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Faculty and Staff Activities

Robert Ponterio

Robert Ponterio, Modern Languages Department, along with professor emeritus of Spanish Jean LeLoup, US Air Force Academy, and Mark Warford, Buffalo State College, presented a two-hour workshop/symposium at the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) Seventh International Conference on Language Teacher Education. They presented “Code-Switching, Cognitions and Communities: Promoting more teacher use of L2,” and specifically addressed implications for teacher training, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages’ (ACTFL)/National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) standards and implementation at the department level, as well as providing concrete examples of lessons representing strategies for achieving this goal in the high school and college classroom. The symposium, held May 20 in Minneapolis, Minn., presented the research base supporting 90-100 percent of target language use in language classes at all levels as recommended in ACTFL’s position paper.

Moyi Jia

Moyi Jia, Communication and Media Studies Department, co-authored an article titled “Information and Communication Technology, Uncertainty Reduction, and Dual Identification in Chinese Organizations,” that was published in the Journal of International & Interdisciplinary Business Research. Co-author is Ran Ju of Mount Royal University in Canada.

Peter M. McGinnis

Peter M. McGinnis, Distinguished Service Professor of Kinesiology, had the 4th edition of his textbook, Biomechanics of Sport and Exercise,translated to Japanese. The book was published by Medical Sciences International, Ltd. in Tokyo. Counting this translation and those of previous editions, the book has now been translated into six different languages.  

Kati Ahern

Kati Ahern, English Department, co-authored a response article called “Listening to New Voices: Silence, Repair, Hybridity.” It was published in June in a special issue for the International Journal of Listening on the topic of “Listening in Unusual Ways in Unusual Spaces.”

Jeremy Jimenez

Jeremy Jimenez, Foundations and Social Advocacy Department, was invited to present at a Presidential Panel session at the Comparative and International Education Society annual conference on Education for Planetary Sustainability. It was held in February in Washington, D.C.

Robert Spitzer

Robert Spitzer, Political Science Department, has been informed that his article, “Gun Law, Policy, and Politics,” has been accepted for publication in a future issue of the journal Government Law and Policy Journal.

Mark Dodds

Mark Dodds, Sport Management Department, made two presentations at the Sport Marketing Association Conference held Nov. 2-4 in Indianapolis, Ind. Also, he co-presented “Corruption’s impact on sport marketing: The case of EA Sports and Ticketmaster’s powerplay against Stubhub.”  

Denise D. Knight

Denise D. Knight, English Department, has had her monograph, “‘what our union once was’: Newly Recovered Letters from Charlotte Perkins Gilman to Martha Luther Lane,” published in the Fall 2021 issue of American Literary Realism.


Robert Spitzer

Robert Spitzer, Political Science Department, was invited to submit testimony to the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Human Rights, for a hearing on “‘Stand Your Ground’ Laws: Civil Rights and Public Safety Implications of the Expanded Use of Deadly Force,” held in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 17. The hearing was chaired by Subcommittee Chair Dick Durbin.

Ray Cotrufo and Justin Lovich

Ray Cotrufo and Justin Lovich, Sport Management Department, each successfully defended their dissertations and earned their Ph.Ds. Cotrufo’s topic was “Examining the Influence of Ethical and Authentic Leadership Behaviors of NCAA Division I Athletic Directors.” Lovich’s dissertation was titled, “‘Unprecedented’: A Study of the National Football League’s Regulation of Labor through Punishment.”