by another student
  8. Altering or falsifying examination or assignment results after they have been evaluated by the instructor of record and returned
  9. Possessing and using any device or analog instrument not authorized by the instructor of record, including but not limited to: computers, calculators, cell phones and the like.
3. Other infractions
  1. Possessing or using papers, assignments, examinations, reports, lab reports or other assignments that have not formally been released by the instructor of record
  2. Obtaining a paper or assignment from an online source, paper mill, another student, or other source and submitting it, wholly or in part, as one's own work
  3. Possessing work that is similar to another student's, wholly or in part, without permission; allowing one's own work to be copied and submitted by another student.
  4. Writing or creating a research paper, written report, lab report or other work for another student
  5. Submitting the same work for two or more different classes without the approval of instructors of record teaching each class
  6. Falsifying university documents
  7. Presenting false documents or forged documents
  8. Destroying, vandalizing, altering and/or removing library materials without authorization
  9. Falsifying data
  10. Altering or falsifying another student's data, laboratory work, research, assignments or written materials
    (updated 8/22/07; revised Spring 2018; approved by President Bitterbaum July 2, 2018)

4. Applicability of Academic Integrity Proscriptions

  1. Instructors of record may, where appropriate, permit various of the above practices or activities, for instance by expressly allowing collaborative work by students, or by giving open-book examinations.  Students must never assume, however, that the above restrictions do not apply, absent explicit permission of the instructor of record.
  2. All of the above provisions apply equally to online and in-class instruction, as well as to any other forms of instruction in use at the university.

340.03 Procedures for Handling the Violation of Academic Integrity

Part One: Meeting, Discussion and Conclusion
  1. The instructor of record discovering the instance of academic dishonesty shall make every attempt to contact the student within five working days of discovery. If a teaching assistant who is not the instructor of record discovered the instance, they shall report it to their supervising instructor of record, who will be primarily responsible for following the procedures set forth below, with the involvement of the teaching assistant as necessary and appropriate.
  2. The student will identify a faculty member to serve as a third party impartial witness to the discussion of the charge of academic dishonesty. Should the student not identify a third party witness within two working days of the instructor of record's notifying the student of the charge, the instructor of record will make the choice. (amended Spring 2018; approved by President Bitterbaum July 2, 2018)
  3. Within five working days of contact with the student, a meeting shall be scheduled by the instructor of record to discuss the alleged incident of academic dishonesty. The third party witness is to serve as an independent observer and may not address the charges. In appropriate circumstances, the meeting may be conducted by phone or other electronic means.
  4. After the meeting, the instructor of record will make a determination that the student is guilty or not guilty. If guilt is decided, the instructor of record will assign a penalty.
  5. Should the student fail to appear at the meeting, the instructor of record will make a determination that the student is guilty or not guilty.
  6. Should the instructor of record bringing charges be unable to attend due to retirement, sabbatical, leave of absence or other separation from the university community, said instructor's department chair shall appoint a substitute faculty member to attend the hearing in their place.
  7. If guilt is decided, the instructor of record shall fill out the "meeting and response form" identifying the specifics of the charge and the penalty imposed. The report will be forwarded, within five working days of the meeting, to the Academic Grievance Tribunal (AGT) chair, in care of the senior staff assistant to the vice president for academic affairs, or such other assistant to the AGT chair as the provost may designate.
  8. The AGT chair will send a copy of the report to the student who will have two working days to respond. The student response options are 1. accept the guilty finding and the penalty; 2. accept the guilty finding but deny the penalty; 3. deny both the guilty finding and the penalty. A student who fails to respond to the report will automatically be found guilty and the penalty will be imposed. No appeals will be allowed for a failure to respond to the report.
  9. The Academic Grievance Tribunal will file the student's response to the report with the instructor of record.
  10. Penalties assigned by the instructor of record may be amended by the Academic Grievance Tribunal pursuant to the procedures outlined in Part Two of this subchapter below. Notification of any changes to penalties must be made to the student and the instructor of record within five working days.
Part Two: The Academic Grievance Tribunal
  1. Composition
    1. The Academic Grievance Tribunal shall be constituted as follows below, for hearings under this chapter, as well as grievance hearings under Chapter 350. For any given hearing, a subset of the full tribunal shall serve as a panel to hear the matter in question.
    2. Faculty: The full tribunal shall include two faculty members from each school. The method of selecting these members shall be determined by the Faculty Senate. Faculty members will serve staggered three-year terms. The AGT chair will be elected by and from the faculty members of the AGT each academic year. The elected chair of the AGT serves as the Provost's administrative representative on the tribunal. The AGT chair shall cast a vote only to break a tie. When it is not possible or permitted for the AGT chair to serve on a panel (e.g. due to conflict of interest), the AGT chair will designate a faculty member of the tribunal to chair the panel in their place. In the event that a member of the tribunal is directly involved in a grievance s/he shall not participate on the relevant panel. If the tribunal member who is so disqualified is not the AGT chair, they will be replaced on the panel by a member of the AGT of the same rank or position.
    3. Students: The full tribunal shall include at least one undergraduate and one graduate student selected from students enrolled in each of the academic schools. The undergraduate students will be selected by the Student Senate, and the graduate students shall be nominated by the deans of their respective schools. In cases where the accused is a graduate student, at least one of the two students serving on the AGT panel hearing the matter must be a graduate student. If a student (graduate or undergraduate) is nominated to the tribunal who has previously been found guilty of an academic integrity violation, the AGT chair shall request that such student submit a statement explaining the violation and demonstrating that the student has learned from the experience and is committed to the tenets of the campus Academic Integrity Code. Upon review of such statement, and in the AGT chair’s sole discretion, the AGT chair may admit said student to tribunal service if they deem it to be in the best interest of both the student and the university to do so.
  2. A denial of the guilty finding and/or the penalty automatically sets the appeal process in motion. Upon a receipt of the student appeal, the AGT chair shall convene a hearing of a panel of the tribunal.
  3. A hearing must be scheduled within 20 working days of the receipt of the appeal by the AGT chair, subject to availability of panel members and to the operating schedule of the university as defined below.
  4. The student shall receive written notice of the hearing at least five working days before the hearing. The notice will be sent by email to the student's SUNY Cortland email unless that right is waived in writing by the student. The notice will include
    1) time and place of the hearing,
    2) notification of student rights and responsibilities during the grievance process.
  5. In appropriate circumstances, the AGT chair may permit a student to be present by phone or other electronic means.
  6. If guilt is established through the hearing, the AGT chair may increase the penalty. The AGT chair shall consider student academic and disciplinary records and consult with the instructor of record to develop any additional penalty. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the case of a student's second violation, the AGT chair will notify the student that the student has been placed on deferred academic suspension, meaning that a third violation at ay point during the student's remaining time at SUNY Cortland will result in an automatic semester suspension.
  7. The AGT chair will send official notification to the student within five working days of the hearing, with copies to the instructor of record filing the charge, the associate dean for the student's respective department and school, and any other party mentioned in the notification letter. In addition, a copy of the official notification for those majoring in teacher education programs will be sent to the coordinators and TEC Committee on Teacher Education Application Review.
  8. The student may appeal the decision of the AGT to the provost within five working days after official notification. Grounds for appeal are limited to claims of bias, procedural infractions and/or new evidence.
  9. The provost will take final action on appeals within five working days of receipt of a student's appeal from an AGT decision.
  10. If a student is found not guilty of the charges at any level of review, all university-level records of the charges will be expunged, and the instructor of record shall assign an appropriate grade, or revise the student's grade to reflect the not guilty finding as needed.
  11. An instructor of record may withdraw the charges and penalty at any stage of this process they determine that they are not warranted.

Working days are, exclusive of university holidays, intersessions and summer.
(updated Spring 2018; approved by President Bitterbaum July 2, 2018)

340.04 Responsibilities of the Academic Grievance Tribunal in Cases Involving Violation of Academic Integrity 

The Academic Grievance Tribunal will hear the following types of cases: 1) cases of students appealing the penalty in a case of academic dishonesty and 2) cases of students appealing the guilty finding and the penalty in a case of academic dishonesty. At the conclusion of the hearing, the AGT has the responsibility for finding the student guilty or not guilty and reviewing, and at the option of the AGT chair revising, the penalty. The AGT chair in consultation with the other faculty members on the Tribunal has the responsibility for reviewing the penalties imposed in cases of academic dishonesty and making emendations as appropriate. It is the responsibility of the AGT chair to amend the procedure in exceptional circumstances.

  1. All assigned panel members or alternates must be present for the hearings of the tribunal, deliberations and decisions. Tribunal members who are not part of a given panel may sit in on panel hearings and deliberations in order to observe tribunal procedures, but may not themselves comment, deliberate, or otherwise participate in said hearings.
  2. The student has the right to object to a tribunal member hearing the case if the reasons are valid (e.g., member is biased, close friend, hostile toward the alleged violator). The validity of the objection shall be determined by the AGT chair. In cases where a member of the tribunal is the faculty member who referred the charges, they shall be automatically excused from hearing the case.
  3. The student charged may choose not to appear at the hearing or may refuse to make a statement to the tribunal panel. However, the panel may make its findings in the absence of such appearance and/or statement. Likewise, the instructor of record bringing charges may choose not to appear or make a statement, and the tribunal panel may make its findings in the absence of said instructor. If the student fails to appear, but shows good cause, the tribunal shall reschedule the hearing as soon as reasonably practicable under the circumstances.
  4. The student has the right to respond to all oral and written testimony presented against him or her.
  5. The student has the right to present witnesses and evidence to substantiate their case. The tribunal panel may, at its discretion, reasonably limit the number of witnesses, provided that no individual having direct knowledge of factual issues in the dispute shall be excluded. The hearing is an administrative procedure that involves the university community, and only persons directly affiliated with SUNY Cortland may be present, and only in their capacity as university community members. For purposes of this rule, alumni/ae are not considered members of the university community.
  6. The student must be informed of their right to appeal the decision and the deadline dates to appeal the decision, along with notification of the hearing results.
  7. In the case of multiple student defendants requesting hearings on the same facts, each student will be given an independent hearing, at which codefendants may not be present.Every effort will be made to hold such hearings before the same panel members; however, the AGT chair’s presence at all such hearings shall in any case be sufficient to ensure that all codefendants are given fair hearings in a given matter.
Records of Proceedings
  1. An audio recording shall be made of all AGT hearings (excluding the AGT's deliberations) and the tape-recording maintained for at least one year following the student's departure from the university if the charges are sustained. If the charges are dismissed, the recording can be destroyed before that time.
  2. At said hearing, both parties shall be given the opportunity to make any oral arguments. Either party may have someone present to provide assistance. The choice of assistant must be left to the individual parties involved, but the assistant must be a member of the SUNY Cortland community. and only persons directly affiliated with SUNY Cortland may be present, and only in their capacity as university community members. For purposes of this rule, alumni/ae are not considered members of the university community.
    Provision shall be made for other regular hearing procedures, e.g., calling and cross-examining witnesses, as found necessary by this Tribunal in its operation.
  3. Provision shall be made for other regular hearing procedures, e.g., calling and cross-examine witnesses, as deemed necessary by the tribunal.
  4. Potential sanctions for a violation of SUNY Cortland's policy on academic integrity include, but are not limited to: reduction of assignment grade, elimination of grade, reduction of course grade, failure for the course, probation, suspension, counseling, dismissal from the university or any combination of these sanctions. In those cases where the decision of either the AGT or the provost is for suspension or dismissal, a notation that the student has violated the policy on academic dishonesty shall be made on the official academic record of the student. The student may appeal to the provost to have the notation removed after one year.
  5. A student may appeal the decision and/or sanction of the AGT through the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Office within five working days after receiving official notification.

(See Section 340.03 for grounds for appeal).

340.05 Responsibility of Administration

Files of all adjudicated cases of academic dishonesty shall be established and maintained by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Office. These files do not constitute any part of a student's official academic record, but may be used to establish evidence of repeated offenses. However, records of a first cheating incident that results in probation, suspension, or dismissal from the university as well as records for all offenses subsequent to any first offense shall be placed in a student's official academic record. Files of adjudicated cases that were not placed in the student's official academic record shall be destroyed at the time of the student's graduation.

340.06 Responsibilities of Faculty

  1. Faculty members should model academic integrity for their students and engage them in a discussion of academic integrity in their work as students and scholars. Instances of academic dishonesty should be discussed along with SUNY Cortland's policy on academic integrity
  2. Faculty members should conduct all evaluative instruments in a manner that is conducive to maintaining academic integrity.

340.07 Responsibilities of Students

  1. Students are responsible for knowing the policy on academic integrity. Failure of a faculty member to remind a student of what constitutes academic integrity and academic dishonesty will not obviate this responsibility.
  2. Students should not provide opportunities for others to obstruct academic integrity.
  3. Students should inform a faculty member or member of the administration if any infringement of academic integrity takes place.

(Revised on May 7, 2004 and approved by President Bitterbaum on May 28, 2004; revised on June 4, 2018 and approved by President Bitterbaum July 2, 2018.)

Back to Chapter 340


Chapter 350: Academic Grievance System

350.01 Academic Grievance System

  1. For the purpose of this procedure, a grievance shall be a complaint against a faculty member or other instructor by a student of the following:
    1. A violation, misinterpretation or inequitable application of an academic rule, regulation, or policy of the university, school or department.
    2. Unfair or inequitable treatment by reason of any act or condition that is contrary to established policy or practice governing or affecting a present or former student of this university.
    3. Prejudiced, capricious or manifestly unjust academic evaluation.
  2. To facilitate this procedure the following general guidelines are provided:
    1. A grievance complaint must be initially presented within 15 working days of the act giving rise to the alleged grievance. Working days are exclusive of university holidays, intersession and summers.
    2. A grievance complaint must be initiated by the individual affected.
    3. Any present or former student may present a grievance complaint, subject to these guidelines.
    4. If any grievance complaint originates at the department level or higher, an informal settlement is to be attempted at that level with subsequent appeals to be made in accordance with the procedures outlined below.

350.02 Academic Grievance Procedures

A. The Department Level
  1. In the case of grievance a student has with an instructor, the student should attempt an informal settlement with the instructor. There may be instances when the student feels s/he needs to involve their advisor or department chair in a specific case.
  2. If no mutually satisfactory informal settlement can be reached with the instructor, then the student may file a written statement of their grievance with the chair of the department in which the grievance occurred. The department chair shall hold an informal meeting with the student and the instructor, and make a decision within five working days after that meeting.
  3. If either party is dissatisfied with the decision made by the department chair, it is the responsibility of the department chair to inform both parties of the next possible recourse, namely to appeal the decision to the dean of the school in which the department is located. Intent to appeal is to be filed, in writing, in the office of the school dean within 10 working days after receipt of the department chair's decision. If either party is dissatisfied with the decision made at the department level, a written grievance may be brought to the office of the dean of the school in which the grievance occurred within 10 days after receipt of the department chair's decision.
  4. If the grievance is initially with a department chair, then the student is to attempt an informal settlement with the department chair. If no mutually satisfactory decision can be reached, then the grievance is to be filed with the school dean as outlined above.
B. The School Level
  1. Upon receipt of an appeal from the department, the dean shall convene a special hearing for the case with all involved parties present, within 10 days of the written presentation of the grievance subject to the availability of the parties involved. There may be cases when it is mutually agreeable to both parties involved to have a less formalized settlement than a hearing such as this. If this is the case, the grievance will be handled in some other mutually acceptable manner. It shall be the responsibility of the dean to make these alternatives known to all parties involved in the case.  
  2. Either party involved in a grievance case may have someone (such as a student's advisor or a faculty member's or other instructor's colleague) present to provide him or her with assistance. Choice of assistance of this type is left to the individual parties involved, but the person chosen must be a member of the SUNY Cortland community. The hearing is an administrative procedure that involves the university community, and only persons directly affiliated with SUNY Cortland may be present, and only in their capacity as university community members. For purposes of this rule, alumni/ae are not considered members of the university community.
  3. After hearing all facts and opinions relevant to the case, the school dean shall make a decision regarding the specific grievance. S/he shall notify, in writing, all parties involved within five working days.
  4. A copy of the decision and all pertinent materials shall be kept on file in the respective dean's office for at least one year after the student has graduated or left school.
  5. It is the responsibility of the dean to inform all parties involved of the next step (should either of them be unhappy with the decision). In this case, the next step is to appeal to the Academic Grievance Tribunal.
C. The Academic Grievance Tribunal (AGT)
  1. Should either party be dissatisfied with the decision at the school level, the grievance shall next come before the Academic Grievance Tribunal.
  2. Notice of intent to appeal must be filed in the office of the AGT chair, within five working days after receipt of the decision of the school dean.
  3. In cases where an academic grievance does not fall within the scope of traditional departmental and/or school lines, grievance shall be initiated with the AGT.
  4. Procedures
    1. In all appeals, the grievant shall submit written arguments within 10 working days of the filing of their notice to appeal.
    2. A copy of said arguments shall be filed with the tribunal and a copy sent to the respondent. These materials are available in the office of the AGT chair to the tribunal members and to the designated assistants.
    3. The respondent then may file written arguments within 10 working days of receipt of the grievant's arguments, one copy of which is to be submitted to the tribunal and one copy to the grievant.
    4. Upon being notified by the AGT chair of a pending appeal, the school dean shall forward all records of their findings and recommendations, and the reasons for the decisions, to the tribunal.
    5. Within 10 working days after the receipt of any written arguments and of the records above, the senior staff assistant to the provost for academic affairs or such other person as the provost shall notify the parties of the time and place of the hearing, and shall designate a panel of tribunal members to serve at the hearing.
    6. At said hearing, both the grievant and the respondent shall be given the opportunity to make oral arguments expanding on their written arguments. Either party may again have someone present to provide assistance, as described above in Section B (3). The grievant and the respondent may each communicate with his/her respective assistant throughout the hearing. The tribunal panel shall insofar as practicable, follow the procedures set forth for other regular hearing procedures and other provisions as found necessary by this Tribunal in its operations. A tape-recording shall be made of all AGT hearings in Chapter 340 when hearing grievance matters in this chapter. An audio recording shall be made of all AGT hearings (establishing facts, but not of the AGT's deliberations) and the recordings maintained for at least one year following the student's departure from the university if the charges are sustained. If the charges are dismissed, the recording may be destroyed at that time.
    7. The tribunal shall then issue its recommendation as to whether the grievance should be upheld or denied, and shall forward that recommendation to the provost and vice president for academic affairs, together with all other pertinent materials gathered by this tribunal, within 10 working days of the hearing. All members of the AGT will sign the recommendation. Copies of the tribunal's recommendation and reasons shall also be sent to the grievant and respondent and the provost and vice president for academic affairs, who shall also receive all other pertinent materials gathered by the tribunal. Should the final decision of the provost and vice president for academic affairs be different from the tribunal's recommendation, copies of the provost and vice president's justification shall be sent to the grievant, the respondent and the tribunal within 10 working days of the receipt of the tribunal's recommendation. The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Office is responsible for seeing that the final decision is carried out.
    8. A copy of the provost's decision plus all pertinent materials from the Tribunal shall be kept on file in the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Office for at least one year after the student has graduated or left the university.
    9. A student may appeal the provost's decision and/or sanction through the President's Office once the provost has acted on the tribunal's recommendation within five working days after receiving official notification from the provost of their final decision. Grounds for appeal are limited to claims of bias, procedural infractions and/or new evidence. Final action on appeals will be taken by the president within 10 working days.

(Policy approved Feb. 5, 1973; amended Nov. 16, 1977. Revised and approved by the Faculty Senate, Jan. 26, 1993 and approved by President Clark, Jan. 29, 1993; Chapter 350.02C amended May 7, 2004 and approved by President Bitterbaum on May 28, 2004; revised June 4, 2018 and approved by President Bitterbaum July 2, 2018)

Back to Chapter 350


Chapter 360: SUNY Cortland Alcohol and Other Drug Policies

360.01 General Philosophy Regarding Alcohol Use

SUNY Cortland strives to create an academic and psychosocial environment conducive to the intellectual and personal development of its students and to the safety and well-being of all members of the university and surrounding community. This goal is reflected in the alcohol policies and procedures that follow. SUNY Cortland permits the use of alcoholic beverages on campus by those who are in compliance with the state law and who adhere to the guidelines established by the university. More than three-quarters of the student body are under the age of twenty-one, and the university prefers that they not be excluded from activities at which alcoholic beverages are available. Approved precautionary measures are to be taken to prevent alcoholic beverages from being dispensed to such persons.

SUNY Cortland maintains that choosing not to drink is as acceptable as choosing to drink. The university expects its citizens who drink to do so responsibly. Intoxication does not excuse misconduct or infringement upon the rights and property of others. Appropriate conduct action will be taken when consumption of alcohol results in disruptive behavior.

360.02 Policies and Procedures

1. The use of alcoholic beverages must be consistent with the laws of the State of New York. The Alcoholic Beverage Control Law, Section 65, as amended 1989:

  • Prohibits the sale of alcoholic beverages to any person under the age of 21;
  • Prohibits anyone from inducing the sale of alcoholic beverages for any person under the age of 21 by misrepresenting such person's age;
  • Prohibits the provision of and possession with intent to consume of alcoholic beverages to any person under the age of 21;
  • Prohibits anyone under the age of 21 from purchasing or attempting to purchase alcoholic beverages by fraudulent means. Attempting to obtain alcohol illegally by using a New York State driver's license risks suspension of said license.
  • Classifies as a Grade B misdemeanor subject to arrest and fine the act of any person, other than parent or guardian, who gives or sells alcoholic beverages to anyone under the age of 21.

2. The following actions constitute violations of SUNY Cortland policy:

  1. Behavior by an intoxicated person such that they become a disruption to the community.
  2. Consumption of alcoholic beverages:
    1. during intercollegiate athletic, intramural and sport club events.
    2. in any building or area of campus unless approved by the Alcohol Advisory Committee except as provided in 3a below.
  3. Failure to take reasonable measures to identify underage persons and to ensure that alcoholic beverages are not served to such persons.
  4. Failure to provide equally accessible nonalcoholic beverages whenever alcoholic beverages are available.
  5. Serving of alcoholic beverages to individuals who are or appear to be intoxicated.

3. Guidelines pertaining to the use of alcoholic beverages on campus and at university events.

  1. Individuals: Students living in campus residence halls who are 21 years or older shall be allowed to possess and consume alcoholic beverages in their rooms, in compliance with New York State law and consistent with other university regulations pertaining to possession and consumption.
    Students under the age of 21 shall not be allowed to possess, consume, distribute or be in the presence of alcoholic beverages.
    No alcoholic beverages shall be permitted in rooms of students where all residents are under the age of 21, even if a student 21 years of age or older is present. Only quantities and containers appropriate to individual consumption are permitted for private use by students of legal age. Although students are permitted to entertain friends in their rooms, residence halls are primarily intended for study and sleep and are not designed for loud, crowded parties. Students are responsible for behavior that occurs in their rooms. It will be assumed that the alcohol is contributing to the disorderly behavior and all alcoholic beverages will be immediately confiscated by university staff to be returned at some future date if the student is in compliance with State Law, but to be legally destroyed if the student is under the age of 21. Refusal to comply with a request to hand over alcoholic beverages under these conditions is a violation of university policy.
    The individual(s) hosting the disruptive or disorderly gathering in a room will be held responsible for the event and will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.
  2. University-wide:
    1. The university president will appoint an Alcohol Advisory Committee representing the entire university community. Campus events involving the serving of alcohol will be registered with the Alcohol Advisory Committee before the event occurs. Requests to hold on- or off-campus events that involve the serving of alcohol and include underage persons must be filed at least 30 days prior to the event and must receive written approval from the Alcohol Advisory Committee before the event occurs. The Alcohol Advisory Committee will monitor alcohol use at official university events and evaluate compliance with the alcohol policy.
    2. Registration should include the following information:
    (a) A description of the nature of the event.
    (b) The date, time and place and expected duration.
    (c) A description of the kinds and amounts of alcoholic drinks, food and nonalcoholic beverages to be provided.
    (d) A mechanism for ensuring that underage persons will not be served or given alcoholic beverages.
    (e) The name of the person with primary responsibility during the event.
    3. Publicity and promotion of university activities will exclude mention of alcoholic beverages.
    4. Events at which alcoholic beverages are being served may be terminated if the building administrator (or the designee), University Police, or the person having primary responsibility has reason to believe that the university policy is not being observed or that the situation is becoming uncontrollable.
    5. Prohibited alcoholic beverages may be confiscated and destroyed.
  3. In Corey Union:
    1. Corey Union is a “fully licensed premise.” The building must conform to all laws and regulations mandated by the State of New York Liquor Authorities. The licensee is SUNY Cortland Auxiliary Services. Cortland Auxiliary has sole rights to the purchase and sale of alcohol on the premises. Under state law, no one except Cortland Auxiliary may sell or redistribute alcohol in Corey Union. Prices for alcoholic beverages in Corey Union will approximate the prices elsewhere in the City of Cortland.
    2. Alcoholic beverages for private or closed parties must be purchased from Cortland Auxiliary for consumption in areas approved by the building administrator and the Alcohol Advisory Committee. All requests for the use of alcohol in Corey Union must be accompanied by the appropriate facilities request form (available in the Corey Union Business Office), and an alcohol use request form (available from the Cortland Auxiliary office). Events at which alcohol is being served may be terminated if the building administrator (or the designee), University Police, or the individual responsible for the event has reason to believe that the situation is becoming uncontrollable.
  4. At the William H. Parks Family Center for Environmental and Outdoor Education at Raquette Lake:
    Due to the remote location and higher prevalent risk involved in outdoor activities, alcohol is not permitted to be possessed or consumed by any student regardless of age while attending any programs operated at Raquette Lake.

360.03 Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention

The Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989 (Public Law 101-226)

Title XII of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1001 et. seq.) is amended by adding at the end a new section 1213 to read as follows:

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention

Sec. 1213.

(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no institution of higher education shall be eligible to receive funds or any other form of financial assistance under any federal program, including participation in any federally funded or guaranteed student loan program, unless it certifies to the secretary that it has adopted and has implemented a program to prevent the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol by students and employees that, at a minimum, includes
(1) the annual distribution to each student and employee of
(A) standards of conduct that clearly prohibit, at a minimum, the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees on its property or as part of any of its activities;
(B) a description of the applicable legal sanctions under local, state, or federal law for the unlawful possession or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol;
(C) a description of the health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol;
(D) a description of any drug or alcohol counseling, treatment, or rehabilitation or re-entry programs that are available to employees or students; and
(E) a clear statement that the institution will impose sanctions on students and employees (consistent with local, state and federal law), and a description of those sanctions, up to and including expulsion or termination of employment and referral for prosecution, for violations of the standards of conduct required by paragraph (1)(A); and

(2) a biennial review by the institution of its program to
(A) determine its effectiveness and implement changes to the program if they are needed; and
(B) ensure that the sanctions required by paragraph (1)(E) are consistently enforced.

(b) Each institution of higher education that provides the certification required by subsection (a) shall, upon request, make available to the secretary and to the public a copy of each item required by subsection (a)(1) as well as the results of the biennial review required by subsection (a)(2).

(c) (1) The Secretary shall publish regulations to implement and enforce the provisions of this section, including regulations that provide for
(A) the periodic review of a representative sample of programs required by subsection (a); and
(B) a range of responses and sanctions for institutions of higher education that fail to implement their programs or to consistently enforce their sanctions, including information and technical assistance, the development of a compliance agreement, and the termination of any form of Federal financial assistance.
(2) The sanctions required by subsection (a)(1)(E) may include the completion of an appropriate rehabilitation program.

(d) Upon determination by the Secretary to terminate financial assistance to any institution of higher education under this section, the institution may file an appeal with an administrative law judge before the expiration of the 30-day period beginning on the date such institution is notified of the decision to terminate financial assistance under this section. Such judge shall hold a hearing with respect to such termination of assistance before the expiration of the 45-day period beginning on the date that such appeal is filed. Such judge may extend such 45-day period upon a motion by the institution concerned. The decision of the judge with respect to such termination shall be considered to be a final agency action.

Effective Date

(A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B), the amendment made by paragraph (1) shall take effect on Oct. 1, 1990.

(B) The Secretary of Education may allow any institution of higher education until not later than April 1, 1991, to comply with section 1213 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (as added by paragraph (1)) if such institution demonstrates
(i) that it is in the process of developing and implementing its plan under such section; and
(ii) it has a legitimate need for more time to develop and implement such plan.

SUNY Cortland commits itself to educating its constituencies regarding alcohol consumption and its physiological, psychosocial and behavioral effects. Efforts will be made to identify the intrapersonal and interpersonal conditions that foster abusive drinking, and skill development workshops will be offered to assist students in coping with the academic, emotional and social pressures they face.

It is important to recognize that many college students have "negative" role models regarding the consumption of alcoholic beverages. The misuse and abuse of alcohol is prevalent in the U.S. On those occasions when alcohol is consumed by persons on campus, it is important that distinctions be made between "acceptable" and "unacceptable" alcohol-related behavior. Therefore, in addition to the regulatory policies and procedures, SUNY Cortland will conduct educational experiences designed to foster an environment in which people understand and respect the power of alcohol as an intoxicant and learn to use it with care and responsibility.

360.04 Problem Drinking

SUNY Cortland offers and supports individual or group counseling for all members of the university community whose alcohol consumption impairs their academic and/or job performance, creates significant interpersonal conflict, or contributes to damaging school or private property. SUNY Cortland students receive services through student affairs programs as well as referrals to off-campus services and the faculty/staff are served through employee assistance programs (EAP).

Students with drug problems or dependencies will be encouraged to seek professional assistance through the Counseling Center or Student Health Service, which may then refer them to approved rehabilitation programs or private resources. Employees with drug problems or dependencies will be encouraged to seek professional assistance through EAP, which can refer them to approved rehabilitation programs or private resources. The university shall consider conferences with resource persons privileged and confidential, subject to the standards established by the medical and psychological professions within the limits of state and federal laws.

360.05 Other Drugs

  1. The illegal possession and/or use of cannabis, barbiturates, amphetamines, hallucinogenic compounds, narcotics and other controlled substances is in violation of federal and state law. SUNY Cortland will not protect members of the university community from prosecution under the law. Providing information (about the possession, sale, or use of controlled substances) to law enforcement agencies is left completely to the discretion of the individual student, faculty, staff member or administrator. Decisions of this nature are a matter of conscience and individuals making the decision to provide such information can do so with the assurance that they will be supported by the university. In the event that an official investigation occurs, the persons involved will be advised of their rights under the law. Legal counsel will not be provided by the university. SUNY Cortland expects that individuals who choose to possess, sell or use controlled substances must be prepared to accept complete responsibility for their actions.
  2. SUNY Cortland has an obligation to provide its members with information on the medical, psychological and legal consequences of the use of controlled substances. In addition to formal presentations and informal discussions, audiovisual and printed material will be utilized to accomplish this task.
  3. Persons with drug problems or dependencies will be encouraged to seek professional assistance through the Counseling Center, Student Health Service, approved rehabilitation programs or private sources. The university shall consider conferences with resource persons privileged and confidential, subject to the standards established by the medical and psychological professions within the limits of state and federal laws.

(Approved by the College Council, May 14, 1983; revised May 1986 and again in May 1990)

Back to Chapter 360


Chapter 370: Policy on Students with HIV Disease

Statement of Policy

The campus response to persons with HIV disease or HIV disease-related conditions will be determined on a case-by-case basis. University officials will analyze and respond to each case as required by its own particular facts.

There will be no additional information requested on the medical history/physical examination form required of students before enrollment.

Consideration of the existence of HIV disease, ARC or a positive HIV-III antibody test will not be part of the initial admission decision for those applying to attend this institution.

Decisions about residential housing of students with HIV disease, ARC or a positive HIV-III antibody test will be made on a case-by-case basis using the best currently available medical information.

Guidelines concerning the handling of confidential medical information about students with HIV disease, ARC or positive HIV-III antibody test will follow the general standards established by the New York State Department of Health and the general standards included in the American College Health Association's Recommended Standards and Practices for a College Health Program.

Additional information on this policy is available from the Vice President for Student Affairs Office and the Human Resources Office.


Chapter 380: State University Housing Policies

380.01 Rules and Regulations

Failure to comply with the following policy statements is a violation of SUNY Cortland policy and any student who is guilty of violating any of these regulations or who fails to pay any fee or assessment as required shall be subject to such appropriate disciplinary action as may be deemed necessary by the chief administrative officer of the unit at which the student is in attendance.

  1. The housing of any student in any university-operated building is conditioned upon his/her continued attendance in good standing as a student of SUNY Cortland, the payment of all tuition, fees, charges and assessments that are imposed, as well as compliance with the rules and regulations of this code. It is also understood that students must comply with any and all published housing and residence regulations.
  2. Each student assigned housing in university-operated buildings will be held responsible for any damage to his/her assigned room or quarters; to the furniture, fixtures, equipment and effects contained therein; and for any damage caused by him/her to any other part of the premises or attendant facilities.
  3. In the event that two or more students occupy the same room or quarters, and it cannot be determined which student is responsible for damages, assessments will be made against both or all equally.
  4. Each student has the responsibility to report immediately the need for repairs to his/her room or quarters, furniture, fixtures, equipment and effects contained therein.
  5. All students when on university property and residential premises shall conduct themselves in an orderly manner and shall take care to see that no damage, defacement or other injury is caused to such property; ordinary wear and tear excepted.

(NOTE: Please refer to the room and board license and Key to Residence Hall Living for specific information regarding violations of residence life and housing policies.)

380.02 Responsibility for Room and Contents

  1. When students commence residence in a room or quarters in university-operated housing, inspection of the existing condition will be noted on a Room Condition Report and the students shall be required to sign this form.
  2. The Room Condition Report shall include items that have been assigned to an individual and for which she or he will be held responsible as an individual. It will also include suite lounges and other public areas that have been assigned to roommates or suitemates and for which they are collectively responsible.
  3. Upon termination of the students' residency, a second inspection of the room or quarters will be made and all items of damage not previously noted will be recorded, evaluated and assessed against the students who occupy the room or quarters accordingly.

380.03 Administration of Housing

The chief administrative officer of each institution shall have the power and duty of administering these rules and regulations and is hereby authorized to adopt such additional rules and regulations as in his/her opinion may be necessary for such purpose, not inconsistent herewith, subject to the prior approval thereof by, and the filing of such regulations with, the chancellor of the State University.

380.04 Chief Administrative Officers Authorized to Make Rules and Regulations for Student Housing

  1. Subject to these regulations the chief administrative officer of each state-operated unit of the University is hereby authorized to make and administer rules and regulations for student housing that may:
    1. Prescribe the extent to which students in full-time attendance, other than married students or students residing with a parent or parents, shall be required to live in university-operated housing operated by such unit, and
    2. Provide the procedure for obtaining the permission of such chief administrative officer or such other officer or officers as s/he may designate to live off-campus.
  2. In making such rules and regulations each chief administrative officer shall give consideration to the extent to which housing is available and utilized in university-operated housing, to the availability and suitability, with respect to health, safety, and supervision, of off-campus housing and to provide for individual cases under special circumstances.

380.05 Residence in University-Operated Housing or Approved Housing

Every student in full-time attendance at a state-operated unit of SUNY, other than married students or students residing with a parent or parents, shall be required to live in university-operated housing maintained and operated by such unit or to have permission under such provisions as may be made therefore by the chief administrative officer of such unit to live off-campus.

380.06 Approval of Off-Campus Housing

The university does not inspect or supervise private off-campus housing facilities. SUNY Cortland is not a party to any lease or contract between a student and an operator of private housing facilities.

380.07 Limitations on Separate Programs for Ethnic Minority Group Students 

Compliance requirements of Title VI and the Civil Rights Act of 1964:

A. Separate Housing for Students Based on Race

All housing that is owned, operated or supported by the institution or a public agency must be available to all students without regard to race, ethnicity or national origin and assignment to such housing must be made in a nondiscriminatory manner.

B. Separate Social Activity Space

Where the institution donates or otherwise makes available institution-owned facilities or land for student use or activities or where it provides funds or other financial assistance to acquire or operate facilities for such activities, it must be assured that the activities are to be operated without discrimination based on race, ethnicity or national origin.

C. Separate Colleges, Schools or Institutions

Every service and benefit offered by the institution to students must be open and available to all students without regard to race, ethnicity or national origin. (Dept. HEW, March 1969)

380.08 Guest Room Use Policy

SUNY Cortland provides limited guest accommodations for official guests of university departments, student clubs, the student activities board, the Student Government Association, Cortland Auxiliary and Greek field representatives. University associates who have retired, transferred or resigned from service are also permitted to use the guest accommodations for one to two nights provided a current member of the faculty/staff assumes the role of host/hostess.

Accommodations are also available for parents or immediate family of students involved in emergency or crisis situations and for campus personnel during a time of campus or community emergency.

Long-term use of guest accommodations is subject to approval:
  • Four to six days — director of residence life and housing
  • Seven to 14 days — vice president for student affairs
  • More than 14 days — President's Cabinet

Information regarding charges and reservations can be secured through the Residence Life and Housing Office.
(Approved by President Clark Jan. 30, 1990)

380.09 Current Local Address, Local Phone Number and Valid Email Address

In order to effectively communicate with all members of the SUNY Cortland community, the university requires students to register a current local address and local phone number and check their assigned Cortland email on a frequent and consistent basis. This information is required in order for students to complete any registration functions. Any changes in local directory information must be submitted within two weeks. Local directory changes may be submitted directly to Student Registration and Records Services or online through myRedDragon.

Back to Chapter 380


Chapter 390: SUNY Cortland Recognition of Fraternities and Sororities

390.01 Recognition of Fraternities and Sororities

Fraternity and sorority colonies/chapters of a national or local organization will be held responsible for positive contributions to SUNY Cortland's primary educational mission, and therefore, are under an obligation to encourage the most complete personal development of their members, intellectually and socially.

Effective May 1, 1988, only nationally affiliated sororities/fraternities may colonize at SUNY Cortland. Recognition information, procedures and guidance can be obtained through the Campus Activities and Corey Union Office. The vice president for student affairs has the right to revoke university recognition if the fraternity or sorority fails to comply with any of the recognition guidelines.

(Approved by College Council May 14, 1988)

390.02 GPA Requirements

No non-transfer student shall be eligible to join a recognized Greek fraternity or sorority until that student has earned at least 12 credit hours at Cortland, and earned a cumulative  grade point average of 2.0 or better. Verification is to be done by the Campus Activities and Corey Union Office. SUNY Cortland will honor any higher cumulative grade point average requirement that a recognized fraternal organization may have as a requirement for membership consideration. Any recognized Greek organization failing to comply with the above stipulation shall be suspended for a minimum of one year, and any recognized Greek organization failing to submit full required information on this matter shall also be suspended for one year.

390.03 Incoming Transfer Policy

Incoming transfer students must have successfully completed at least 24 post-high school credit hours and have at least a 2.50 cumulative grade point average. Proof must be submitted to the Campus Activities and Corey Union Office.

  • Unofficial copies of transcripts from all colleges attended are acceptable and must show student name, college name(s), cumulative grade point average and number of completed credit hours.
  • Transcripts are to be submitted electronically to the school's Greek Advisor via email for verification.

390.04 Affiliation with Banned and/or Underground Groups

SUNY Cortland students are prohibited from joining or affiliating with any groups that have been permanently banned by the university. This also applies to any underground group. For this purpose, affiliation is defined as joining, rushing, pledging or being involved in any activity that would normally be associated with being a member of the group. In addition, residing in facilities that are owned or controlled by these groups is considered affiliation. This policy is effective May 3, 2000, meaning that any students who were affiliated with groups banned by SUNY Cortland prior to that date will not be considered in violation of this policy.