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Faculty and Staff Activities

Timothy J. Baroni

Timothy J. Baroni, Biological Sciences Department, had three peer-reviewed papers published recently. The first, titled “Towards a better understanding of Tetrapyrgos (Basidiomycota, Agaricales: New species, type studies, and phylogenetic inferences)” was published in late 2015 in Phytotaxa. It was co-authored by Amy Honan and Dennis Desjardin of San Francisco State University, and Brian Perry, California State University East Bay. One of the new species came from Baroni’s National Science Foundation (NSF) funded biodiversity work in the Greater Antilles, from the island of Puerto Rico. Two more recent papers came out in mid 2016, one with co-authors Juan Luis Mata, University of South Alabama, Clark Ovrebo, University of Central Oklahoma, and Karen Hughes, University of Tennessee. “New Species of Neotropical Rhodocollybia” was published in Mycotaxon. The new species were discovered during Baroni’s NSF-funded work in the Dominican Republic. The article “Rhodocybe tugrulii (Agaricales, Entolomataceae), a New Species from Turkey and Estonia Based on Morphological and Molecular Data, and a New Combination in Clitocella (Entolomataceae)” was published in Phytotaxa. It was co-authored with Alfredo Vizzini, University of Turin, Italy, Ertugrul Sesli, Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey, Vladimír Antonín, Moravian Museum, Czech Republic, and Irja Saar, University of Tartu, Estonia. Baroni was invited to contribute to the research on this new taxon because of his numerous publications on Rhodocybe globally and because he was a co-author of the newly erected genus Clitocella, now being recognized by fungal systematists.

Richard Hunter

Richard Hunter, Geography Department, spoke at a colloquium hosted by the Department of Geography at National Taiwan University in Taipei on Jan. 3. His presentation focused on his use of Geographic Information Systems to better understand the causes of historical environmental change in Mexico's tropical highlands.

Robert Spitzer

Robert Spitzer, Political Science Department, is the author of the recently published sixth edition of his book, The Politics of Gun Control. First published 20 years ago, the book has become the standard source for information on the historical and modern gun debate. The new edition, published by Paradigm, has expanded treatment of subjects including the spread of the concealed handgun carry movement on college campuses, the political effects of the 2012 Sandy Hook elementary school shooting, stand your ground self-defense laws and recent studies on the causes and consequences of gun violence.

Lin Lin and Krystal Barber

Lin Lin and Krystal Barber, Childhood/Early Childhood Education Department, had their paper titled “Tapping Into the Potential of Student Engagement With Universal Design for Learning in Pedagogical Courses” published on Excelsior: Leadership in Teaching and Learning 2022. 

Adem Kaya and Mark Dodds

Adem Kaya, Physical Education Department, and Mark Dodds, Sport Management Department, attended the Forum for Reviving Traditional Sport, held in February in Antalya, Turkey. This event featured 192 delegates from 56 countries discussing traditional sport, culture, events and history.

Thomas Lickona

Thomas Lickona, Center for the 4th and 5th Rs, had his Narnian Virtues project featured in the May 6 issue of the online magazine, MercatorNet. The project is directed by Mark Pike, professor of education at England’s University of Leeds, and investigates “how to use the Narnia novels to help children understand and value the virtues, enact them in their own lives and curb opposing bad habits. At the heart of this project has been a partnership with parents—asking them to talk about the virtues with their children in the flow of family life and to promote their practice in everyday interactions.” 

Jack Carr

Jack Carr, Communication and Media Studies Department, recently directed a short film, “Quota System,” for The Players of Utica, concerning an example of the (in)justice of the U. S. legal system along lines of race and gender. His play “Maintenance,” written with Matthew B. Steele, has won First Prize for Drama at the Community Arts Challenge sponsored by Cortland Arts Council and the Center for the Arts of Homer.  

Robert Spitzer

Robert Spitzer, Political Science Department, is the author of the chapter “Gun Control” for the just-published Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics, published by Elsevier. 

Susan Peterson

Susan Peterson, Modern Languages Department, will have her students’ work published in the November issue of NeoVox. Students who took Spanish 202 last spring studied terminology associated with the environment, and NeoVox Project Director Lorraine Berry challenged the group with her spring topic of greed. Students wrote short pieces about the element of greed and its role in the destruction of the environment. “I congratulate my students on their work and am grateful for the opportunity presented by Berry to apply second language skills for this application,” said Peterson.

Irena Vincent and Mary Emm

Irena Vincent and Mary Emm, Communication Disorders and Sciences Department, presented “Above the Roar of the Crowd: Athletic Coaches and Their Voice” at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association national convention in Philadelphia, Pa.