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Capital Equipment Policy

Capital equipment is tangible property having an acquisition value of $5,000 or more and a useful life expectancy of one year or more. Fabricated equipment and component systems, which have an aggregate costs of $5,000 or more and useful life expectancies of one year or more, are considered capital equipment.

Non-Capital equipment is property that costs less than $5,000 or has a useful life of less than one year. Repairs, maintenance parts or components, warranty costs, maintenance contracts or annual software licensing fees are not considered capital equipment and will be expensed.


Support proper financial planning, budgeting, and reporting.

Property Control Manager

The Property Control Manager manages the maintenance of the capital equipment inventory. This includes adding capital equipment, updating records, and removing assets within the capital equipment management system.

Capital Equipment Custodian

Capital equipment custodians act as a liaison between Property Control and their unit for capital equipment purposes. Custodians have the following responsibilities:

  • Support Property Control by publicizing, monitoring and enforcing capital equipment policies and procedures at the unit level.
  • Assist Property Control with recording and all edits to their unit’s new capital equipment in a manner that works best for their unit.

View the 2023 Fiscal Year approved capital equipment list.

You must submit the New Capital Equipment Purchase Information Form prior to your Red Dragon Depot purchase order when purchasing new capital equipment.

If you have been approved for purchasing equipment, the following purchasing guidelines will assist you in moving forward with procuring your new equipment.

Preferred Sources

Check to see if the commodity/service is available through any of the Preferred Sources or state contracts (in that order) first before obtaining quotes elsewhere.

Open Market Purchases - Competition Price Ranges

The requirements for seeking competition set by the State of New York applies to all State Agencies and become stricter as dollar value increases. 

Dollar Limits


  1. Prices must be certified as reasonable and representing best value; normally competition is the best technique.
  2. For purchases above $2,500, written documentation should be maintained by the campus to support the selection of the vendor.  A minimum of (3) informal quotes should be obtained along with a completed Reasonableness of Price Check List to be included with order documentation.
  3. Post-audit by the Office of the State Comptroller.
  4. *Purchases over $25,000 may be subject to MWBE/SDVOB utilization goals (see below).


  1. Minimum (3) informal quotes or proposals required from responsible vendors. (A formal process is optional.)
  2. Contract Reporter notice (minimum (15) business days advance notice prior to award)
  3. Post-audit by the Office of the State Comptroller (OSC).

* Minority, Women and Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Businesses

Pursuant to New York State Executive Law Article 15-A and 17-B, SUNY recognizes its obligation under the law to promote opportunities for maximum feasible participation of both New York State certified minority- and women-owned business enterprises and Service Disabled Veteran Owned Businesses. The intent of the program is to encourage and assist in developing business relationships between prime contractors and MWBE/SDVOB subcontractors and suppliers.  All purchases $25,000 and over will need to be reviewed by Briana Teele to determine if M/WBE and SDVOB goals apply.


  • The Resource Request System form is located in myRedDragon under the Faculty/Staff tab listed under the myRedDragon Resources section.

If you need assistance with the bidding process or need to post an ad in the New York State Contract Reporter please contact the Purchasing and Accounts Payable Office at ext. 2305.