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Faculty and Staff Activities

Emily Quinlan and Susan Stiner

Emily Quinlan and Susan Stiner, Advisement and Transition, attended the Western New York Advising Conference on Feb. 15 in Niagara Falls, N.Y. They presented “A Comprehensive Approach to Advising the Undecided Studentto a full room of approximately 50 conference attendees. The conference theme was “The Evolving Students: Strategies and Trends in Advising.”

Moyi Jia

Moyi Jia, Communication Studies Department, had her research paper accepted for presentation at the67th Annual Convention of International Communication Association to be held May 25-29 in San Diego, Calif. Her paper is titled “Exploring the effect of teacher social support on students’ positive/negative emotions and learning engagement: A U.S.-Chinese classroom investigation.”


Gregg Weatherby

Gregg Weatherby, English Department, has had some of his poetry nominated for a Pushcart Award. The poems were nominated by Coco Harris, editor of IMPACTAn anthology of short memoirs. The poems are also in his upcoming book Approaching Home, from Finishing Line Press.

Cynthia Guy

Cynthia Guy, Community Innovation Coordinator with the Institute for Civic Engagement, has secured a grant for $1,000 from the ADP/TDC Economic Inequality Initiative Advisory Council on behalf of the Economic Inequality Initiative: Pathways to Opportunity in Cortland County, to conduct a Community State of Poverty Simulation.

Stephen Halebsky

Stephen Halebsky, Sociology/Anthropology Department, wrote the chapter on “Big Box Stores” for the recently published The Routledge Companion to the History of Retailing. His contribution had been solicited by the editors.

Bryan Thomas

Bryan Thomas, Art and Art History Department, had his work accepted for the “Made in New York 2012” exhibition opening on Saturday, March 31, in Auburn, N.Y. His selected sculpture is a reflection on current events in Afghanistan, made of “knitted” plastic army men in the form of a child’s quilt. His work is one of 74 selected entries from a total of 549 by 294 regional artists. The annual exhibition was juried by Richard Kegler and Sydney Waller. The opening reception is from 3-5 p.m. on March 31 at the Schweinfurth Memorial Art Gallery, 205 Genesee St., Auburn.

Lin Lin, Margaret Gichuru and Mechthild Nagel

Lin Lin and Margaret Gichuru, Childhood/Early Childhood Education Department, and Mechthild Nagel, Philosophy and Africana Studies departments, made a synchronous presentation “Teaching Philosophy to Children in the Time of the Pandemic” at the Fall 2021 NYACTE-NYSATE Conference sponsored by the New York Association of Colleges for Teacher Education and the New York State Association of Teacher Educators.

Melissa Morris and student Matthew Metcalf

Melissa Morris, Physics Department, and coauthors, including SUNY Cortland undergraduate Matthew Metcalf, had their paper, “Thermal History of CBb Chondrules and Cooling Rate Distributions of Ejecta Plumes,” accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letters.

Tadayuki Suzuki

Tadayuki Suzuki, Literacy Department, presented “A Visit with Princess Boy, Jazz, Kyle, Morris and Jacob: Analyzing Recent Picture Books with Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Character” at the National Council of Teachers of English, held Nov. 16 in Houston, Texas.

Gregg Weatherby

Gregg Weatherby, English Department, will be one of two featured poets in the second issue of Home Planet News Online.