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Travel and NET Card Guidelines

The State of New York has a Corporate Travel Card Program to provide employees with a mechanism to pay for travel expenses.

Travel Card Program (T-Card)

The Travel Card is generally available to all State employees who are expected to travel using State funds at least once a year as part of their job. Only the Cardholder's NYS-State funded travel expenses are allowed on their card.

A Traveler may not use this card to pay for anyone else's expenses.

Travel Card Usage

The Travel Card Program is intended to reduce the amount of employee out-of-pocket expenses when traveling on behalf of SUNY System Administration.

The Travel Card Program is a privilege and will be monitored by the Travel/NET Card Administrator to ensure all purchases meet approved guidelines.

Travel Card privileges may be revoked for cardholders who utilize the card for unapproved expenditures.

Allowable Uses

Allowable use of the Travel Card includes costs for:

  • Airfare/Train
  • Lodging
  • Registrations (when in travel status or p-card can also be used)
  • Taxis/Parking
  • Rental vehicles (using NYS contracts when available)
  • Miscellaneous expenses while in travel status (supporting documentation of business purpose must be provided)

Non-Allowable Uses

The Travel Card should not be used for:

  • Gas for personal vehicle
  • Meals
  • Food expenses for staff, meetings, and/or retreats
  • Personal use of any kind
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Incidentals on hotel bill (i.e. gym/spa charges, movie rentals)
  • Cash advances

Claiming Meal Per Diem on a Travel Voucher

Meals may be reimbursed on a travel voucher on a per diem basis. If meals are provided or paid by another source related to the scheduled event, the traveler will not be reimbursed.

Travel Card privileges may be revoked for cardholders who utilize the card for unapproved expenditures.

Reconciling Travel Card

  • ALL charges on the Travel Card must be supported by a Travel VoucherState Travel Card Log, and Travel Authorization Form.
  • The Travel Card billing period ends around the 22nd of each month.
  • Original receipts for all items charged on the Travel Card must be submitted to the Purchasing and Accounts Payable Office with a corresponding Travel Voucher (AC132) and Travel Card Log for each trip, within two (2) weeks of receiving card statement.
    • This process helps to ensure there is no duplicate payment of expenses and all expenses related to one trip are accounted for.
    • Repeated offenses of missing receipts may result in your card privileges being revoked.
  • As part of the monthly reconciliation and travel voucher submission, any charges that are unable to be offset against OSC/SUNY allowable costs/expenses must be paid back to SUNY Cortland via check.
    • The check should be made payable to "SUNY Cortland" and sent to the Purchasing and Accounts Payable Office with the Travel Voucher & State Travel Card Reconciliation Form for that trip.

Lost or Stolen Card

  • If your Travel Card is lost or stolen, you must immediately notify JP Morgan Chase and the Travel/NET Card Administrator at ext. 2306.

Travel Card Inactivity

  • If there is no activity on a card for 18 month or more, the cardholders credit limit will be reduced to $1.00.
    • This limits the University's liability while avoiding premature cancellation of cards.
    • The cardholder will be notified via email of credit limit reduction.
  • Cardholder must notify the Purchasing and Accounts Payable Office prior to card usage for credit limit increases.
  • Any card inactive for 24 months will be canceled. Cardholder will be notified via email to immediately destroy the Travel Card.
  • It is the responsibility of the cardholder and/or their supervisor to promptly notify the Purchasing and Accounts Payable Office when there is a change in cardholder information, if card is lost or stolen, or when the Travel Card is no longer needed.
  • SUNY may change the terms and conditions or its policies and procedures concerning use of this corporate travel card at any time and cardholder must comply with these changes.

Non-Employee Travel (NET) Program

A NET card is an individualized (embossed) card that will be used for non-employee state travel expenses only. The card must be embossed with the name of the state employee responsible for reconciling the card. Some uses of this type of card include:

  • Student travel expenses (including athletic team travel)
  • Travel for potential candidate for employment

Applications should be submitted through the Purchasing & Accounts Payable Office.

NET Card Usage

This Non-Employee Travel Card Program (NET Card) is intended to reduce the amount of students and visitors out-of-pocket expenses when traveling on behalf of the State.

The NET Card program is a privilege and will be monitored by the Travel/NET Card Administrator to ensure all purchases meet approved guidelines. You are being entrusted with a valuable tool – the NET Card – which is to be used for non-employee business travel expenses only when the traveler is in ‘Travel Status.’

Use of the card creates a financial commitment on behalf of the State University; therefore, you must strive to obtain best value for the University by following established travel policies and guidelines as appropriate.

Allowable Uses

Allowable use of the NET Card includes costs for:

  • Transportation; such as rental car, taxi, airfare, or train
  • Lodging
  • Meals
  • Registration/Conference fees
  • Parking
  • Fuel for rental car
  • Telephone Charges (related to official State business)
  • Candidate meals or recruitment meals

Non-Allowable Uses

The NET Card should not be used for:

  • Fuel for personal vehicle
  • Food expenses for staff meetings and retreats
  • Personal use of any kind
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Incidentals on hotel bill (gym/spa charges, and movie rentals)
  • Cash advances
  • Gift Cards

NET Card privileges may be revoked for cardholders who utilize the card for unapproved expenditures. 

Reconciling NET Card

  • ALL charges on the NET Card must be supported by a NET Log.
    • The NET Card billing period ends around the 5th of each month.
    • Original receipts for all items charged on the NET Card must be submitted to the Purchasing and Accounts Payable Office with a corresponding Travel Card Log within two (2) weeks of receiving card statement.
    • Repeated offenses of missing receipts may result in your card privileges being revoked.
    • As part of the monthly reconciliation, any charges that are unable to be offset against OSC/SUNY allowable costs/expenses must be paid back to SUNY Cortland via check.


For the Travel & NET Card applications, you will be prompted for your "Employee ID" under "Applicant Information", which is your NYS ID ("N" Number).  This can be found in the HR Services/TAS (Time and Attendance) portal to the top right of the screen (under your SUNY number).

Screenshot of HR Services/TAS (Time and Attendance) portal showing Employee ID number in the top right of the screen

Please contact the Travel/NET Card Administrator at ext. 2306 with any questions.