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Community Policing

Community based policing is the foundation for successful law enforcement at SUNY Cortland. It involves developing long lasting
relationships to improve the safety and quality of life in our community. This is accomplished through open communication and a focused partnership between the police department and the students/communities we serve.

Community Policing Programs

  • The University Police and the Residence Life and Housing Office work closely throughout the year to provide programs in the residence halls for students. This allows students to have positive interactions with their police department from the comfort of their own residence hall. Topics include alcohol awareness, personal safety and panel discussions. The goal of this program is to help students be successful while attending SUNY Cortland.
  • Civilian Ride-Along Program- Community members have the opportunity to ride along with an officer on routine patrol to gain first-hand knowledge of police procedures and operations. The ride-along must be prearranged and approved by the University Police Department.

  • Meet the University Police- This program highlights the role of campus law enforcement at SUNY Cortland. Meet one of the community policing officers who will discuss the professional role that your University Police officers play on campus.

  • Coffee With a Cop- Building relationships. One cup at a time. Coffee with a Cop brings police officers and the community they serve together, over coffee, to discuss topics and learn more about each other.

  • Fatal Vision Program- The University Police provides the "Fatal Vision Program" as an educational program for the entire campus community. The guiding principle of this program is to demonstrate how quickly impairment can turn into potentially devastating consequences for anyone who drives while impaired by alcohol or other drugs.

  • Operation Lockout Program- This program was developed as an anti-theft program in the residence halls. The program shows the students how to take simple steps to prevent theft and enhance their safety.

  • University Police Pamphlets: Together for a Safer Campus - Staying Safe on Campus - Fraud & Identity Theft

  • Social Media- The University Police uses social media to connect with members of the community and provide relevant information. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram!

  • Every year, the University Police tries to find ways to give back to the community, regularly participating in a number of programs including Shop With a Cop, Toys for Tots, Trick or Treat with UPD, Dragon-Fest, LGBTQIA Pride Picnic, Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run, Adopt-a-Street Trash Pickup, National Night Out, Special Olympics Cops on Top with Dunkin and Coffee With a Cop.

Please contact our Community Policing Team to set up a program in your residence hall.
Email Lt. Jason Welch at or call 607-753-2112